Which 'stan is the best and why?

Which 'stan is the best and why?

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I thought Georgia was in America.


I hope you get this, man,
hit me back
Just to chat,
truly yours,
your biggest fan,
this is Stan

it is


What do you call it when an object is in two places at the same time?


Kazakhstan in the Central Asia, Georgia in the Caucasus.


quantum magic

>ivan education

Georgia is not (((stan)))

My sister went to Kyrgyzstan with the Peace Corps. She enjoyed the experience but said the place was a fucking shithole.


> She enjoyed the experience

Pakistan is the best

Afghanistan and Pakistan are both of a you-have-to-be-lucky-not-to-get-shot tier.
Tajikistan is Mexico of Russia, which is pretty much self-explanatory.
Turkmenistan they are somewhat rowdy and obstreperous monkeys. There are a lot of them in my country, and the girls from the dorm say that they are pesky and "very attached."
Uzbekistan is a country of bazaar vendors.
Kyrgyzstan are stoners.
Kazakhstan is big, and they speak Russian.

Bashkortostan is #1 stan.

Astana looks very good desu. I'm amazed.

gurjistan is what turks call it

i too watch real russia, the deepest insight into real russian life

t. belarus, expert on countries outside his little village

durka durka
durka durka
literally north korea
arrogant mongolian saudis
noble and modest riders of the mountains, those who recall the mighty actions of Manas. People who face adversity without so much as a peep.



so, are you saying Tajikistan is the best by far?


he is more or less correct though

you fucking international kyrgyz/mongol student or diaspora cunt lmao

literally nobody thinks that kazakhs are some kind of rich oil cunts except poor retards from mongolia and kyrgyzstan

quick rundown on everything, since I'm an expert
kazakhstan - best. you cant argue, it's richest and most stable. also islam is dying out, thanks dengri :D

kyrgyzstan - dollar version of kazakhstan, literally everything is worse except sea tourism and beaches.

uzbekistan - breeding like rabbits, significantly durka durka and poorer than us

turkmenistan - north korea

tajikistan - workers from there flee to russia, even to kazakhstan. in russia and kazakhstan, maybe in others stans, tajik is a synonym to low-class manual laborer, almost a joke/cheeky term.

pakistan - muslim india

afghanistan - american democracy, proof that international drug is controlled by governments etc etc etc.

Uzbekistan is the most fun to say, but Kazakstan has a song from Borat that is catchy.

you sound kinda condescending but I wont insult

left coast, the one pictured, is where I live and I honestly feel the safest there out of all places I've been in the world. I unironically think it might BE one of the safest places on Earth, like realistically, and excluding meme options.


k*z*kh arrogance shining through again

you'd never see this from a kyrgyz

I'm not kyrgyz anyway. I'm literally an impartial observer.

>you sound kinda condescending
Not my intention. It genuinely looks really good.

> k*z*kh arrogance shining through again

how am I being arrogant, I'm simply being truthful. we're the richest and highest life standard yada yada in the region. we're the least durka, we're the least absolute dictatorship etc etc.

really it shows, you're from mongolia or kyrgyzstan, or you have a gf from there or something. nobody else would write kazakhs are arrogant or compare us to saudis, lmao, as if, I wish we had that kind of oilniggery.

fun fact - my house is behind the rightmost of those three azure buildings

Will you remove the -stan from your country's name once Islam dies out in it?

>we are the best without any doubt
>you are just poor kyrgyz/mongol scum

the k*zakh is arrogant, but his brain is small. He wears a big kalpak to show off. Kyrgyz wears a moderate kalpak, and is more impressive.

oh my dude I hope, but I can't personally come up with something that sounds nice.

I always say that two of the biggest fucking mistakes were

>way way back in history, some ruler let m*slim preachers onto the territory and allowed them to preach, thus m*slim cancer spread over steppes
>adding -stan when becoming independent

even if overnight we magically turn into world leader in everything we would still be associated with putrid shit, because of this amazing little -stan suffix. no hard feelings other -stan citizens, but you know it's true.

yeah you're trolling me or you're really butthurt inferiority complex diaspora. take a step back and read what you're saying and what I'm saying. How is saying that we are doing better economically (which is a fucking fact, cunt) being arrogant? shitton of other countries are doing better than us, there. all I'm saying you're too butthurt on this topic for average brit.

