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International #740
How old were you when you realized America is not the evil empire and Americans aren't evil but are in fact the good...
Krauts call france frankreich
Is Corsica Italian clay? Should Italy fight to bring her daughter back from baguettes
ITT we post countries that never did anything wrong or evil during their history
Why can Portuguese guys get girlfriends so easily?
What did she mean by this?
/deutsch/er Hinweisfaden
Why are Pacific Islanders such big guys? They're all fat, they're all super built underneath the fat...
Summarize your country with an image
Are there any world leaders you admire?
The UK is shit
Europe has no cultu-
Get into work today before anyone else. (7 AM)
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What are your honest thoughts about Estonia?
How do pickup girls in your cunt?
Do you like Asia?
One (1) shot at life
Today is 31 years since the Chernobyl disaster
Which side will you support in the upcoming World War 3?
If you're not in the pink area, you are not White
You're cunt
/lang/ - Language Learning thread
/hell/ - Hellas General Ελλάς
White people
Why do Americans think 'heritage' and genetics are more important than the culture you grow up in?
Polacks should FUCK OFF from England
/ita/ - il filo
/fug/ - /fr/+/brit/+/deutsch/
What's for dinner, Sup Forums?
Americans are fat and dumb LOL
Tfw I'm libertarian twink top and love muscle bottom nazies
In an another timeline
Why is Greece considered to be le birthplace of western civilization, was accepted to EU etc? It's retarded...
Why would I be unhappy about Germany ruling the Continent?
Sverigetråden - Onsdagspplagan
/deutsch/er Faden den /deutsch/en
China launches 2nd aircraft carrier
Tfw we are going to ban hijab/burka soon
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Merhaba [that's hello in Turkish] Sup Forums. I am a 19 yo Australian male and Kemalist...
Recently, more children are mixed with Japanese and Westerners
Why didn't Germanics develop architecture as sophisticated as the Greek one?
See American flag
Turks get out
Are Americans aware that they are evil?
I can smell you from here Rus!
Is the muslim problem really a huge issue in Europe or not really like will you be minorities in 50 years or is it...
So um, why are we the brunt of jokes here when there's other countries who are worse than us in terms of joking...
Is I1 the untermench haplogroup?
What are the worst tourists in your cunt?
Is Europe passed the point of no return? Will there still be actual Euros there 100 years from now?
/deutsch/er früh-morgendlicher Stammtisch - Ausgabe
/Germanic women/
Japanese user, pls help
This confuses and triggers the murrishart
Cuck countries explain why they accept being disarmed to be raped by mudslimes and free countries laugh at them
/éire/ - /eire/
Why do only Russians post with accent...
/ibe/ - hilo peninsular
Any video about pakistan
WTF I hate Italy and Greece now
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Rightful danish clay
Mfw someone willingly came to Pakistan
What do people abroad say about austrians? Do they confuse them with germans?
Eh? You've never seen a pair of breasts before? And you're HOW old?! J-Jeez! Ahahahah! W-Well, we'd better fix that...
The defining characteristic of western countries is Greco-Roman influence
Are American really that religious?
Tfw no cute kind sissy small skinny pale pervert international boyfriend
Italy will be fucked soon if Macron wins
/balt/ + /ur_mum/ + /ausnz/
War speculation thread
North Korea It's been two long week
A. You're cunt
Kurva anyátok
Go to Little Saigon, the biggest Vietnamese enclave in the United States
Be australian
What are the most popular sports in your country?
So I was in Cancun Mexico for a bachelor party and I met an Argentinian girl at a club...
One of the oldest civilizations in the world
>A >Fucking >Mongolian
"There is no such thing as French culture."
Your cunt
So Google Street View finally started working in my country, so ITT we post nice places from our cities in Street View
Tfw no gf
Where did all the Ukrainians go? It feels like there used to be a lot more of them on Sup Forums
Shit talking thread
The superiority of French over English
ITT: post Overseas territory of your country
Deutsches Reich
This is a 10 in uk
Yuo be conquistador
Does anyone know if this is real?
What do people say in your country when people sneeze?
Hilo latino /lat/
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Shameful display, Spain
Provinces/states in your cunt that you forget exist
You have 10 seconds to act as American as possible or this bird is going to stab you
What the fuck is wrong with Asians?
How degenerate is Amsterdam?
Sverigetråden - Gripenupplagan
Come to Brazil :) We give you free bunda
Culture Pals /cp/ General
Why do people look down on lake/river beaches compared to beaches on the ocean or sea?
