Spain must pay reparations for what they did to the aztecs ;_;

Spain must pay reparations for what they did to the aztecs ;_;

Other urls found in this thread:érard#Trial.2C_torture.2C_and_execution

You pay me reparations for the wasted money conqueroring your narco shithole.

Aztecs were bloody motherfucker who deserves the worst fate, even other amerindians joined the spaniards to fuck those bastards. Fuck aztecs.

Nah, we are talking about 1521, the battles were not that unfair, guns were not as precise back then. They fairly conquered the territories.

you were at war with literally every of your neighbors (namedly Portugal, France, Netherlands, British, Ottoman Empire, Italians, Germans, Berbers, etc) even your brothers in faith.

>guns were not as precise back then
steel arms, horses and cannons were

>Nah, we are talking about 1521, the battles were not that unfair, guns were not as precise back then. They fairly conquered the territories.
The guns were shit but they mainly won through
1. Disease
2. Thousands of other angry native tribes


They can send boypussi as reparations.

>The guns were shit but they mainly won through
What so shit about them?

Fuck those other amerindians fucking faggots they were jelly thats all

to whom?

if you believe modern mexican native americans are"aztecs" you're wrong. Also, modern day Spain =/= Spain from the 1500's

Aztecs got booty devastated from all other gangs fuckingbtgem up.

>modern day Spain =/= Spain from the 1500's
This is so painfully true

Cortes and conquistadors were just the smarter gang and won in the end after everyone wanted power.

Bringing them civilization?

I think they should be rewarded for attempting to tame you filthy apes.

Cortes was very smart and fucked up all the others who wanted power.

You guys can start by stop speaking Spanish and start speaking Nahuatl.

Spanish """""civilization"""

we wuz civilizers n shieee

>Tenochtitlan was founded on an islet in the western part of the lake in the year 1325. Around it, the Aztecs created a large artificial island using a system similar to the creation of chinampas. To overcome the problems of drinking water, the Aztecs built a system of dams to separate the salty waters of the lake from the rain water of the effluents. It also permitted them to control the level of the lake. The city also had an inner system of channels that helped to control the water.

>During Cortés' siege of Tenochtitlan in 1521, the dams were destroyed, and never rebuilt, so flooding became a big problem for the new Mexico City built over Tenochtitlan.

>Mexico City suffered from periodic floods; in 1604 the lake flooded the city, with an even more severe flood following in 1607. Under the direction of Enrico Martínez, a drain was built to control the level of the lake, but in 1629 another flood kept most of the city covered for five years.

>Eventually the lake was drained by the channels and a tunnel to the Pánuco River, but even that could not stop floods, since by then most of the city was under the water table. The flooding could not be completely controlled until 1967, with the construction of a Deep Drainage System.

>The ecological consequences of the draining were enormous. Parts of the valleys were turned semi-arid, and even today Mexico City suffers for lack of water. Due to overdrafting that is depleting the aquifer beneath the city, Mexico City is estimated to have dropped 10 meters in the last century. Furthermore, because soft lake sediments underlie most of Mexico City, the city has proven vulnerable to soil liquefaction during earthquakes, most notably in the 1985 earthquake when hundreds of buildings collapsed and thousands of lives were lost.


also stop worshiping jesus and start idolizing blood drinking gods that demand human sacrifice on daily basis

So civilized, ripping out hundreds of people's hearts every day. You're all rape babies anyways there are no more Aztecs in fact the more native you are the more you're looked down on in your society kek.

You are not an Aztec. Get over it faglord.

They took a hella long time to reload.
In the time span it took to to put a bullet back in the gun an aztec warrior would have cut you open. This isn't that bad in open, tight spaces where you can have multiple people lined behind each other and while one line shoots the others reload, but in a forest South America (there were other people apart from the aztecs too) this was a huge detriment.

The spaniards were lucky the Aztec's were inhumanly cruel and could pick off each and everyone after they were finished.

Personally speaking, my favourite South American group are some lads who built a fort at the edge of some cliff and fought against the Spaniards for 300 years before falling internally to diseases. I forgot the name of them tho.

ignore this idiot. south american's have a pretty interesting history. but the odds were stacked against them and they got wrecked.


Fuck off with your Ecatepec, Ecatepunk hell hole slum propaganda, that is not Mexico City like we don't have enough with Iztapalacra

>So civilized, ripping out hundreds of people's hearts every day
nothing comparable to the superior euro agreed

I do think that if you're not a sand people and you follow sand religions (Christianity and Islam), you are a cuck. Slavic, Germanic, Baltic and Greek polytheist religions are dead in favor for the people to worship a Jew.

and they also had a big chance to blow up in your face


That was done mostly in medieval times before the discovery of the new world and wasn't carried out on hundreds every day it was an extreme relatively rare punishment.

