Fat aussies

Why are australians so fat?

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the food's nice and it's too hot to go out to exercize

>the food's nice

I said the food not the poison

idk what australians eat, bro

meat and potatoes.

come to brazil

fake news


I wonder how a blowjob from Trump would feel like.

Sven asking the real questions

that news is just sensationalism, all our media is.

also it's probably the amount of meat we eat. Though aussies under 25 aren't often fat. Due to sport and gym culture and often pretty balanced diets. Actually I think all of the fat cunts are concentrated in people older than 40.


Not so fast, Amerifat.

>pic related

checks out but 40% is still quite high

They are FAT

competing with Mexico, perhaps?

wtf bro
where are all the fat cunts then, are there certain places where everyone is fat or something?

Can someone explain this pic to me...


he slightly overweight

th-that's us

why'd you stick so many eggs up there?

I cant really tell the difference between the Englo-American and Austro-American dialects.

it's good banter

It's from a TV Show called My 600 Pound Life.
This guy got too fat that he can't walk.
He said his legs are like that because of a bad cause of cellullitis.

what a baby

Yeah maybe in the US it's considered average

i understand, it must be hard for a native spanish speaker to differentiate

I fucking love America.


>youtube e-celebs
>telling others what to do

>wearing a Tennessee cap
fugg, my state doesn't need this kind of advertising

I dont know which of you wants to claim this.

Is this that chain that advertises everything that'll kill you? The guy who owns it must want all fatties to die

Steak and eggs mainly

Yep. Heart Attack Grill.

Really? That can't be it.

it's all the sugar and carbs they eat

I'm trying to go low carb and cut the sugar, but carbs are so tasty yum yum yum

ain't it true

I DETEST fat people. If you are fat, FUCK YOU


I bet you are fat yourself you orange hound

He used to run a gym and got sick of fatties coming in and doing nothing. So now he wants them to eat themselves to death.

He explains it in an interview.

Is it hard to get Australian citizenship?

If you're not white european, yes


>white european
cunt what
if you're poor and unskilled it's hard. So it's pretty hard for most of Europe.

it's fucking easy. just get a meme job like coffee-maker, live there for not even five years and instant citizenship

is there a chance for something like web dev,/soft. engineer or system admin?

How many jars did ya have today?

I was confused about this recently til I spent time in the outer suburbs. Outer suburb trash is totally fat and useless. Lower class Australia is disgusting

Not sure. This country's leaders hate anything more advanced than a telegraph.


Well normally they hire pajeets on 457 visas for the absolute minimum which is about 50k. But just today they announced they're abolishing that which is really big news here. So it's uncertain at the moment

i saw post about that on facebook that's why i'm asking, i mean, i would like to go as far as possible from Serbia and Australia is pretty far desu
minimum in serbia is like 5k

Obesity isn't just an individuals problem any more. It's an epidemic and epidemics can only be resolved on a national level.
Solution? ban sugar and tax the hell out of carbohydrates. let them eat meat and veggies. No one needs more than 2000 calories a day to stay alive and special permits for larger calorie intakes can be handed out to people who want to get swole.

No that shit is dumb. You don't solve addiction by making it more expensive and I don't want to have to pay extra for the failures of fat people. There needs to be continued social pressure and better education in schools


All you need to do is make it socially unacceptable and the vast majority will lose weight quickly. The problem is society is soft and people put feelings above all else

That shit has never worked and you know it you dumb bogan. The amount of calories people spend on a macro level has plummeted like a rock but the calorie intake has either kept at the same level or increased. Where the fuck do you think those trillions of surplus calories go to? Into the waists of the population.

That has been tried with alcoholism, drunk driving, drug use, violence, child molestation, piercings, tattoos, homosexuality, bestiality, beating up children and watching my little pony. It has never worked and never will.

fffuuuck if we had the fast food outlets you guys have we would prob be>80% obesity rates

How do I stop being fat?

>You don't solve addiction by making it more expensive
Actually, you kinda do.

Obesity is predominantly a poor people problem, mostly because shitty food is cheaper.

By giving low-income takers an incentive to buy better food, you'll solve a large part of the problem.

False equivalent. Most of those are behind closed doors rather than unavoidable aspects of one's self and homosexuality is biological. All you have to do is look at East Asia for the power of social pressure despite the availability of wealth and food.

go running, or stop eating junk food

this, cunt im skinny as fuck regarldess of the amount of carbs and sugar I consume. fuck paying for fat cunts.

fuck off by that logic everyone should be fat fucks. Societal pressure is the only motivator for most people, even if it's not conscious. You are a product of your society. Why do you think people get piercings or tattoos? Because it's fashionable, they're motivated by society to do so. IF you make the very thought of being too fat absolutely disgusting for everyone within a country then it would not happen.

Every person who says this had NO idea the amount of food that fat people consume. It's insane. Plus that high motab starts to go away at ~23 so you'd better get into healthier eating habits soon

This is the main reason places like Japan, South Korea don't have the same level of fat problems despite being developed countries. They don't tax sugar, it's just much more unacceptable to be fat

>US flag

I thought he was a doctor?

I already eat healthy. I just eat a lot and don't gain weight.

Fat people eat like 3-4000 calories in a day, so unless you're eating the equivalent of 60-80 apples each day I highly doubt you're eating what would be considered "a lot"

Eggs? Made of chocolate, perhaps?

>fuck off by that logic everyone should be fat fucks.
the majority of the population already is overweight with about 30% being medically obese you dumb cunt.

>Societal pressure is the only motivator for most people
which is why being fat is the current norm because staying skinny takes effort while being fat does not, and some imaginary "social pressure" is not going to do jackshit.. It's as retarded as americans believing teen pregnancies are best avoided by abstinence and not condoms.

>You are a product of your society.
So now you suddenly agree with me that it's an administrative problem? Get your thinking straight you obnoxious mongoloid.

False equivalency my ass. East asians are fattening up the fastest and the only reason they aren't already as fat as anglos is because of food prices. Everything except rice and vegetables is expensive as fuck in japan, china and south korea, which again goes to show.

>the only reason they aren't already as fat as anglos is because of food prices. Everything except rice and vegetables is expensive as fuck in japan, china and south korea, which again goes to show.
Why even shart your dumbarse uninformed opinion across the internet when you clearly know nothing at all.

this, you're absolutely retarded

>3/4 people tending to it are fat

never been to Australia but many people told me its full of very good looking very fit people. As in, the surfer dude of countries.

Maybe they spent all their time near beaches among the surfer dude type aussies, like p much everyone that has ever visited australia

meat and beans? stop appropriating swedish culture.

Who do you think are enabling him?
It takes a lot of calories to maintain 600 pounds, and he sure as fuck isn't getting up and going to the store himself.
I feel bad for the guy, he is trapped in a prison of decaying flesh and mental illness.

the brits invented it, my dad uses it sometimes because ???