Countries have no presence

Countries have no presence.

Do they hate on Germany, France. Australia?

will be bumped by the salts

What are you trying to say, Shinji?

nz always shit talks us and we shit talk them back, also anything nz is always mistaken to be aussie, so i guess they both love and hate us.

he's asking if these sibling countries hate on the larger, more relevant siblings.

Belgians hate us

Aussies naturally hate us too since they're Anglos

Austrians do not care about us

does anyone like the fr*nch?


Germany people are rude, smug and arrogant.
France people inferior subhumans who allowed devastate their country by niggers and arab.
Aussie are superhumans.

Even French don't like France.
t. Supporter of Breton and Occitania independence.

Belgian politicians often look at the Netherlands to see what they can and cannot do.

>All these low iq people hating their better
Your hate will not change your double-digit IQ

I'm afraid that they are right
Most people (at least on this site) seem to dislike the French

In the Netherlands you have a very large amount of people who dislike France.
And a large amount of people who like France.

But people always have strong opinions about it.

we're better than the dutchmen
but w*lloons are way worse than the french

I don't really care

They're either failed-states or mafia-states

They're just slaves under our boots and it will never change cause in the end all is decided by your IQ

You're better at being poor and disorganized.

Belgium is also better at not maintaining their buildings and roads.

They're all very good trading partners. We don't have opinions on them and the feeling is mutual.

>better food
>better history and culture (dutch villages don't even have a proper center)
>better potential to speak AN because the accents aren't as predominantely loud
>more friendly
>less liberal butthurt
>less immigrants
>better humor (just take 'De Slimste Mens' as an example)
>less annoying cyclists

belgian global planning is completele garbage though. at least the netherlands have proper nature

>less annoying cyclists
>more friendly
Objectively not true
>walloons are way worse than the French
This desu

we do

>more friendly
>less immigrants


>this meme map again


Fairly innacurate

The number of foreigners in 2008 in France was already around 9 millions which is around 12%, now that we are in 2017 it must be something like 10-11 millions 14-15%