Kazah has the best flag, though.

Kazahstan > Turkmenistan >>>> Kyrgistan > Uzbekistan > Tajikistan

All I'm saying is Kazakhs are known for their arrogance and you've shown quite a degree of arrogance and bragging, just as one would expect from a kazakh. Both of these are also facts.

t. gürcistan

ok kid relax open the window hope you're not shaking with adrenaline rn

croatia and kazakhstan one language one nation one religion brothers forever yugoslavian horde 2020

>islam is dying out, thanks dengri
Wikipedia says 97% of Kazah people are still muslim and Tengrism page doesn't say much about how successful revival has been. Could you elaborate a bit?
I'm also interested in how authentic the religion is. For example, Slavic neopaganism is pure bullshit because beliefs were destroyed beyond repair. It's all fan fiction.

Yunanistan - Greece
Macaristan - Hungary

What religion are you? Do you praise Tengri?

Fuck your sister

>at home Hrvatska
>go to Turkey, suddenly Hrvatistan
>visit Iran and be from Korvasi
>shitpost in a mongolian tapestry museum and suddenly be from Croatia
Shit's confusing.


yeah well I mean I dont actively 'praise' tengri, I think that's not the point. I think religions with very specific and rigid and set prayers, rituals etc. are cancer and shit. but I dont wanna talk about my religious views cause it will be long I guess and unusual and give more reasons to butthurt cunts to talk shit.

people here are meme muslim, all I can say. even older ones are just used to it I guess. obviously in those censuses or whatever they will say they are muslim, because that's closer to truth than saying they are atheist. perhaps if they knew about pantheism or similar concepts they'd say 'yeah im pantheist or tengriist or whatever', because they DO believe in something. younger people dont care about islam, moreover they are hostile/skeptical etc. the shit I have said for example would get my head cut off in ultra durka places for sure, in moderate durka I would probably be beaten up or total social pariah. routinely making fun of islam, mocking that piece of shit religion and people who follow it etc, all normal in my group of friends, or even larger communities I've belonged to.

Kazakhstan, number one, exporter of potassium

Alright last question for you. What do Kazakhs think of the film Borat?

nobody gives a shit desu. it's like an ultra-stale joke that never was funny to begin with (not the movie, the movie was bretty fun t b h; the joke itself directed towards kazakhs).

honestly people from other countries care more about kazakhs caring about borat than kazakhs care about that

So we can all conclude that Kazahstan indeed is the best -stan by the virtue of being the only one to appear in the thread.

Also, what the fuck Tajiks are not even turks

Do you really hate uzbekistan and jews as a nation just like borat says you do, or was it just a joke like the parody of your national anthem he did saying your country is a potassium exporter and shit?

They are all shit, but Kazahstan is not so bad it's like russia-tier country
my yeas are fucking blind by this ultra ugly moronic architecture



joke obviously. we feel indifferent/neutral to positive about uzbekistan. jews - nobody cares, but the more woke and knowledgeable ones are obviously careful and informed about the antics of the bignosed people.

I've been to all the Central Asian republics, and I can say, without any doubt, that Kyrgyzstan is amazing. The rest are desert wastelands.

Amazing people and scenery.

Turkmenistan was also a lot of fun, although Ashgabat is literally the only thing of worth there.

Tajiks are noble Persians, not barbaric T*rkshits

>ywn have any central asian friends

buy a ticket down here right now you cunt

I always called these countries Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan etc but I think that the most correct or at least politically correct way to say it in my language right now is Kazakija, Turkmėnija, Tadžikija etc and so I think that something like Kazakhia would be nice

Is there anything interesting in your country / culture that westerners would find incredible?

I once saw a documentary about Kazakhstan saying you guys still ride horses as a tradition, and you drink some sort of specialized brew of milk or something instead of beers and wine

Found it interesting, but I think your country is still a mystery to most people in the world anyway

we call it belarus

Question. I'm googling cities in stan countries and all buildings are very modern and wide apart. Do you drive cars everywhere? Are the cities modern planned projects because urbanization didn't start until recently?

