What's this maneuver called in your country?

What's this maneuver called in your country?

Wpierdol Francji za zdradę Polski.

btw Manstein was a Pole.

"there is no better ally than belgium"

Belgium's fault


manstein plan

The ol' reach around

the "Fuck Belgium"

>He Can't Keep Getting Away With It


The "oh boy time to get fucked and ridiculise myself again" method

The Schlieffen Maneuver

The War of Jewish Agression

Stepping over the line.

karma's a bitch maneuver

i once dated a girl nicknamed "Maginot Line".

took me literally years to realize why it was

They ignored the fortifications and went around it?? Like wtf, how is this even allowed??

Wasn't the entire plan to FORCE the Germans to go around the Maginot Line so they'd be all bunched up coming through Belgium, and then France and Belgium could easily surround and destroy the invaders?

>he just realised we are stupid

no, when bef arrived they tried to patch it up to the sea as much as possible but it was too late

because if the former was the case it would also present a weakness if belgium was overrunned before it could be used in an offensive

Der Anfang vom Ende

Yes, but the French expected the Germans to go further North.

Turns out trees aren't as intimidating as they thought.

Maginot line served it's purpose, it's the other parts that failed.

pottery, tbf (to be frank)

Ardennes are hardly only trees.

The major mistake was they expected Belgium to resist for some days, not some hours.


Just like England entered the war expecting France to resist for some years, not some weeks.


We didn't expect anything from the Norwegian and as usual they didn't surprise us.

Truly a brilliant military maneuver designed by a talented Polish general, Erich von Lewinski.

maginot line
maginary line
imaginary line

did they resist?

england lost their available land army in that battle too
after this they just prepared for an eventual invasion


Honestly no. They surrendered really quickly.

And we collaborated more than resisting in the occupation


Belgium was a mistake.

field marshall*

"The Reach Around".

"Reich Around" is also acceptable.

Declare war on other countries. Simple.

The Germans don't get to pitch their battles, so they "pitch" their own to a favourable position

The Schlieffen Plan


''we're getting a free country''

Wouldn't it have been better if Germany invaded France by heavily bombarding the Maginot Line for weeks with heavy artillery then moving forward, steam rolling the beleaguered French soldiers. Once the Maginot Line was broken they could have funneled troops into France. If they did this then they would have avoided the Brits getting involved right away.

"W-Why are you attacking me, bro?"

>american education
are you fucking retarded?

Pic related is my favourite newspaper cartoon.

Almost all of the problems Europe faces today would not exist without the influence of Germany and the USA.

brits got BTFO as well.

the whole point of fortifications is to be effective against relevant arms, especially including artillery strikes
>If they did this then they would have avoided the Brits getting involved right away.
brits were already at war with germany

Oh, they were so naive...

We call this one the btfo

the plan was to cut off the troops in the low countries



wrong war

the only change halder did was to consolidate with the infantry with the armored units and not have them act independently

It makes me sad Hitler forbid Guderian from killing entire British Army during the push to Dunkerque.

Hitler was such a fuck-up. Let's let Brits escape they're Vikings lmao XD

Around Maginot

A bond so strong by hatred for each other, it becomes a friendship, perhaps?