What does Sup Forums think of Asian Americans?

What does Sup Forums think of Asian Americans?

Azn boipucci was literally MADE for white cock

normal ones are brotier.

those that post here are mentally disturbed scum.

Depends on if they are carrying the torch of their culture or not. I find it sad that many are raised without even learning their mother tongues.

Counterpoint: assimilation is good

Some can be okay. But a lot of them are extremely toxic and become easily radicalised by places like /r/asianmasculinity

Every ethnicity is vulnerable to online radicalization


>hip hop dance

UC Asian boy student here. y do dey do this?


Assimilation does not enrich the culture. The core of assimilation is the Individual sacrificing his Parent Culture and finding a new culture of his new adopted homelands. In other words, this is a process of destruction and rebuilding. Which is always a risk.
The ideal is the negotiation of a incoming culture's identity within the larger culture, and the compromise of sacrificing incompatible cultural values - such as eating dogs - while still retaining those which are compatible - such as yamcha and railroad building.

I've never seen those types of Asians around Toronto. Most of them either have thick unintelligible accents or are normal (if slightly beta).

Lots of Asian Americans are involved in hip hop dance. All of the break dancers I've known here on the east coast were either Filipinos or Koreans

but y r dey pilipino and coreang?

Hm, fair point.

Lots of asians here in america are into dancing

What does Sup Forums think about hapas?

If asians are heaven, they are hell

The Future

The master race

I don't think about them at all. All the ones I've known were pretty normal. Eliot Rodger has turned them into something of a meme though.

I don't know shit about Asian Americans but the diaspora I've met here have been mostly good people.
We bow before their might

I want to create some of my own

Angry autistic manlets with superiority complex. Some of the girls looks nice though.

Flips are SE Asian.

It's just like refering all the western cunts as Caucasoid binding up with Indians and Mohamad.

Most of NE asian people don't even count SE asian because all of their country is corrupted miserable shithole except Singapore.
and they are genetically abo + chink mixture

tell me more about asian swedish

Watch out Mark the chink is going to eat your kike baby and transform into godzilla

we are SE Asian. there was a landmass connecting korea with vietnam and the philippines. Mongolian and siberian ancestry is a meme

Four are east or SE Asian.
One could be Asian.
One isn't fooling anyone.

>jewish-asian hybrid

God help us all

I always tell them that Natives were Asians who crossed the bering strait, so Mexicans are actually Asians. Most of them get angry about the idea, no idea why tho.

I knew two Koreans in School, apart from the way they looked you couldn't really tell that they were different.
I think the biggest part of our Asian diaspora comes in the form of Thai mail order wives.

Natives are siberians that migrated to beringia, stayed there until it started melting, and then populated the americas


kek. lazyfuck who is not trying to learn anything.

Koreans are example country of Manchu people. You wouldn't have heard of 예족 맥족 고조선 부여 etc since you grew up in there.
Genetically Koreans are discerned as O and the most close ethnics to Korean are Manchu people(North east Area of China)

高句麗 have nothing to do with you though

I love Asians They are so disciplined and hard working. Far better than whites. You never see bad Asians like you see white trailer trash or ghetto niggers. That just doesn't exist. They are all very intelligent and honest. I've never seen an unemployed asian in my whole life. I have never seen a homeless asian in my whole life. They also have a millenar history and culture and you never see them brag about it. Even though historically the US has had laws that descriminate against Asians they have the lowest crime rate among all ethnic groups. In my opinion there should be more Asian immigrants. Asians gave the world many things like gunpowder and anime. By every racist standard that whites use as argument for being better than blacks, asians would be better than blacks. Whenever I talk about this subject everything my other white friends say is muh heritage and muh dick which is what blacks do to them. They have this excellent idea of discipline and constant improvement. Asians are exemplary. You may try to make fun of this but maybe deep inside you know its the truth. Pic unrelated.

Thanks for the correction (non-sarcasm). Im still gonna stick to my incorrect version tho.

The term 'Manchu' was existing even before you build up the fake country in the early 20th centuary

*By every racist standard that whites use as argument for being better than blacks, asians would be better than whites

>t. Sasuke Hirohito Almeda de Gama

The term 'Korea' comes from 'Koguryo' which is built by Go Joo Mong. We haven't denied that we are descendants from them.

The only ignorant fucks who don't wanna admit it are the Chinks and Japs since they don't wanna admit Koreans used to be rulling wild territory than now time

goguryeo is actually a northern chinese kingdom. manchus are also chinese.

If you love them so much why don't you marry one????

stockholm people and their thai's

that isn't true. manchus are a far northern tungusic people mixed with mongols. jurchens were local people.

koreans, japanese and southern jurchen have genetic signals from south like Ami and Lahu mixed with people who stayed there before becoming siberians

t. descended from best korean

also manchus got so mixed with chinese, they are now indistinguishable from chinks

>claim "woogabooga they were chinks" rulling the territory about only 300 years when Qing dynasty.

