Girls who refuse to date short guys should have acid on her faces

girls who refuse to date short guys should have acid on her faces

but the existence of short men is the only reason why I can get a date

they are necessary for me to succeed and I really appreciate them for it

doesn't seem very fair

just give up dating
the refuse out of their fear not of your height but of your anger and pettiness

>tfw angry manlets ruined the game for us good manlets

The roast was toasted.

im angry on internet, in real life im nice, nobody knows my hate against humanity, just my mom

Which are saltier, short men or ugly women?

then give me some money

I hope you don't hate your mother. You should never have hate for your mother.

Please do not say salty when you mean angry.

neither of your parents really

nice quads btw


you should say the things you believe in

i am 5'6" but that is just wrong
OP are you virgin butthurt?

But I do mean salty, as in being jealous and bitter towards others.

That's not what that word means. Please do not use words inappropriately.

But isn't salty more about being agitated than angry?

It's always the mother's fault for manlets existence. If short women didn't reproduce there would be no short men.

tuff choice

It's whatever the underages on Twitter and Facebook decide it means at the time. Sometime it means pure rage, sometimes it means jealousy, sometimes it means being bitter, sometimes it means nothing at all. Don't give credence to retarded kids.

Yeah they deserve it, its a cycle

Any mediocre or at least cute looking girl can make up for her lack of looks with a good personality, dressing modestly, waiting till marriage and being the perfect housewife. Then even a man whose out of her league will choose her over some dirty flag slut

>Then even a man whose out of her league will choose her over some dirty flag slut
Not true

Can confirm. Mom is short and dad is average, which resulted in me being short, but not as short as mom.

I don't think that's an ugly woman, but a woman who regrets choosing a career and the life of a slut over that of a traditional woman

Lmfao salty ass whiteboi

In this day and age there are a lot of sluts every where and rarely any traditional women to start a family with. Simply being a pure traditional virgin housewife adds an extra +10 points to their attractiveness

Maybe for you. Most men don't want a traditional housewife or even start a family imo.

Manlets are disgusting. Not even real men
- 193cm

i'm 5'7"
i never had a chance to begin with, why should i explode in a furious rage against women just because i drew the (no pun-intended) short straw.

i am okay with being 5'7" and being height disabled

>most men don't want to start a family
How old are you?



Fuck off, Jorge. It's your mental instability and shitty personality that's the problem.

t. 164 cm manlet

>i am okay with being 5'7"
How? It's not like anyone takes you seriously other than your family.