>that is not Mexico City like we don't have enough with Iztapalacra
guess what, it wasn't always shit

>"Moctezuma possessed out of the city as well as within, numerous villas, each of which had its peculiar sources of amusement, and all were constructed in the best possible manner for the use of a great prince and lord. Within the city his palaces were so wonderful that it is hardly possible to describe their beauty and extent ; I can only say that in Spain there is nothing equal to them."
>"The city of Iztapalapa contains twelve or fifteen thousand houses; it is situated on the shore of a large salt lake, one-half of it being built upon the water, and one half on terra firma. The governor or chief of the city has several new houses, which, although they are not yet finished, are equal to the better class of houses in Spain –being large and well constructed, in the stone work, the carpentry, the floors, and the various appendages necessary to render a house complete, excepting the reliefs and other rich work usual in Spanish houses.
- Hernan Cortes, Second Letter of Relation to Charles V

>"When we approached near to Iztapalapan, two other caziques came out in great pomp to receive us: one was the prince of Cuitlahuac, and the other of Cojohuacan; both were near relatives of Motecusuma. We now entered the town of Iztapalapan, where we were indeed quartered in palaces, of large dimensions, surrounded by spacious courts, and built of hewn stone, cedar and other sweet-scented wood. All the apartments were hung round with cotton cloths."
Bernal Díaz del Castillo, True History of the Conquest of the New Spain, Chapter LXXXVII

falling for war propaganda...

Modern Methshitco is more violent than Aztec society. Becoming Aztec and speaking Nahuatl again would make Methshitland peaceful.

I got sunburned in Spain.

Pay reparations. This would never have happened if Spaniards wouldn't have turned the sun up so high.


We made our cameo appearance in that too you fucking idiot

Implying spics from Mexico are even remotely related to the Aztecs.
Literally WE WUZing. Aztecs were not present in all of day Mexico and on the plus side a lot of Spics have European ancestry. IIRC correctly Spics from the North tend to be more European than Indian while those in the center is more balanced and the south is more injun heavy.

>and wasn't carried out on hundreds every day
dindu nuffin

tell that to the spanish accounts of aztec sacrifices

Funny how you say that yet the prophet himself preached about equality among all races and came to Africa on multiple occasions, he seeked refuge in Ethiopia from the arabs who wanted to see him dead! The reason Muhammad lived as long as he did was thanks to that kind gesture.

So even after this you're saying black muslims can't practice islam?

As for all the Asians who practice it they were introduced through trade, EVERY muslim who embraced islam did so willingly! Because at the time it was the most freeing religion, unlike Christianity that left blood and destruction in its path. Islam brought unity and peace!

Don't ever compare the two.

We defeated Spain for a reason. God was on the Dutch side.


I wonder what the world would look like had the Aztecs won.

People tend to underestimate how much of an advantage you have on horseback.

wtf... Saudi?

30 Mexicans at the end of the war sure made a huge difference in the 73 million death toll. Not to mention that we only entered because we were attacked first, we didn't started it. Imbecile cunt.

North Methshitco is more violent, created the cartels, and created a music genre centered around celebrating narcos..... Hmm makes you think.

Aren't Mexicans just the decendants of the natives who backstabbed the Aztecs and helped Spain any way?


The thing i don't understand is why many of my fellow compatriots believe that Spain conquered all of what today is Mexico, what Cortes did was only using the hate that most of the amerindian tribes had against the "Aztecs" for his own good.

Back then, amerindians hated the living shit of eachother.

Was it good or wrong the spanish rule?
i think that it is a shame how the things happened, but considering the 1500's mentality, it could have been way worse.

how would be this land if another european country colonised Mexico?
>probably amerindians would have been exterminated or forced to live in certain areas.

So, in conclution, stop making shitty threads OP.

Sorry for my shitty english.

The Nazis also brought peace and unity to the Germans. Even with the financial chains the allies had put on Germany It wasnt until those vile Poles attacked that they were forced to defend themselves.

Southern Mexicans are the true descendants of the Aztecs.

>The thing i don't understand is why many of my fellow compatriots believe that Spain conquered all of what today is Mexico, what Cortes did was only using the hate that most of the amerindian tribes had against the "Aztecs" for his own good.
Because they're ethnically Spaniards and the only relation they have with you is CHI?

>Aren't Mexicans just the decendants of the natives who backstabbed the Aztecs
You mean the Tlaxcaltecs?
Those guys were also Aztecs.

What are you trying to say?

Mexicans still decapitate people. They are still primitive. And still worship whites as Gods. So nothing has changed really.

>this fucking meme again
The natives never thought the Spaniards were gods. They thought they were supernatural which was taken in Spaniard-Christian like society to mean godlike.


I wonder why Mexico is catholic and not protestant..
>sees image
Oh I get it now.

I've got a new name for you, you should call yourself Asspics, it rythmes with aztec and it also has a modern meaning

That's just dumb, abonigger

>And still worship whites as Gods
just spaniard larping, pic related is the white skinned and bearded quetzalcoatl


No wonder Mexico has no master painters.


That was never a thing here. You know Europe has multiple factions of Gods.

