
Canadian overlords edition

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Fuck Drumpf

Alaska #1st

cum lol

A lot of people don't realize this, but Jefferson Starship and Starship are two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT bands, not the same. The main difference is that Jefferson Starship rocks, whereas Starship sucks.

Jefferson Starship:


See the difference?



I was about to make an anime edition but I couldnt pick out a good pic

Honestly kinda happy that Trump is waging a trade war with Canada

Maybe now our shithole can stop having a fucking colonial economy and aspire to more than just having a parasitic relationship with the USA.

>he fuck is wrong with that


the gf

>I don't like 'we built this city'


My revenge will be swift.
First comes the polar bears then comes Sarah Palin with her army


going to bed guys. I'm so tired :(

>stop having a fucking colonial economy
Lmao. No, never.



new or old?

VW still sells a 3 door golf in canada

there's also the mini, fiat 500, and the smart, but those are all a bit, niche

does /cum/ support Puerto Rican statehood?

stop being a civic nationalist

>the rabbits, wojak?


who else are we going to trade with if not for yanks?

I like Canada. I'd live to live there.

the comfiest album of all time

what then, lehigh?

was i suppose to feel bad for this dog?

>I prefer Japanese cartoons over western media

what anime? WAIT wont tell me



I unironically believe anime is better for plot.

>I unironically believe anime is better for plot.

I for one enjoy anime for its plot

The bf

Found a new one!

I have actually never watched an anime in my life

My fucking stomach is killing me buds

Somebody explain the 547-D hopscotch involved in bringing up an issue and then folding like a lawn chair instantly when you're gently told no.

>tfw you hold the listerine in your mouth until the pain becomes unbearable

I bet you ironically eat Cheetos every day also.

i just like the lolis


I did really bad one semester in my engineering program so I ended up being out of school for a year and a half. I was kinda depressed.

It really sucks going back to uni because I'm going to graudate when I'm 23, instead of now when I'm 21.

tfw kinda a failure

I cant name a single person under the age of 25 who hasnt watched at least Dragon ball Z

tari tari

Yes, only so you have to redesign your flag.

>south dakota

I've never seen DBZ either.

raphael could lose a couple pounds

no goldfish

it's not like that's a big deal, it'd cost the government 100k tops.

Stop consuming asian media

we were born to become veterinarians

Will one of you Canadians tell that one Canadian to stop. You know the one.

she could use a 9 lb baby in her womb

from me


You don't understand, you fool!
I have played you like a fiddle!
All this was a facade to get you to say my state's name, therefore increasing its notoriety on Malaysian Potpourri forum

wtf I hate South Dakota now

Last time it was designed by a 17 year old in Ohio, if you want to be lazy about it this 51 star design has been around for years

hmm yes


Which one?

post your MP/representative/whatever mexicans have

They'll probably do a contest like they did for Hawaii desu




I support states leaving. Like commiefornia. They don't obey federal laws anyway. I hope a nork nuke reaches them.

>it wasn't me :3

Custodial volunteers need to start banning him again, when he used that OP pasta the thread would be deleted immediately.

he's the kind of guy whose wife gets bred by muscular black bulls on the daily

>I hope a nork nuke reaches them.

>supporting the U.S. becoming weaker

What's the difference between cuckporn and regular porn?

Pro tip: there isn't.

>i support calexit

Early SpongeBob was the last time western cartoons were good

Gordon Freeman is that you? Well I must say, you haven't changed one bit!

who is this person?

I support Cascadia

Submit a new circle design for me, I always liked these ones.


>someone else beleives this

i know right?

KotH went well into the 2000's, pleb

roasties were a mistake

got called a racist on Sup Forums

California is already doing that.

>muh economy

Economy doesn't mean shit when society crumbles. And that shit hole is leading the charge.


>some "people" cant swim

didn't know drumpf was in california

Looks like a trashy flip, kek

you seem absolutely fanny BLASTED at california, friendo

Why are leftists ok with illegals draining the economy

calexit lul


my burger king thread on Sup Forums is still fucking up and people are still falling for it

fucking hell

so wrong

why are alt-right okay with white people?

just come out and say it: brown people

and how many military bases would we lose if California left?

How much geopolitical leverage would we lose

How much of a GDP hit would we take.