Is Erdogod Greek?

Is Erdogod Greek?

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they fugged didn't they?

he is Georgian

he is turk

100% Georgian blood larping as a turk

His real name is Atakurd

he is turk
hitler was german
he is turk

hitler was austrian


I am Greek.

erdogook is asian

wasn't hitler a jew?

His head looks like a sponge. Look how it changes shape where her head is pressed against it.

doesn't look roachy, could be a greek




common con theory

wouldn't you?

>black hair
>brown eyes
>hooked nose
>recessed jaw
He certainly wasn't an Aryan übermensch.

don't forget lying and ruining western countries

Of course.

One of his favourite pasttimes was demolishing white European cultural heritage and erasing white European accomplishments from history books.

he looks german

truly a man every Jew can look up to

He was a Greek.

for you

But he is greek

Greeks do not lose world wars.

he looks very german

no erdogan is of greece

is he from bavaria?

Everyone is of greece

Hitler believed germans decended from ancient greek aryan master race.

everyone is descended from ancient greek aryan master race from the star Sirius but jews stopped it cause they were jealousy

Finns are the master race tho

he is german
hitler was german
mozart was austrian

He also believed that germany would win WW2.

so erdogan is finnish then

They probably would have without american and british kikeworshippers

He had blue eyes

germany never won a world war
Greece never lost a world war

he had no moustache

he reminds me of that retarded rhodesia american

he is gyros seller

look at this kraut face

it always amazes me how much people can see color from black and white photos

hitler had light brown hair and blue eyes

was hitler of mpuzuki?

Stop trying to falsify history you shitskin, he had a moustache and blue eyes

he had no cock and only one small measly nutsack
and he was a disney fanboy


>a disney fanboy
>just like most sjw
There is something to be learned here.

Do not insult Greeks you animal.

Walt disney was rumored to be pretty nazi

no he is armenian

It seems that most types of people that want to change the world based on identity politics like Disney for some reason
But most of the world does so we can't take it seriously as an argument.

They both took drugs. Anestis heroin, Adolf was a methhead. Both their names start with the letter A. Coincidence?

gee I wonder why utopians like disney so much

>they both had the same moustache
>their origins are hazy
>they both had a penchant for art
>they lived in similar eras
It's prety obvious to me now that Anastasis Delias was actually Adolf Hitler, leader of the third reich.
He probably didn't even commit suicide, he took on the guise of Mpi8ikwtshs or something in order to fully subvert Greece.

fuck most of the world tbqh

Was Vamvakaris Rudolph Hess with a mustache?

I can agree with that desu
>Be vamvakaris
>leave syros
>go to germany and become rudolph
>go to scotland to teach nazi rempetiko
>get rekt
>but your music was so nice that they cloned you and kept the clone as a prisoner
>the catch is that you have to see your music get massacred by Mpi8ikwtshs
>wait a minute, Dellias was Mpi8ikwtshs
>MArkos was known to say that, whenever Delias was high on heroine, they wouldn't come near him
>It was all a ploy

also there was some time travelling involved
the dates can;t add up obv