They've got a lot of master baters instead.



We weren't involved in WW1.

>mexican education

But I see Mexico was. Bunch of savages if you ask me.


If Aztecs were so good and civilized why are they all dead, assimilated or SPAIN'D.

>diseases introduced from the new world to the old world:
a bed bug infection, syphilis (still disputed)
>diseases introduced from the old world to the new world:
bubonic plague, chicken pox, cholera, diphtheria, influenza, leprosy, malaria, measles, scarlet fever, smallpox, typhoid, typhus, whooping cough, yaws, yellow fever

Serves them right for being so weak tbqh

Since the founding of our nation only one person has been quartered. And that was the murderer of William of Orange. But being quartered was the least of his worries.érard#Trial.2C_torture.2C_and_execution

i'm talking about europeans not your country specifically

>Serves them right for being so weak

>But probably nothing seemed more weird to the Spaniards than the Aztec attitude to personal hygiene. Simply, for the Aztecs being clean was cool. One Conquistador reported, in a tone of wonder, that Moctezuma bathed twice a day. He did, but there was nothing extraordinary about that for an Aztec, since everybody ‘bathed often, and many of them every day’ in the rivers, lakes or pools.
>The Mexica also used deodorants, breath fresheners and ash to clean their teeth with (Spaniards of the time cleaned theirs with urine!) The Aztecs cleaned their bodies – and souls – in steam baths. An outside fire heated one of the walls via a small tunnel to red-hot, and the bather threw water on the hot wall, creating steam.
>Into this clean world, thundered the Spanish. The 16th century was a really dirty time in Europe: ever since the Black Death, people avoided water and washing like the plague; and the Spanish in particular thought and taught that being dirty was a Christian Virtue.

Mexico want reparations just like the blacks here bitch about. The funny thing is that if that occurred, Mexico would still be poor just like our blacks. Why? because they are too primitive to manage the cash.
At the end of the day, these Mexicans just want free shit like every other 3rd world people.

>I'm so clean I can't even handle some diseases
Soft cunts if you ask me. It's evolution, sapiens didn't feel pity for the neanderthals just like a lion don't feel bad about its prey. If they fell that means they were not worth preserving.

The Mexican dude in this thread has a serious inferiority complex.

>At his trial, Gérard was sentenced to be brutally – even by the standards of that time – killed. The magistrates decreed that the right hand of Gérard should be burned off with a red-hot iron, that his flesh should be torn from his bones with pincers in six different places, that he should be quartered and disemboweled alive, his heart torn from his bosom and flung in his face, and that, finally, his head should be taken off

>Gérard's torture was also very brutal. On the first night of his imprisonment Gérard was hung on a pole and lashed with a whip. After that his wounds were smeared with honey and a goat was brought to lick the honey off his skin with his rough tongue. The goat however refused to touch the body of the sentenced. After this and other tortures he was left to pass the night with his hands and feet bound together, like a ball, so sleep would be difficult. During the following three days, he was repeatedly mocked and hung on a pole with his hands tied behind his back. Then a weight of 300 metric pounds (150 kg) was attached to each of his big toes for half an hour. After this half hour Gérard was fitted with shoes made of well-oiled, uncured dog skin; the shoes were two fingers shorter than his feet. In this state he was put before a fire. When the shoes warmed up, they contracted, crushing the feet inside them to stumps. When the shoes were removed, his half-broiled skin was torn off. After his feet were damaged, his armpits were branded. After that he was dressed in a shirt soaked in alcohol. Then burning bacon fat was poured over him and sharp nails were stuck between the flesh and the nails of his hands and feet. Gérard is said to have remained calm during his torture. On 14 July 1584, Gérard was executed

I don't think they liked him here.

Stick around long enough in Sup Forums and you start noticing Mexican inferiority complexes.

OP is just roleplaying but I've seen a shitload of Mexicans legit roleplaying both as Aztecs and Spaniards, it's so fucking weird.

>can't deal with the facts

>inferiority complex
>survival of the fittest

Would you give these girls reparations?

>legit roleplaying
legit larping*

As in actually believing that shit, not doing it for giggles.

The English wiki page actually misses a part of his punishment. Because his head was also put on a stake.

>Larping is the correct term.
Yeah, it's amusing.

sadly this is true

He also wasn't branded actually, but two torches were put under his armpits.

Whatever you say Juan Pedro.

While they put the spikes under his nails.

What ceases to amaze me is that. Germany got cucked by two wars and had survived a long time of hyper inflation and yet became a supernation with strong economy and living standard.
How can't other nations do the same? What is holding them down?
Their people?

Don't most Mexican women gain like a thousand pounds after they spit out a kid?

the lack of tequila bottles triggers my autism
nice shot burger.


>not doing it for giggles
implying I don't

this, legit aztec here, sharing my culture on this laotian basket weaving forum

Not only the people, but there is also a large market surrounding Germany.
Germany is surrounded by rich nations. While they have a production/export economy.