
finns are nordic edition

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first for dead general

Finns don't like me but I like them. We're best friends5ever!

alright delete the thread please, op

Don't delet the only thread where I can talk to family and where I can skip swedenthread and it's cancer



Nordic is a Scandicuck term for North Germanic peoples and countries that was expanded to include Finland after WW2 as part of the European integration policy. The official definition changed, but the connotation remained; therefore it was the perfect tool to brainwash Finns into thinking of Scandinavians as their brethren, even though it's a lie.

Hello brother

finns speak a north germanic language.

Hello brüders


Less than 5%, a remnant of Swedish imperialism. It has nothing to do with our blood and heritage.

Dead general.

Also, no.

PSS. Pääsispä takaisin inttiin


it's about culture.
Literally no difference between swedes and finns, other than language.

This greek is a very retarded person. He collects weird stuff.

no they are not
even i know that
Finns are Swinegolia, according to 4 chinz

is u Iceland or Faroe
i fekkin love Faroe
Eyvor, hhhnnnnnggggghhh

hello, i am faroe


Var är danskarna?

i danmark

Stop posting, you clueless fucking retard. Culture is LITERALLY where the similarities end. They don't share our blood or our language. Even Russians cluster closer to Swedes on a PCA chart. Having the same Lutheran Christian culture that was forced upon everybody doesn't constitute kinship, in the same way that I do not consider a Christian nigger my kin.

*summoning kangs*

Fuck off, you self-hating shit. Move to Sweden if Scandinavianism is what you desire.

I am here loyal servant of mine. What do you need?

your country is sooooooo beautiful
how many sheeps does you have

why is Eyvor so beautiful
i think i am in love

also your language is very sexy

Genetics mean nothing.

Maybe to a Marxist nigger like yourself.

spǿr meg hva som helst om norrǿnt

Norge...Finland är dum igen, vad ska vi göra?

You deserve no smiley faces.

t. Nils-Göran Persson

homo per olofsson :DD

Varför förstör finnarna allt?

du heter homo peter

jag heter jarmo

t. cuck asparagus karlsson

Faroebro is completely right. Culture is the relevant thing, it's what society comes from, what kin and kith come together because of. Blood is just a meme, it is the absolute least relevant criteria on which ethnicity can be based. Anyone who disagree is a primitive tribal, and supersticious.

I do agree about language, that is a hugely important part of a Culture.




>Swedes belittling the importance of blood


Fan saknar detta

>what kin and kith come together because of. Blood is just a meme, it is the absolute least relevant criteria on which ethnicity can be based. Anyone who disagree is a primitive tribal, and supersticious.

I could agree with you but it's too damn good coming from that flag so i'm really not gonna. So you'll call anyone kin who lives in these said countries? Some uneducated middleastener? Maybe that paki who's in the thread? What if he'd come in Sweden. Would he be your kin if he'd suck your "cultures" cock? Blood defines our beginnings and ties to the world. If you define them as tribalistic and barbaric then i'll gladly stay a barbarian.

Jeg er i slutningen af et hash rus og jeg sidder foran min mor der ikke ved noget

Varför röker du braj?

Actually Finns aren't really homogenous people. Eastern finns and western finns differs more than germans and french

is he a meme here also?

Well, he has memed here a lot of times. So we got to know of him too. Never knew there was a such finn ever.

The OG kang has never been on Sup Forums, he's just posted here because anti-Nordist Finns can't be argued against with reason so posting memes is the last resort

best poster on ylilauta

That's due to genetic drift and West Finns absorbing Saami and Paleoniggers. Even so, West Finns are as distant from Swedes as Russians.

Nah, partajäbä never posted here. He's still fucking around in ylilauta iirc.

Holy fuck, hvorfor finnere så autistiske?

dude weed 420 lmao
Giv mig noget

more like king of finland you svecoman puppet

When you say best poster, do you mean best like he is awesome person or just memes?