Also Manchu and Han ethnity are basically different.

You Han people were just conquered and raped by nomad people from Manchu and Mongol and lots of more nations from Northen Asia Area for the last centuries

Look at you. Your people even claim that Mongol was your history claiming Won(which is built by Mongol to control Han Chinese) was part of China.

Just appreciate that Mongol and Qing didn't genocide you Han chinese harsh so 90% of population Han chinkroach could claim ridiculous thing like" the all history was derived from China Han!"

>be korean
>we wuz japs
>we wuz manchu
>we wuz mongol

is anyone proud to be korean tho?

Manchus and Hans aren't distinguishable

(1) After Jurchen Jin, the Jin government settled around 100,000 Han Chinese into the Harbin area

(2) Yuan dynasty settled more Han Chinese in Jilin and Liaodong provinces

(3) The Ming recorded 100,000s of Han peasants in Liaodong were captured as bondservants/slaves by Jurchen tribes. Most of these would assimilate into the Jurchens

(4) 10,000s of Han Chinese frontiersmen assimilated into the Jurchens

(5) by the establishment of Manchu Banners 30% of Manchu Bannermen (not Han or Mongol Bannerman) had Chinese surnames. Even more would be absorbed into Manchu, not Han, banners from western Liaoning and Hebei and many more were added after breaching Shanhaiguan/the Great Wall

(6) Qianlong admitted the Fushun Nikan and Han Chinese into the Manchu Banners

(7) By the late-1700s early 1800s, intermarriage between Manchu and Han Banners was so common, the majority of """Manchus""" lost the ability to speak Manchus.

(8) Western observers in Manchuria noted they couldn't tell Manchu villages apart from Chinese. Japanese in Manchukuo categorized Manchus and Hans all under Manchu. Manchu identity was virtually extinguished

Chinese are Manchus and Manchus are Han. Don't forget 4 million Jurchens assimilated into the Northern Han after the Yuan dynasty


Probably what he'll do

They're disgusting foreign scum if they remain in America, and worthless Americanised scum if sent back to Asia. The only place for them is the grave.

All shit except Hmong, who are basically doubly dumb and doubly violent Mexicans. I think they are hilarious.

Chinks/nips/gooks are whiny emotional manlets and strivers. Foreign born is superior for them.

There are lots of South-East Asian criminals in Australia. Viets and Malays in particular are trouble. They do a lot of armed robbery and drug smuggling.

1. Traitors who claimed ancestry but doesn't even putting efforts to learn their place of origin culture.
2. Cultural appropriation.
3. If they did assimilate well in the foreign place and totally forgets their mother land, then it's fine. Ticks me off when they're doing #1 and #2.

Your typical Asian American desperately wishes he was black, so people would take his whining about racism seriously. That is honestly how pathetic they are.

I will say this:better than Indians.

People who by almost every metric are better off than most white people yet claim they are the victim of racism because heartless bullies won't stop accusing them of being good at math.

2nd gen and beyond women are almost universally radical SJWs who jealously defend their "culture" despite rarely even speaking the language they're so proud of and basically being rich white liberal women with slanted eyes.

>God help us all
They are qt though


yeah fucking right

Very few Asians ever pull the victim card. Yeah there are some 2nd gen that do when they go to college but aside from that most don't. Asians are used by SJW when it's convenient and then are forgotten about immediately after.

koreans BTFO

>Pic unrelated.

Brazilian Asians are mostly Japanese
Since Japanese are what describes in his post, obviously the Brazilian user assumes that other Asians would be like Japanese, which is not reality
In reality Japanese>>>>>>>>>most asians
NZ gets a whole lot of soulless chinks
I wish we got Japanese instead

t.Nagasaki Yukishima Chinko

Japs in Brazil are still trash compared to actual Japs. Jap emigration to Brazil was predominantly from the lower orders. The problem is that "Whites" in Brazil are 1) not White and 2) utter scum. Brazil is just an awful country full of subhumans.

I think it's a copypasta.

everyone in sao paolo lives like monkeys, shitalian, jap, kraut, nigger, palm tree niggers

the tropical heat and zika makes them lazy, violent, horny lowlifes

>Brazil is just an awful country full of subhumans.
Subhumans who invented at least two distinct musical genres, built monuments like Christ the Redeemer, wrote the fifth best selling book of all times, contributed greatly to the invention of the airplane and so on, despite being confined to a very young 200 year old Congo tier jungle country constantly shit on by Americans.
Now, you tell me how many cultural achievements do both Australia and New Zealand have combined.

A New Zealander was the first to split the atom, and to climb Mt Everest
We also invented the jetboat

Being proud of shit culture is worse than acknowledging a lack of culture.