What do Chinese people think of India?

What do Chinese people think of India?


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I think I already know the answer before even opening the video

>Indian girls are pretty

I recall some article about chinese people reacting to India being dirty.

>curry smell

Sorry mate but I've been in my Indian flatmates room, it stinks of curry

chinks are much dirtier than poo in loos
t. who had chinese exchange classmates

its true

I honestly am not sure what curry is supposed to smell like.

Indian people from India are pretty cool
Indian people living abroad are pretty douchey


I play badminton with my parents. Every time there's a court besides ours booked out by four Indians who always STINK of spices. It's disgusting.

India Indians = Smelly awkward guys, but good hearted.

UK Indians = Wealthy and stuck up

Canadian Indians = Wannabe Thugs

US Indians = Nerds, IT guys

Australian Indians = Mix of US/Canadian Indians.

Isn't this the case for every nationality?>Even ugly chinese girls think Indians are uglry.

fuck off no one cares of your opinion

just go to bunker and wait your death.

Its actually nice I've seen this video before. Just a lot of buttblasted indians in the comment section who are whining about the single supposedly bad thing, the smell, which is probably true anyway.

Maybe a bit. But it's very obvious for Indian.

I had a generally very bad opinion of Indians from work experiences, until I went there.

I dont know what you're watching, they said the opposite in that.

>until I went there.

you went to work in India? why? how was your experience there?

they both stink and smell like shit and try to lie, cheat, and deceive their way in life.

the world should team up together and wipe out all pajeets and zhangs

I thought the entire point of curry was the taste and smell of spices.
Can you not even properly enjoy your national food? Sad!

fuck off fat cunt

no one gives a fuck what you have to say.

this is India + China friendship thread.

My India impression.
Full of People and TUTUTUTUDADADA


>would you like an Indian boyfriend?

I'm not a big fan of Indian food.

t. chink that who drank toilet watered starbucks


this bro. a lot of Eastern Europeans who consume a lot of cumin smell like shit when they sweat too

holy shit these "Ask ___ Asian people about ____" really need to fucking stop

The Japanese ones were bad enough. Now some faggot is doing chinks?

Indian food is fucking amazing. it's a shame it makes every single one of the fluids you secrete smell like shit for a day or two

Nothing exceptional really after all. Just, I was expecting a bad experience.
It was extended business trip I went to only. So, it was not really local life. I spent about 2 months there to fixing problems for customers. They were just pretty chill, taking me out to dinner, talking about their culture and things like that.

Once I got past the culture shock, I enjoyed there.
Best guy was a Sikh from North India

Sorry I can't tell very interesting stories in English

lol, the whole world is fucked because of zhang and pajeet

they can't stop reproducing and suck the resources of the world dry all for literally nothing. we will all be extinct because of them

fuck off

Ooh, I forgot the comment section. Must be full of their broken English complaints.

>Read comments on videos.
>Indians talk like fucking retards.

Are they mentally deficient or is it a language thing?

>Canadian Indians = Wannabe Thugs

Why is this?

Anyway, I've been friends with sri lankians (sp?) and they're bro tier.

I've yet to meet a true indian, which is weird.

As an indian guy, watching the video that infuriated me. More due to the blanket rejection than actual reasoning behind it. If they said personality or cultural differences then I could understand but some of these girls date+marry foreigners who are english teachers in china/japan/etc.

Honestly, I cant go back to india and get a job as an "english" teacher. Even if I tried to set up a school on doing accent reduction it would be a bit tougher than just getting a job in east asia for being a white skinned/foreigner.

I guess its like that picture of the dutch woman saying dutch guys are feminine when shes sitting next to this black as night african who was average looking.

Chinese people often mention the strength differences of races

do you want to rape them now or something

Is this how we established that philippinos we're the most powerful?

So this is a very good example of an Indian from abroad. Jealous, full of prejudices and frustration

This. Don't take things like this personally. Are there Desis who smell like curry? Of course! It doesn't mean you have to as well, so take it in your stride and be the best Panjeet you can be!

