Do you love your country Sup Forums?

Do you love your country Sup Forums?

I love Australia. I think it's the greatest country in the world. Sure it has it's issues but overall I don't think there's a better country.

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tbqhwy famalam no



Not really, im beginning to accept we're being sold out, meanwhile I have to keep hearing about how hard everyone else has it over something that already happened here

Hate it and everyone in it

I love to hate it, but I unironically think it's one of the best countries to live in.

Switzerland is far superior. The overbearing orwellian nanny state ruins Ausfailia.

>I love to hate it, but I unironically think it's one of the best countries to live in.
same 3bh

ahh yes, here he is

i can always tell it's him.

I can't really complain

Super comfy quality of life wise, but too expensive and like one in every 2 people are insufferable cunts

>one in every 2 people are first wave immigrants
corrected that on your behalf chum

it's pretty fucking annoying, people put up with it because gubbmnit knows best and general malaise

not him but there are plenty of insufferable whites here

i'm not even a leftist either.

It's alright. We're like the US but without the social problems. Boring and not globally relevant, but a great place to live.

Not really, most of the cunts are white, some of the nicest people I come across are migrants and aboriginals have been here forever and they're the worst.

absolutely, people are never "kind of an asshole", they're either the nicest person you ever met or complete fucking garbage.

I've noticed this polarity as well but be careful in that you might be too sensitive to categorize everyone according to a dichotomy like this

Some people might not be assholes but pragmatic, forward-thinking, protecting their interests, etc

It must be difficult to live in a country where you do not see any absurd case every time you go on a news site. For example, sending medicines to Venezuela (300 tons) or announcing billion dollar investment in Cuba, Bolivia and Nicaragua with the country going bankrupt.

yes i do. anyone who doesn't love their country is a commie faggot

you are degenerate subhumans
a useless country
fuck whites

>implying commies don't love their country more

Most aussies are glad people like you are in Germany desu, fuck Germans

I am a Greek

i love you :(

Maduro does not accept medicines because Brazil wants to be donated by a Christian NGO linked to the Vatican

The only issue is too many nonwhites.


countries better than australia
>New Zealand
>Republic of Ireland

I like my Country probably more than the average german, but I dislike it too.

It's a 50/50 thing.

germany is shit

um, for quality of life and wealth only new zealand and netherlands come remotely close.

America is more of a "nanny state" than Australia.
Burgers really are generally pig ignorant of the world.
They really ought be blocked from Sup Forums as it is evident that they are incapable of discourse on an international level. They already have Sup Forums as their only retarded American variant of Sup Forums.

It's one of the best. You're missing a proper Australian culture though, just like every anglo country.

very creative reply

Allow me to interject for a moment, but Canada is the best country objectively

do not reply to ikibey

You can guess....

germans are subhumans

shitskin country

>says the non-country
Belgium is a spook

We're honestly as white as Western Germany is in 2017

thats nothing to be proud of

Yeah no one cares about Belgium, myself included. All I'm saying is Australia has no culture on its own, other than bogans and shitty lowered trucks.


It's a shit country which prefer to elect a cosmopolitan to Marine.

lel no, New Zealand is a poorer australia and the Netherlands is basically a huge council estate
Switzerland Norway Sweden and Canada are better countries

that's a funny way to spell usa