Why is this allowed?
Can we get a burger hate thread started? Honestly, is there anything more useless on this planet than a fucking burger?
Thoughts on the Anglo?
You wake up as Hitler in 1936
What's the worst European country?
/dixie/ - Southern US and friends
ITT: We pretend to be Canadian
How is poland shit if a poland fag made Witcher?
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
/BRD GmbH/ immer noch /deutsch/
India confirmed shitter power by 2019
Mfw I corner a Scandinavian on public transit and start small talking to him about my tulip garden and the weather
Sup Forumsernational music survey
1. You're country
Attila is a popular name in Hungary
ita - il filo
/fr/ - le fil de la France et d'un user qui ferait mieux d'aller se coucher
Did you know that polish people are so savage that they burned rainbow monument 6 times until it was permanently...
Venezuela fighting
Don't Call Us "Yellow"
If your cunt took no part to WW1-2, it is not truly a country
ITT: Countries that thought they could beat your country in a war but failed miserably
Let's have one of these
American approaches and asks me "How are you?"
Germancucks are finished
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
Be Sweden
/Nachtschicht/ oder auch /deutsch/
Is I1 the untermench haplogroup
Daily reminder that more than 150 million europoors have a French Father !
Sverigetråden - Melissa Upplagan
Be alive
Which Pepe best sums up your feelings right now?
21% of Mexicans have blonde hair
What can you tell me about this country?
Perfect flags don't exis-
This is what Eastern Europe would look like if Hitler won
Why are chestlets so fucking pathetic?
Why do whiteys shitpost so much?
Polish ''men''
Kurva anyátok
These are what average paki girls look like
Mfw Australians need to wear magnetic shoes because otherwise they would fall off the planet
Your thoughts on Japanese girls?
I am so very tired of this country
Why are women around the world (esp. Asia and Latin America) obsessed with macarons?
Germany and Poland should be one
Every time I feel bad I just think to myself ''at least I don't live in South America'' I know for sure I will never...
Is your parents home a love nest or a living hell?
Do Russians get along with their eastern Asian minorities¿
Modern world is owned by women
I want Americans to apologize for assassinating pretty much every important leader in Latin America...
What mix of races are require to create the perfect human specimen
Culture Pals /cp/
ITT: We pretend to be American
/deutsch/e Huldigung der Suzane Salimi
Sverigetråden - Mysiga kvällsupplagan
/fr/ - le fil français
/ita/ - il filo
/Polska/ - edycja zestresowania zycie
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Opposed to nationalism, populism and authoritarianism
Guess my ethnicity!
/fug/ - /fr/+/brit/+/deutsch/
Why is Japan's flag basically a bird's eye view of a mushroom cloud?
Be korean presidential election
Post interesting maps
Emmanuel Macron :
I got a question for south korean anons...
/rus/ + /bel/ + /ukr/ general
/v4/ + friends
99.99% of all Icelandic wildlife
Tfw mostly turkish cypriot
Norway cutie contest 2017, now with rock bottom list too
Who /Russiaboo/ here?
Be American
Lives off welfare
/mena/ general ~ /comfy/ town edition
ITT: We trigger other countries
Best name for celestial objects?
What do you call this in your cunt?
ITT:Post your favourite food by the country above you
ASEAN countries always post pictures of "Asian Beauties"
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Post a more russian pic
How could I respect Germans when I'm Greek?
I made a post a few months ago about how my area in Norway have in recent years seen a significant increase in...
/éire/ - /eire/
What's your excuse, Sup Forums?
How do you say "Dokdo is Korean Territory" in your language?
Why do Chinese, Russians, South Americans use their languages in English forum?
Post your ancestor
Redpill me on Turks, do you actually hate them or is it just a meme?
Sverigetråden - Toalettupplagan
/fr/ - Le fil qui parle français
Europeans will eat this
A small island managed to conquer almost a third of the inhabited world
ITT post memories and screencaps from Sup Forums
Alo spejn
Typical finnish day
So after North Korea and America nuke the fuck outta each other who becomes the new world super power?
Are they white Sup Forums?
Meanwhile in Brazil
Germans really going at it xDDDDD
I like anime
Is there a point of being attractive with severe interpersonal problem?
Zhuyin Script
Why do we need languages other than English now?
Mfw I learned I'm 0.7% Jewish
Goodbye int/ i'm leaving Sup Forums permanently
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Recently my country removed the law which allow rapists to get away with rape charges if they marry their victims
How do we stop ginger extinction?
