/carib/ ACT 28

ITT: we discuss the Caribbean region and all the mysteries that it entails. Tourists are welcome (except Venezuelans).

Also 2018 irl meetup will NOT be in Cuba.

Other urls found in this thread:


St.Marteen maybe?

Let's have the meet up in Germany

Then post suggestions.

That would be nice, I don't have to get a visa for Germany

I like St Maarten.

I don't want to get run over by a truck senpai.

I'm glad you asked, St Maarten sounds good, Trinidad, Florida, Bogota city, or maybe even PR or San Dom.

Wouldn't getting there be a pin in the ass for you?

Why not Nassau?
Wouldn't it be a shorter flight for most, compared to Miami?

French or Dutch side? Feel kind of iffy about Bogotá and Dominicaanse Republiek.


nonce twat

Nassau sounds great too.

Both sides are pretty much the same. Bogota is super safe if you avoid the ghetto obviously, and I'm with you on the DR too.

For the other Puerto Rican user (the one with the ex dutch gf), the Paleo diet is basically a diet without wheat/dairy based products. How we ate during the paleolithic period.

A girl under 18 (who in my eyes is ugly) started to send whatsapps everyday from the time I last saw at a mutual friends house, she finely stopped.

>post more trish



San Juan, Puerto Rico
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Why the fuck not?

Do able I guess

Sint Maarten then?

How safe is DR outside of the resorts?

Changed my mind.

>How safe is DR outside of the resorts?

Depends, I would recommend we stay near the area of the capital.

Oh well, I guess we have quite some time to hammer out a plan

#crabmeetup@port-au-prince )))

get them tickets ready for 2k18! )

>the Paleo diet is basically a diet without wheat/dairy based products. How we ate during the paleolithic period.

I see. Is there something else specific you have to do?

>A girl under 18 (who in my eyes is ugly) started to send whatsapps everyday from the time I last saw at a mutual friends house, she finely stopped.

a-are you by any chance a fan of the good ol rasslin?



>5/9 are crab countries

You also are not supposed to eat Beans or Corn

Yeah, no.

Good morning, Ivan. Ready to sail?

You should know Ivan that rum is not like Vodka

SVG wanted to do it too but the proposal got shot down

Good morning!
Yah, always ready. I'm obsessed with naval/piracy thematic since childhood when i read Odyssey of Captain Blood. Great book!
Yup, i know. Especially that one which is not filtered (it's a classic version). But that have a soul.

that sucks.

Do all russian love rum? my dad had an university friend from your cunt and he loved rum a bit too much.

>SVG wanted to do it too but the proposal got shot down

Pretty much. But usualy people prefer to mix with someting (cola, for example).

You trying to get us all ransomed ?
Haiti is particularly unstable right now

People went all
>muh heritage
like this shit hole has any thing worthwile

I live for the day I burn my Vincentian passport and renounce citizenship

That's probably the plan

You're welcome to join us.

>rum and cola
Cuba Libre!
>That's probably the plan
Jokes on him my family would laugh them off the phone line

>Jokes on him my family would laugh them off the phone line
Same here desu

Get some Sunset Very strong rum, it's our island rum

so lads on a scale of 1-10 how likely is it that i can change shit in my laptop or do i have to start hunting used ones
i want to play flight sim x steam edition ;_;

Yes hello where is the pirates :DDD

Off the coast of Somalia and Indonesia I believe

I don't really know how it is with laptops in Jamtown

Wrong side of the planet m8

Jamaica, fancy coming back and rejoining us?

u wot m8?

Depends, what laptop do you have?

samsung aitv book 2

Idk senpai, has it ever worked on it before? I think PK may be able to help you with this one.

>Intel HD graphics
Hmmm, you could try to get a Inspiron 15 7000 series
for around 800USD new with a GTX 960M

What is that?


>has it ever worked on it before

i just need a slightly less shit setup to hit minimum for fsx

>i just need a slightly less shit setup to hit minimum for fsx
Ah, I see

Lmao, even with my meme gaming alienware laptop it used to have problems sometimes.

