dress code is a dress code
Fired for not wearing high heels
Usually I'm at a total war against all ridiculous feminism, but setting this as a requirement is actually sexist.
Me too but that's just how the industry is.
While thats true, I think its unfair that its expected for female employees to wear high heels.
In the same boat as you, buddy
This is just like the time this black chic was complaining about having to style her hair for work when she worked in an upscale boutique.
Her boss told her that she needed to look more polished. She told him that he was racist.
If you agree to a job with a specific requirement for your appearance, don't bitch when you get in trouble for not following it.
>If I never had to wear a tie again, then women can come to work in snuggies for all I care
>"i care"
It's not up to you, it's to the clients.
The billionaire clients of Price Waterhouse like seeing some fucking eye candy at reception.
The clients will simply go elsewhere.
We live in a capitalist nation.
If she doesn't want to wear heels she can go work somewhere else.
If it is sexist and people don't like it the company will suffer financial losses and a new company will take over that doesn't make women wear heels.
We do not need social justice fucking laws
Capitalism is the natural selection of business
We should have nuked Europe, not japan.
sent home =/= fired
My boss once made me change from a tan sport coat and slacks into a black suit because I was going to a closing where the clients were orthodox kikes. I wasn't allowed to bring my assistant either because I guess they aren't allowed to even speak to women in public.
Not even making that up.
Men have to wear ridiculously uncomfortable uniforms at all times. Even a fucking security guard is required to wear a full suit in most places. Yeah, even in summer, even in places where there is no AC, even outside. You've got to wear those shitty dress shoes with which you can't even run as well.
Women can wear whatever the fuck they want. If it's hot they can come to work almost naked. And yet here they are.
>hurr I need feminism because high heels are oppressive
Fuck women.