
Time for beddy-bye-byes wagies!

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dont enter the new thread 190 childrens lives ruined


Upa RA

hate danelad more than anyone on earth


Manchester on suicide watch


ah yes 190 nonced


Dont think Janny will let this edition stand desu


name a broadcaster that doesn't do this

would actually pay full cost for a flight to canada to cuck 12irl's chink boyfriend right in front of him

jajajajajajajaja fucking gays

thought are theresa was the mkultra girl for a moment haha

me in the middle

Had a mate from there who used to shout that across the city centre when he was pissed was pretty funny

reply good or bad is appreciated :3

Been feeling really down lately lads.

strongly disagree with his views on green belts but he's an alri lad deep down, 190kg on the other hand is a repulsive individual


are you a bottom

gymbuddy said "yeah your hole is really deep" and didn't realise that it sounded a bit gay

willy twitched when i saw this. wonder what it means



Just fuck my career up senpai

watched an i-D documentary about beauty norms and tattoos in South korea. very interesting.

>he doesn't know that 190 was outed as a real life nonce that's on the sex register for fiddling with his niece back in 2013

Jesus lad


don't they disapprove of them massively there?

>tfw he will never be your bf



>pornographic performativity seeping into all facets of interpersonal encounters between sexes
ah yes

someone link me one of 190 little ones ridden posts(not on /brit/)


King's Cross gets penger every month


Cunt promised me he'd wish me a happy birthday and never did.

Wasn't it discovered that 190 had a done a stretch for touching up his niece or summit a few years ago?

fucking hell i remember that gimp. old Sup Forums had some funny characters. all gone now though.

She do something bad? or something

yeah they're illegal there but there's a big underground tattoo scene


absolutely mental that 190kg fingered his little sister

why are you talking about 190 when he didnt even post yet

this new swede is SUPERB, i like him a lot x
read this piccy, it's relevant to what you're saying

All her latest stuff is pure trash

pure liberalism

yeah mate everyone that's been her for longer than a couple months knows that

the israeli > the american who lives in ethiopia > the mexican > that canadian that likes primus > thailad > the jewish user with the schizophrenic sister > danelad > ribena > train autists > lisicki > the algerian > all irish posters

At least I'm not some neet that spends all day playing video games and wanking.

the pengest redevelopment

say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens

I'm trying to imagine being nonced by 190

I reckon he covers his giant mass with custard creams and asks kids to eat them off him

Same m8

Lots of things for me. Another birthday approaching, and I'm still a virgin. No idea what to do after uni. Getting increasingly annoyed and angry at my parents. Depression is coming back.

Even having thoughts of the 'cide.

Might go back to /britfeel/ for a bit.

How many people who actually have sex talk in these terms?


You benders thought I wouldn't hear you chatting about Kyary

it's him samefagging about himself because he's absolutely fuming that the non-irish taig loyalist coke head got more attention than him when he slice n dice'd his wrists for us live on /brit/

hmm not bad but i would downgrade danelad to a position behind the train autists. at least trains can be aesthetic.

reckon this is unfair

>y-you're just a bitter virgin
ah yes
the non-argument

communists are worse

still screaming at this

*jets into somerset*

You're finished mate

Anti-Gaelic racist

you guys are okay, but when you get mad over the potato famine it's just a big mess so it brings your score down massively

>tfw i dont have an identity on /brit/

Thank god, why would someone want a fucking identity if they use Sup Forums. Baffling.

>danejew and ribena above trains and irish
other than that its pretty sound desu


Good lord that comment section

seen a bloke that was around 6'4 hanging around this primary school gates near liverpool uni the other day

>22k in London

>Intaglio Printmaker has its roots firmly fixed in Australian heritage.

>In 1981 Intaglio Printmaker opened in London as a brave new venture for its Australian owners who had personal interests in the UK.

>Karyn White initially came over from Australia on behalf of the owners to set up the first shop in Newington Causeway SE1. Following a challenging year rebuilding a derelict warehouse and launching the shop, it was time to call in Christine Munton (the first Brit in the business!) to do the book-keeping and keep a check on the finances.

>In 1988, after a move to the Angel, Islington, Karyn and Christine bought the business from the Australian partners.

Nah m8, swerve that

>the israeli >
stopped reading there reuben

me on the right with my shoes inexplicably on

do you not like fucking machines?
what's wrong with you?

Notice how quiet 190 becomes when his noncery is brought up

Valuable lesson for the future, if you want him to fuck off just talk about when he nonced his niece, he fucks off because he thinks no one remembers it

kek what

Tattoo version of Fast and Furious when


>tfw 190 has been mentioned 9 times and no post has ended in 190
>i've not even posted in the thread yet


>ribena NOT at the bottom/one place above the irish

post absolutely and entirely disregarded
he is fucking insane, criminal, and in no way entertaining like the other sometimes are

Being in the presence of a legit child molester is a novelty since jersey nonce fucked off

the same method can be used against the algerian and his height. he gets mad and leaves when everyone starts spamming >5'8 pretty funny

Can you imagine how it breathes

What a disgusting fat individual

Yeah no. That's me on the right. Still want to try it?

who's the oldest virgin here?

20 here

bit gay

190 children assaulted
190 criminal charges
190 days locked up (for being a nonce)

you alright yh

There's no virgins here

gf just e-mailed me this

honestly it's a sign you need to get off of here
would kill myself if I started getting recognised here why the fuck would you want to be a /brit/ personality

very, VERY strange how you just happened to be in here at that time, pure coincidence?
hmmmmm really makes u think

hii c:

She (my gf) will be the star of that movie

i honestly identify more with being british than being american


>autisto Americano not listed
>"all irish posters"
hmm, yes. the ol' "everybody from 1 country is exactly the same" kind of attitude, insuperable (!)
>the provocation only comes from one side
don't be that blind

how 2 get a british ecstasy slut gf like this as an american?

Forgot the link what am I like