I have no knowledge of your history so I'm guessing.

Looks empty and lifeless

> you drink some sort of specialized brew of milk or something instead of beers and wine
I wouldnt say instead, but yeah we drink it. it's fermented mare milk basically, kumys, somewhat a meme, but a good kind of a meme. I personally make sure to drink it in summer, I love it.

obviously dude OBVIOUSLY. yeah country is huge, cities are far apart, car is not an absolute must-have, but definitely a priority. also depends on the city, part of the city sometimes and season. Almaty for example, you can get by without a car comfortably. Astana, in summer, left coast has no shades - walking around might be a torture.


I second this.

What do you think of world famous Kazakh volleyball superstar, Sabina Altynbekova?


I like Kazakstanian posters.

mmyea wish there was more of them though

it honestly looks like a really nice country apart from being poorer than countries in Europe. Has that nice unique culture that is kind of exotic to us. Even though not so rich as usual EU nations, it has a lot positive points I think. For example maybe there aren't so many gypsies as in some poorer EU countries. And because the urbanisation/modernisation is a bit more late, it gets to look nice because lots of things are from scratch. I'd love to see some insightful documentary.

correct russian border




Eminem's biggest fan

OK super late into the tthread but whatever gonna throw my 2 cent's

Only good countries
Richest history and culture lots cool ancent cities with a mix of modernism even though people here hate it lots of cool Islamic architecture and sites to visit and lots if bazaars and silk road like feel

Obviously the most modern/secular as said (his list is decently accurate) and if you just care about the culture and not much about history then you will lile it alot. though how they got in this position is complicated lots of it has to do with the land size and the population sonce they have one of the lowest population densities in the world that and sucking Russia's dick goes along way but still probably equal if not slightly better then Uzbekistan

The rest

Shitty Kazakhstan the only thing they do better than Kazakhstan is the wife kidnapping and reciting a 200 year old poem that they think is 1000's of years old

As everyone said North Korea

Disgusting unibrowed subhuman trash

Good bois who accepted there rulers religion better than india

How is Babur and the Mughals viewed in Uzbekistan?

t. Vartan Sarkeesian

Well Babur is a national hero being a descendant of Timur and having success using with a majority turkic army the mughal empire in general most people don't have much knowledge of history and many of the later rulers were heavily Persianized and we're only 1/4th to 1/8th turkic and there armies were not turkic either. So If some random Indian guy went up to a Uzbek and said he oppressed and colonized him the Uzbek would probably be confused

Pic related the last emperor of the Mughal empire lol this guy is not turkic at all

how do you feel about babur's tomb being in afghanistan, not uzbekistan?

Well not a history buff but Babur himself wanted to be buried there and I'm not sure how much of today's Uzbekistan he held but the city he would have likely wanted to be buried in would have been samarqand where timur is buried but this guy had it en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_Shaybani so he probably wanted to be buried in the second best city


kazakhstan of cource

It is, but it still looks better than any of the cities of Russia


because of Borat of course

Are most kazakhs based, just like you?


Because it doesn't exist.

And if someday it will exist, it will piss off the turk.

Kazakhstan needs to be nuked. Islamic gommunism is the worst possible combination. Aside from that its a shithole, the best thing that happened to it was borat

>Wikipedia says 97% of Kazah people are still muslim

Wikipedia also says 99% of Russians are orthodox christians.

Kazahs are full durka muslims. That kazakh user is just some rebelious teen going through the atheist phase

Stop calling us Muslim India :@

Is this why Kazakh grills don't wear hijab and easy to bang?
Gib Kashmir

>T. Vartan Sarkisyan
Fixed that for you, dumb American

We should build A WALL

They have been corrupted by communism. Truely middle asia is the worst of Islamic nations. They're chink sandniggers in denial

Any of those stans are 1000X better than Pakistan

Pakistan comes at a close second. Nothing beats the cancer that is middle asia

Not even close, your country is a fucking overpopulated hell on the Earth.