Log on Sup Forums

>Log on Sup Forums
>It's a bunch of retarded generals, homo threads, r9k shitposts

Give me one reason to stay on this board.

Other urls found in this thread:


countdown to easter 2018

The dank international memes

Please leave. One less leaf on this board would be for the better.

le funnie Easter meme loL xd

Literally lebbit with flags.


mabye you should log onto THIS


um..who invited you anyway, sweetie??

t. alberto barbosa

Le funnie memays

No wonder this is the most underaged board

I verified my age when I made my account so idk what you're talking about

This board is finished. It's filled with numales.


random qt around the world?

No reason
Go somewhere else, friend

It's literally r9k

>wahh I'm a neet
>wahh I'm a virgin
>wahh no gf


>tfw when no maple tree insert dick into

>homo threads
trapthreads aren't gay you dumb leaf

If you're standards are like that the. you should've been outta here by 2012 at the latest, or whenever it was that generals truly took over the board. There's been /r9k/ shit here nearly from the start, afair.

>men having sex with men is not gay

>log on Sup Forums
>It's a fucking leaf

Fucking ruined



>men dressing up as women to fug other men isn't gay

>this is gay

It is


Yes that is just some beta man

pick one and only one

You have nowhere to go if you leave

Real life




What did you mean by this?


>canadians complaining about poor quality posts
2017 is TRULY a bizarre year

Exciting anticipation of a moveable feast central to some religion, perhaps?

>>Log on Sup Forums