>alienware laptop
he fell for the meme

I feel so restless even though I ran this morning

Why are you restless user

Due to my co-worker fucking around, tomorrow I will begin my attempt of doing 3 weeks of work in 3 days. Also various other worries and internal struggles.

How was your day AM?

Remember to breathe user I believe in you. My day has been pretty chilled, ate mangoes, listened to Flume and just started legion. I started watching it because I decided to randomly flip open a bible (Im not religious or anything it, it was just there) and the first thing I see is Then Jesus asked him, "What is your name?" "My name is Legion," he replied, "for we are many."

What happened with your coworker?

>and just started legion
For a second I thought it was Legion on FX, it is really good you should watch it

I found our next act name!
>"What is your name?" "My name is Legion," he replied, "for we are many."

>what happened with you coworker
No a fucking clue but I already made my variable templates and databases
so in theory I should be okay......in theory

No I mean I started watching the show because I read that lol and I love that act name! You can do this SL

wait which Legion are you watching?

There is Legion the Movie
Legion the syfy tv show
Legion(X-men) from DX

This oneee. Im enjoying it so far.

Good good let the weirdness flow

>qt Aubrey Plaza will never give you lap dance that leads to a fear boner
This world is a cruel place

My sister keeps trying to get me to watch it, I'll check it after my shift.

Your sister is wise, do as she says

I see. Is there something else specific you have to do?

Not much, but you are permitted two food outside the paleo diet that could healthy,

a-are you by any chance a fan of the good ol rasslin?

Yes, favourite male wrestler has to be Edge. Female well Lita.

Watch it.

It seems like nothing much has happened over the Easter, which is unexpected


Typical gang banger weapon...disgusting

That is the Uzi. weapon favored by Israeli special forces
-Vice news

Ayye I have this infrograph

If you soak the mouth cover in vinegar wouldn't the fumes burn your eyes?

idk desu

I wonder where the others are

probably family stuff because of the holiday or work

How unfortunate

I was securing and closing my storm shutters since there is so much wind and rain today.

Now I'm just watching some stuff.

>storm shutters since there is so much wind and rain today.
It only just started raining here, pretty comfy

Finishing a research paper on Marijuana.

i thought this was a fucking pepe
putting it in my frog folder anyway

I just finished researching my paper into a joint. Smoke up

Legalize it...

Kek, it could be an abstract pepe

Have you seen medical weed stores opening up down there?

Here it's been raining quite a lot all day.

I want the wind to make it perfect


whats that?

Jamaican Ackee and Salted cod, it tastes wonderful but the smell tends to linger

>Jamiacan ackee
I see, they sell cans of that in the jamaican foods section at the grocery store

is ackee is one of those words that means different things across islands?

No, not this ackee but the other one has many,many names

>jamaican foods section
Tell me more

It's just a small section of the foreign foods isle, I found it looking for coconut milk.

they also have canned Ackee and Calalloo and jerk seasoning, don't remember what else.

how does that even work

I c
If you ever see canned coconut water do not buy it. It is absolute trash

>canned coconut water
The devil's work.

I cannot agree with this more. It mustnt be trusted.

>canned coconut water

How is that even allowed on your shelves


That's my argument.

Caguas? No but in San Juan. Usually cancer patients and people on the verge of dying, with the of course usual young people with fake papers.

>canned coconut water
what the actual fuck

I dunno man. The first time I tried this was when some Finnish friend of mine that was visiting bought it from a gas station. It tasted like the urine of a candy elf

SL, how young is the age of consent here and who has the burden of proof in a statutory rape case. My lecturer skipped that part and it came up again

I think AOC is 16 here, I don't know who the burden of poof rests on.


>The age of consent in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is 15.[44] The penalty for statutory rape of a girl over 13 but under 15 is five years' imprisonment; under 13 it is life imprisonment.[45]

>The age of consent in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is 15
You got us beat by a year, lucky bastard

Well I stand corrected

Anybody writing CAPE this year

Hmmmmmmm..... guess I'm in the clear


NL stop thinking with your dick you idiot