
what it means to be british edition

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bit of a meaningless buzzword, don't we all consume?

booked the 30th of may off

work the saturday of 20th may meaning i'll likely be able to get my lieu day on fri 26th may

got myself a nice little 5 day break lined up

How close are we to WW3 actually kicking off?


I went to Florida's FOR the theme parks


I move to range-ban all US and US territory posters from creating any threads with '/brit/' contained in the subject, and posting in any such threads.
All in favour, please give me a (You)

>JF edition
shit as always

VR for videogames is inconsequential
its when they start bringing VR into "other" areas

how do I stop being racist against turks lads,
its a serious flaw of mine

teach me to appreciate turkic culture


genuinely, genuinely could not give less of a shite. oh my god. i don't think i've cared so little about a post in a long time

Didn't watch



It used to be like this but the threads are too quick now

no bf

but polite burgers are like honorary brits

run up on the eu laughing, brexit
manna sees the same digits, checks it

got my feet up about to stick on some jezza

I'll be your bully, faggot

disgusting creature
idk how this is attractive


thanks to /brit/, everytime i think about going to work Brendan Fraser's face appears in my mind

>goes to the international section of a website composed of mostly americans
>gets mad when americans post
think britfa.gs might be better for you

Yes, we can't afford to dilute our nice putrid sewage with revolting pure white milk.
*river dances across the ocean*
*pollutes anglo nations around the globe*

>but polite burgers are like honorary brits

all the retarded yanks that make shit threads like this one make you look bad

haha wtf is this



Fucking state of the West


hello n********r

>but polite burgers are like honorary brits

fuuuuuu haha

every Yank post is horendus and not in a funny or ironic or even noteworthy way desu

where do you reckon arsenal will finish?
1. chelski
2. spurs
3. utd
4. citeh
5. liverpoo
6. farsenal

Reminder we are living in a simulation.


i don't really understand why people rant and rave about politics so much. surely the objectively optimal government setup would be centrist utilizing the good points of left and right wing policies. why is there always so much debate over it?

pic related as i likely don't really know what i'm talking about but still

t. yank lite

canadians on the other hand are unironically the best posters on Sup Forums

Gas the yanks to be honest

>mfw they copied the american version for being British so it still looks like a yank flag

Would you fight for the East or West in the event of a global armed conflict?

Remember, Israel is West

shit tit job.

a simulation of what haha

eh couldn't care less about our reputation honestly

who would simulate this much pain




being a runt in your case

>supposedly most prestigious uni in the world
>at least top 5

>muh microagressions

Business idea: give me an offer that cannot be ignored

21st century gnosticism for unimaginative STEMfags

Prolly 5th imo

south west

We are pretty much just in a game of Sims mate.

Follow the money

Not even a STEMfag

people disagree on what the good ideas are
centrists actually have some pretty clear views on most issues, they're not just lol pick and choose the good bits. Who decides the good bits anyway?

you replied ;^)

Arsenal always finish top 4, no matter how impossible it seems 2bh

fuck off to your containment thread

also thanks for selling your best keeper since that German.

(you're a selling club)

t. incredibly intelligent student of history and psychology
please teach me your ways

>We are pretty much just in a game of Sims mate.

prove it

>we are living in a simulation
umm maybe? what does it matter lol

shannae be replying

dont follow football. why is everyone talking about arsenal so much?

we're still in here lads

>live in brum
>constantly attempt to perform racial microagressions to subconsciously make them feel unwelcome when I walk past a paki or hear someone speaking Polish

Is it true that you're the former front man of Lost Prophets currently posting from prison?

Arsenal have no right to laugh at the Europa league. If Arsenal were to win the Europa league it would be one of their best seasons ever.

a grim state of affairs

it's not important

What does it mean to be British?

haha love sport chat. if only we had an entire board dedicated to it or something

there's an absolute shit ton of Arsenal fans on Sup Forums so I imagine they overlap

it's the club of choice for foreign glory hunters who want to be avoid being seen as ultra glory hunters. Arsenal are just not good enough to be considered top tier so they think they can get away with it.

vote lib dem, get greens

wow really weird how the most intelligent people all agree on that stuff init

Okay, how come when we are asleep we dream of things that hasn't happened yet?

cam? what are you talking about
took a good hour or 2 for the volunteers to delete those flooded posts near the start


Nigga plz

brighton mentioned waheeeey


got told off at work today. lousy performance. my toilet breaks are also too long. i spend too much time on my lunch. blah blah blah blah blah

really dreading work tomorrow. mr noseberg may force me on a 16 hour shift to atone for my misdeeds

This is all capitalism's fault
Also Jews

look at the table, they need everyone else to choke badly

Aggression is literally what defines male spaces

this looks cool as fuck


got the 'chine out anyone want owt

they don't though
or are you actually trying to say that avoiding eye contact truly constitutes racism and needs to be combated at once

wow so intelligent, its just a cultural phenomenon of people not wanting to speak out against this crap because you get the worst kinds of labels attached to you


it's funny how really good looking males are beta because men are automatically aggressive at them

t. personal experience
source: reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/2xm00d/ridiculously_good_looking_problems/

Why does your bud look like baccy?

this is the result of turning universities into glorified daycares/high school for adult babies

i have no idea whether it actually constitutes racism, but for some reason the most intelligent people in the world, when gathered together, reach an apparently sjw consensus. just saying they might be right

roll me a cornetto lad

>he thinks people are going to read his reddit links