Your cunt's national food, GO

your cunt's national food, GO

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Closest thing to a national dish we've got


It's true.


i HATE canada now!

I am part of the New Meme™ distribution team.





For me, it's the iconic Fush and Chups™


oh yeah







>just missing onions for my final form


anglo countries should be filtered in threads like this

hut dog

fuck do they still make bubble o bills?

this thread is making me want to kill myself

got me hungry desu


Looks good.

Is it a dessert?


It's a casserole with potatoes and anchovies. Served as a main dish.

giving my tummy a grumble there

fish cock

you utter cunt

And it's actually healthy

That's pretty sick. It just that I thought I saw crumbed toasts on top so just assumed that it's a dessert or something

might have to get some tomorrow now or maybe a bahn mi

Ask if the place you're going to got banh cuon, bot loc, bot chien, etc..

If you feel exotic (and is also lucky), find a place that got banh xeo

Also banh mi is ok, its like poor man subway (I personally like the taste). It just that I wouldn't expect most foreigner's first choice of Vietnamese food to be banh mi.

I mean's its origin is from the French baguettes, and you are likely to have already eaten that.

the combination of pickles, pork, and pate/mayo is

pretty good, there are a few places here make it here, but they usually only serve bahn mi or pho

The original original that would be served has butter (optional nowadays actually), pate, cucumber, carrot, pickles/onions, herbs ( I don't know some of their name, the server will know), pork. And of course some chili ( again, optional)

The version that is served over here mostly have all of the above plus more meat (basically the rolls in Vietnam have nothing other than pork) like chicken, etc..

One place I know also includes pork cracklings (fried skins) for textures. I don't know about mayo being included.

And white radish (daikon?) as well

It may not be the national food but it is australian


Guess its this since we have a holiday named after it...