>Even so, West Finns are as distant from Swedes as Russians.
Yes but genetically Finns are not homogenous people. So Finland should cut in half


He has the best threads. He makes his threads always at about 3am when he's drunk. He's hilarious, but I kind of feel sad for him
He's 40 years old now and unemployed drunktard

This kind of thread never cease to amaze me.





Swedish music everyone

>Holy fuck, hvorfor finnere så autistiske?
De är speciella...
What about it?
Finnish autism or?

>He's 40 years old
no way

>He's 40 years old now and unemployed drunktard

Wtf this is sad man

Sorry, amaze->amuse

Our ultimate, shared Finnic origin is visible in our paternal and maternal lines and no genetic drift will change that. Now that the East and West have merged and will continue to do so via large population centers like Helsinki we'll have one of the widest gene pools in Europe.

Er der overhovedet noget dansk musik som er noget værd?

Det er alt sammen xfactor flodeboller og muhammedanerkvinder som synger om at de vil have stor pik i buks.

Yeah those pics are almost 10 years old. He used to spend time on tinychat tinttaustupa, if other finns know that group. Was always so wasted there. Btw always had that same hoodie for some reason

basshunter er kongurin

>Finnic origin is visible
Yeah you can sure notice that from the mongol looking people. Other than that not really.

Fuck now it feels bad man

>So you'll call anyone kin who lives in these said countries? Some uneducated middleastener? Maybe that paki who's in the thread? What if he'd come in Sweden. Would he be your kin if he'd suck your "cultures" cock?
If all someone knows is Swedsh culture then they are Swedish and nothing else. If all they have that is foreign is their skin complexion then they are not foreigners. I come from a completely Swedish family. If I had a child and gave it away to a Brit for him to raise, then 20 years later that child, having never known anything other than British culture, would not be Swedish. I would hesitate to even call it my son/daughter if they were raised entirely without my influence.

Oh, so you're a retard. Nevermind then.

If you deny that some finns do look like mongols you're in denial

I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and say that you've probably never been to mongolia.

If you deny that they're not representative of Finnics but Mesolithic Saamis, you're a moron.

Northern Empire squad

I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and say that you've probably never been to mongolia.

>Finnics but Mesolithic Saamis
Well that's what the whole population is based on. Some have more sami genes some less. Heck we even have a same root language so there's a lot of connection there
I don't understand why some people are so insecure about it.

tetting drunk on a tuesday lads

Haha jävla fyllo

Vad dricker du?

always makes me laugh. That is what we call down syndrome people.
I'm sure many finns look like mongols, HAHAHA

The Mesolithic population that preceded Saami had nothing to do with Finnics and modern Saami derive most of their genes from them.

>According to the traditional view, Sami is within the Uralic family most closely related to the Finnic languages (Sammallahti 1998). However, this view has recently been doubted by some scholars, who argue that the traditional view of a common Finno-Sami protolanguage is not as strongly supported as had been earlier assumed,[5] and that the similarities may stem from an areal influence on Sami from Finnic.


Fixade bilden.


Jag drekkar ol

Why do people care so much about these things it's so fucking autist. Just look at the mirror how look like
t. other

Hoppas svensk öl.

Because I'm tired of the lies surrounding our ethnogenesis. The pig-nose phenotypes and puffy faces are a Mesolithic European feature, a race of subhumans that should've gone extinct but instead prevailed via the Saami. It doesn't stem from the 4-8% East Asian blood Finns have. Yakuts have about 90% of the same component, but they have high-rooted noses due to lacking Mesolithic huntergatherer Saami blood.

Så här ska den se ut 8D


Who cares where it comes from if you have it then you have. Get a plastic surgery if you're so insecure about it

Why could anyone fucking care so much about this shit?

I don't, and most Finns don't either. But the memes here make it out to be the opposite.

A pure blooded finnish boy, no trace of swedcuck or sami blood.

protip: they dont look like mongols either you fucking asparagusaspie
t. other

I am offended.

We have many of them playing for football team.

So you're insecure. Does it hurt your feelings what someone says on a chinese imageboard? You need to go outside more

It's pure autism which makes them care about genetics and looks.