Was the collapse of Yugoslavia inevitable?
Tan de bo tots els gavatxos de merda es morissin...
Polacks are LITERALLY darker than shitskins
Sverigetråden - Tisdagsupplagan
/deutsch/ Arbeitslos und Arbeitssuchend Ausgabe
/rus/ + /bel/ + /ukr/ general
Why is Russia so filthy and corrupt?
Does your cunt have a clone of hachiroku?
This is a girl from my clan here. Can she pass of as white?
Is it true that russians consider grren and grey the same colour, or just some kind of myth?
Whats wrong with whites?
Say something nice and mean about the cunt above you, even if it's T*rkey
How do we cleanse the orange parts of this map, Sup Forums?
/fr/ Le fil de la francophonie - Voyage edition
It's not racism, but why do black people have a certain body odor ?
Wake up
Wake up
Why is Sup Forums so anti-EU? How could you be against European Unification and uncuckification...
/ita/ - il filo
Ethnic slurs for Slavs
Faces of int/
American toilet flushers are still mechanical instead of being digital like in Japan and most of Europe
killing your enemies in war is wrong
Capital of the West
/balt/ + /ausnz/
White "food"
I'm a US citizen about to move to Ukraine; any tips on how to pick up thicc Ukranian bitches? pic related...
Is I1 the worst haplogroup?
If you even respect CONGOLOMBIA or SWEDEN, you are not a person
How come everyone despises Canadians all of a sudden?
What is your unbiased opinion on the Philippines?
Bolivian army movilizing army and navy to the frontier after the earthquake
What is the worst country? I nominate the curry munching street shitters
I got really disappointed in Paris. It is really overrated in my opinion. I thought people would be dressed nicely...
How different are quebe*ois people from regular canadian people?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Question for Australians
Generals should be forced to have a standardized subject so they are easily filterable...
Y-you don't like brown eyed women, user?! ;_;
Do jewish people accept converts?
What are your honest thoughts on this?
Say something nice about Nu Zeelan
Kurva anyátok
Would you rather lose your sight or hearing?
Why don't americans celebrate anzac day?
Do Europeans wear this brand?
I thought she was different
Only 13 years left
Why are White countries so much better than non-white countries?
What's wrong with America
Dumb SJW feminists libtards will be new president of korea
Your country
What is the most cancerous general on Sup Forums?
Wow user how do you know so much useless trivia about countries you've never been too?
Non-Anglos pronounce this as 'turd'
Some seppo faggot asks for directions
Why is Japan so racist?
/brit/- brit
Hilo latino recordando a los caidos
How is Venezuela seen by the rest of Latina America?
How could Americans be dissuaded from spreading their patronizing brand of imperialism...
1. your cunt
The urge to lick a black anal
Earthquake in Chile
Why do Koreans and Japanese hate each other so much, they're essentially the same people?
You know, maybe the Argentines aren't so bad after all
Burgers, tell me about Dixiestan
Culture Pals /cp/
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
How do you imagine the last moments of your life?
/hell/ Hellas General
Europeans please take back AntiFa
Most beautiful women in the world
How can we fix this?
Are tall anglo white people really admired around the world?
Choosing a new language
ITT: Languages that sound dumb
What does an AVERAGE girl look like in your country
Which countries would you be comfortable living in? No memes
Why are Indian people so smelly?
Why do women from Asian societies choose to show more of their legs...
How does the world reconcile the fact that these are the only livable countries in the world?
/fug/ = /fr/ + /brit/ + /deutsch/
Sverigetråden - Dublettupplagan
Stop bullying Poland
When will Brits finally return the stolen art?
Why are White people so cringy?
Another day
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
Tell me about tajikistan. Are all girls like pic related? What kind of people are they? Could I get qt tajik gril?
Southerners brazilians aren't white. prove me wrong
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Why do Poles say "po la~~ <3" when they see something cute?
Tell me about Norway, Sup Forums
Pic related is my grandpa. Can he pass off as a local in your cunt?
/schwiiz/ ehemals /deutsch/
This is what passes for blonde in poland
Choose one that you would
I have only kissed once and had sex once
Romans weren't scandinavian
You can only post ITT if your country had a pope
Post a woman
My chinese gf got called Ching Chong by fucking skinhead
Americans will defend this
Fact: Swedes are the most powerful race in the world
What's it like to be able to drive across your entire country in a matter of hours...
What does Sup Forums think of Bulgaria(ns)?
Why is this country so bad at war?