How much do you hate yourself?

I want to move abroad because I dislike India.
I just want to get away from "muh superior culture" bullshit, the terrible infrastructure and the absolutely horrid weather from hell

Honestly, most asians girls do nothing for me. Lot of the time they have no bodies and just tend to look like guys. Even asian guys who have long hair from a distance can be mistaken for a female if they dont have muscle.

Much more attracted to white/black/latin/arab/indian. Overall personality is what I look for, I like doing outdoor stuff and would like someone who likes doing stuff outdoors but also likes staying inside and just watching a movie/tv show.

I like Nepalis better than Indian from experience.

It must be the lack of Mughal influence

So I assume Tamils and Odia people are better

You can't pick more than one race, you must choose you coward.

This true. Non muslims are more aggressive in muslim surrounding areas.

What Do Young South Koreans Think Of North Korea?


Jealous of what? I just wouldnt want to be completely rejected by someone when they personally know nothing about me. Personality wise im not much different from any other american, only my ethnicity is different.

If youre actually japanese, youve probably seen some backpacker who is an "english teacher" there. Its kinda pathetic that in 2017 there arent native japanese who are good enough to teach english.

As for frustration, again you know nothing about me. I do well enough with the ladies, if you came here I could show you around new york.

I live in new york buddy, too hard to just pick 1. People from every dam place here. Probably an aussie 5-10 mins from where I am right now.

Also personality is important to me, last girl had a crush on was mixed and she had to use hearing aids. Knew her from church so I knew it wouldnt work out, im a degenerate.

>too hard to just pick 1
This is just cowardice, my friend.
Pure, unadulterated cowardice.

Why do you care so much?

The english teachers meme is a meme. The one I see don't really date great Japanese women, more like they get the leftovers.
Japanese people know JET teachers are nothing but useless college dropouts leeching money off the Japanese government.

Socially, they are considered literally one little step above pedophiles.

All in all, you chose to answer to prejudice by puking more prejudice, what does it say about you?

As I said, im a degenerate. I would most likely end up cheating on her. NY had made me a monster.

They don't want to prejudice others and break indians heart

He's probably still a bit hot-headed from the bowl of vindaloo he had for breakfast.

>tfw chance of getting a chink gf is low probabaritee to impossibru

Quiet america lite.

Where exactly is the prejudice, me saying they would date marry a white/black foreigner but say they have some huge personality/cultural difference from an indian?

The english teacher meme is real, ive been to japan. Honestly the english there is horrible, in the time I spent there only 1 guy spoke to us who spoke english well. Just need to visit any bars near a navy base and you can see japanese sluts everywhere. Its quite sad, my brother was in the navy for 4 year in yokosuka. So many stories of navy guys doing crazy shit on the weekends.

I got to say smth about Bollywood movies. They are so long, basically each Bollywood movie is like a LOTR Extended Edition.

I used to take 13 hr train rides, and they'll play 3 consecutive Shah Rukh Khan movies throughout the journey

>muh superior culture

I've had many arguments with them due to that. It's like talking to a brick wall.

All south asian should be deported. They are fucking smelly like shit, uncivilized, violent and ruinning Hong Kong. Most of the crimes in Hong Kong are contributed by south asian.


These "superior culture" retards invaded /sag/ last night. That thread turned into a shit show.

I hate Hong Kong so goddamn much. Can't wait till the commies make your shitty city irrelevant

I saw that

I told you english teachers get the leftovers and you reply with navy guys fucking random bar sluts.
This is self-defeating argument as most, but most likely just plain retarded

fuck off pajeet

get fucked, oh wait the commies are already doing that to you hahahahahaha

you can find a chink looking Nepalese gf

lol I look Nepalese myself. there are just very few azns on this side of the country

>look like boys
Mate, you've got mother issues.

You're not Japanese and you're likely either a bitter English teacher in Japan or a burger in Japan as a military dog. That or a proxy. JET applicants must have a full university degree as a prerequisite for the program. Japanese person doesn't know about these things but gaijin do.
Stop talking shit, obnoxious American.