Have you ever seen a Jewish ginger in your life?

Have you ever seen a Jewish ginger in your life?

trash map yahudi parasite

I highly doubt that Germany is that much of an isolate in continental Europe

population of 80 million

Wait don't worry, I assumed the colours were based on percentages, not raw numbers

>absolute numbers
nice threda.

Probably yes, but I don't like redhead people. They are uncomfortable.

every time I look in the mirror :^(

>Have you ever seen a Jewish in your life?
How I am supposed to know?
I dont live in Nazi Germany.

Yes but I grew up in a place with tons of Jews

It's by gross number not per capita. Large population=more redheads

Yes actually.

redheads are superior

What? We have so few?

yes, in ORT schools.
perhaps on the street too but secular jews dont look different from regular people so its impossible to know if a redhead is a Jew or not.

A famous redhead jew is El Colorado Liberman. Redheads are considered "bad luck magnets" here, and even other Jews make fun of him for that.

>by count
>not by percentage
Fucking statistic-manipulating kike deceivers
And worse: gingers

If you have an island with 2 people and one is ginger, then 50% of this island is ginger.


What the fuck?

Turkic minorities in Western China

If you have a huge country filled to the brim with Aryans and 1% gingers and next to it have a smaller country that is 100% rednigger, the big country will look more like ginger center of the world, while it's actually the poverty-stricken, diseased, alcoholic rednigger country next to it that is.

Uyghur trash

>Uyghurs are Celts in denial

Post pics

How the fuck are there so many gingers in Brazil? Anyway I'd like to see a gingers per capita map, that would be far more interesting.

>absolute numbers not per capita
what's the point of this fucking map

I see more ginger Jews than blond Jews here. For Passover I saw a couple hundred Jews at the park and I'd say about 5% were ginger.

>so many

1 million is less than 1% of our population.

kajkjajkajkakjakajkjajkakj con razon te buliaban en el cole

It's not that hard to understand, to be honest

I don't think so, I've only met 3 redheads in my life


Because Brazil has a population of 210.9 million, just as USA is so high because it has a population of 326 million.

As other have said, it's a shit map because it misleads.

>Argentina has 15 times our population
>still have the same amount of colorados

topkek, niggers.

Quite a few actually.
(I'm from a town that has a lot of Jews).

I have, she was one of the worst people I've ever met.

Yes, my neighbour. She is ugly as fuck.

Never seen a jew or a muslim in my life.

Uncucked country?

Yes. His name was malecai

no just pic related

Why? Too poor?


gib's are 7 times less per person than in Germany.