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
/fug/ - /fr/+/brit/+/deutsch/
Are you a real man?
Culture Pals /cp/
Why is Sup Forums so anti-EU? How could you be against European Unification and uncuckification...
ITT: countries you like but they don't like you
Sverigetråden – Kvällsupplagan
Be polish
French Election
Why do people brag about pale skin when brown skin is much more beautiful?
/éire/ - /eire/
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Land of the free
So when are Americans going to pay reparations to Mexico?
These countries will burn in nuclear fire
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Is I1 the untermench haplogroup?
Heading to Ukraine Friday
His """""language""""" doesn't have an itadakimasu equivalent
Friendly reminder that africans had rich and prosperous kingdoms untill whitey came and destroyed everything
What is their relationship going to be like?
I must write a 3-5 page paper on a piece of media set before the year 1500, and critically analyze it...
Is France fucked ?
Why do koreans like french fries so much?
Sverigestormen - Mangeupplagan
Why are we so arrogant?
Wtf? I hate America now!
Nordics literally eat rotten meat
An ideal world
What are your thoughts on my country?
Who is the most powerful Scandanavian cunt; Sweden, Denmark, or Norway?
What is your genetic heritage?
Average american
How many times do you have masturbation in a week?
How does it feel knowing that the U.S. could defeat the entire world by themselves if they declared total war
Is there any country that America invaded and that became better? I mean british took over south asia...
/dixie/ - Southern US and friends
Who are you judging by this pic?
She will never be yours
/ita/ - il filo
Why are whites so retarded?
Daily reminder that every shy, virgin boy deserves to be raped and get taken care off by the girl that loves him
Would you like to have sex with an older woman like 20 years older than you?
Why do spaniards still have that stupid tradition?
ITT: You have to rename your country, so that it ends with -stan
"loli and shota is not pedo"
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1845
Would anyone here live somewhere in Latin America?
Less Muslim
France's potential president is pretty f*cking alpha (Emmanuel Macron)
Yore only allowed to post itt thread if your country is 10%< amerindian ;)
Bye bye
/balt/ + /ur mum/ + /ausnz/
ITT: Post pictures of girls from your country to get an idea how girls look like on your country
/fr/ - Le fil francophone et blanc:
Skin color
Be me
Japanese birth rate is going up
If we are the fatties why do we have way more muscular cops than Europeans? Explain this shit Europoors
/deutsch/er Stammtisch am Morgen
Do you love your country Sup Forums?
Are Ivy-league and Oxbridge people REALLY better than the rest of us intellectually?
Kurva anyátok
Sverigetråden - Skogen kan vara läskig upplagan
What are these Anglo countries called in your language?
What's the korean version of a weeb called?
Young world leaders will save the west
Why is their birth rate so low?
How do you feel about living in eastern europe?
Post a average man in your country
American South is still celebrating slavery
/polska/ - edycja jesienna
/rus/ +/bel/ + /ukr/ general
What is your favorite country on Sup Forums?
He only speaks a single language
Why do anglos like hurting people so much?
Latin Union
Would you rather be super attractive aryan with severe interpersonal problem or bluepilled average normie with a gf
Bonjour tout le monde. En le thread nous parlent en linguas nous ne parlent pas
Our princess will go to the University of Leeds in the UK to study psychology and art
History is written by Victors
Hey, french-bros what do you think about elections? Who of the candidates are you gonna vote for?
Itt post things only your cunt has
/balt/ + ?
Be me
How do you find God, Sup Forums? I want to find God and I feel empty sometimes
ITT dog breeds from your country
Could you ever see your country accepting AI companions?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why do Japanese people love America despite all the historical events?
A new generation of anons is about to learn the humiliating story behind ANZAC day
Where in South America do girls actually look like this?
/fr/ - le fil de la Francophonie 2002 Edition
Tfw white god factor is fading in asia
Spurdo rarely posted anymore
Could I pass as a local in your cunt?
Good morning
Morning user, wanna try some african cuisine ?
This is Greek clay
I want a sweden conservative gf, is this possible...
Is it time for Japan to open up for mass immigration? Their birth rate is far too low
Do you love the Netherlands?
Kurva anyátok
Which is the sexiest French world leader?
Tfw no int bf
Why do white people love take credit for everything?
What is your favorite accent?
Is this eaten in your country?
Spain must pay reparations for what they did to the aztecs ;_;
Being from a DICKLET country
Show us your city, Sup Forums
Post yours and discuss how consistent or inconsistent some of their views are with the rest of your nation
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...