Do jewish people accept converts?

do jewish people accept converts?

You will never be fully respected.

Jews don't even accept Ethiopian Jews, who have been Jews for thousands of years.

I would like an israel flag response

the reason I ask is because I think their idea of God is better than christianity

You think God as a merciless force of nature that you must love no matter how many tribulations and horrors he visits upon you and who comes up with obtuse rules and rituals that He expects you follow not for any rational reason but just to prove your loyalty to Him is better than a benevolent savior that only wishes you do do good unto your fellow man?


this isnt just shitposting either. judaism is trasmitted matrilineally. You *can* convert but youll always be a 2nd class jew.

is also right. Israel wants nothing to do with beta-israel and doesnt recognize them as jews. Of course, niggers dont really understand religion and i doubt even the beta israelite rabbai have read the talmud.

Yes they do (meme free answer)

The former is much more closer to how reality actually is from my experience in life.

I have dual citizenship

From what I've heard from my family, yes. Also Israel is so desperate for people converts are more than accepted. Also, if there's no way people can find out there's no reason to explicitly tell Jews you're a convert. If your beliefs are that strong it doesn't matter whether you're a convert or ethnic Jew. You serve a purpose in the world and God chose you to convert.

I'm hearing opinions from both sides, on one hand I hear people say they don't, but I also heard from you and my Jewish friend (who has guided me and helped me to get enough motivation to get a job) that they do, which is it?

It's actually impossible to do it right now but it was a long run question thing.

You literally will never be fully respected. The highest orders don't respect converts. Don't waste your time.

But wud if youuz a real nigga like me? Watchu gonna do aboud da? Huh bee? We duh real izrealites an shiieeet

Oooiiii vvvveeeeiiii I over cooked the matza Baaawwwlls again! HOWARD! GET THE GEFFILTE FISH OUT OF THE FRIDGE! I'M GETTING GASSY AGAIN! This is all the fault of the nazis for giving us gas!

A daily reminder that Khazars have not blood relationship with Abraham

where does this come from?

yes, after all ashkenazikikes are just european converts

Didnt it take a really long time for israel to allow black Israelites citizenship?

Ultra orthodox Jews, which are hated in Israel.

It says in the Torah to respect and treat converts as any other Jew. Majority of Jews will accept you.

You don't have to say "you". It was a general question.

What do you mean by orthodox? I've only encountered one online on a reddit board who always bantered Christianity. I heard they're acceptive of converts, but I'm not sure. Why are they disliked in Israel?

Are Khazars and Tatars essentially the same?


they're awful people. They spit on girls who walk on the same side of the street as them, they hate Israel, refuse to work, etc.

they are true jews and not fakers. real jews hate israel.

Memes aside people are cool with converts, some even like it because its quite rare for people to convert to Judaism.

Haredim (Ultra-Orthodox) don't like converts much, but they don't like (mutually) regular Jews too so don't mind them.

Why does Christianity attract so much more people to it?

fuck israel and every yahudi

Wow that is very anti-semitic Hans. I'm reporting this to Mutti.

>converting to Christianity
>15 min, don't really need to do anything, almost no rules, become part of the majority

>converting to Judaism
>2-3 years, need to do a lot of stuff, a shitload of rules, become part of the minority

He is greek(turk)

I don't know about Israel, so I'll say about the community here in Mexico.
A friend of my dad converted like 20 years ago, it took him like 10 years to be accepted by most jews but the most hardcore ones still see him as a 2nd class kike

because Christianity isn't as devout a religion. It doesn't take a lot of commitment like Judaism and Islam.

Is that why most people in it are unhappy?

Why did he convert?

What do you think is the future of Judaism and Israel? I would think it would be interesting if it was able to grow.

Jews do not accept anyone who is even half-Jewish from their father's side and raised religiously Jewish.
He could be a dark, middle-eastern looking Ashkanazi and white-skinned, blond haired, blue eyed "Jews" will never see him as Jewish and will treat him like shit--even denying such a thing as there being a "Jewish ethnicity".

Jews are scum m8

He married a jewess, I don't know if that was his reason or if he converted before they met
Kids were raised Jewish and they are not seen as outsiders

I am russian (i dont give a fuck about converting to jew i am russian orthdox in isreal and its is not my problems not My war )i have My russin slavic history and My askenazi cultur here and My kids Will steady in russian school and My gf is russian and My kids Will be russians with russian names and russian cultur and in My home we spreek only in russian and watch russian tv only and go to russian magazins and have russian friends and not a single jew scum can control us

Glory to russia and all slavs death do americans and german and westeners scums

Slavs Putin slava rus smert ameriki i evropi i mizrahi scum

Is this true?

Us a russian My grendmother killed a LOT of germans in ww2 thet why i Am here

She is a seviver i love her and respect her god bless her for killing germans and seving jews kids and womens the jwish man died they dont want to fight

In Israel you go by the mother grandmother not by your father grandfather

Isreal only win whan thet take russians immigrerant with diplomas in nucler war doctors loyers sport man gimnastic girls

Now we billiding Nukes for Israel and serving in there army and we are most strongest brigadas here

We control Israel we are best

Jews only read the books and never go to army even

Only glory to isrealy russian brothers we have two motherlands first and ebave all its mother ruSsia secend its Israel


I can relate to this grade of autism

I Am russian and you Fucking german i wish you born in hell now with all of your muslims with all of the germans

Death to germany

But they accept Lemba Jews, at least officially.

This. Fuck germany.

Hitler kaput :D ja? Günther ?? I hoph Muslim blizkrieg you to töd soon :D

>jew attacks me for being ''german''
>I'm not even german

Israel needs a nuclear holocaust

You are greek.

first of all
second of all
>fucking jews
>and jesus from historical point of view was a sectarian jew
I'd throw the guy into a chamber with the rest of the bunch, you don't nurse cancer, you remove it

Converts are accepted and respected, no memes.
A person who wasn't born a Jew and dedicated themselves to become Jewish will get a lot of respect from religious people.
I'm not talking about American conservative and reform conversion.
Israel is an orthodox state and the non/less religious are regarded as "secular", not reform or conservative, that almost does not exist in Israel.
The fullest conversion that will count in Israel takes a year or more and is ruequired for you to be considered a Jew by law in Israel.
Let me also clear up another subject on being considered a Jew by the authorities:
If you have Jewish ancestry you can move to Israel, but you might not be written down as a Jew in your ID even if you grew up with a Jeiwsh lifestyle and Hebrew is your first language, you will need to do the orthodox conversion. Only if your mother or her mother was Jewish will you be fully considered a Jew.
In other countries, in reform and conservative communities it's a lot easier to converet and they will consider you Jeiwsh, the secular or less religious people of Israel probably will consider you Jewish, the religious orthodox Jews of the world won't onsider you Jewish nor will the state of Israel.
Often converts are far more religious because being Jewish for them was a choice and their Jewish ID can be revoked if they are found openly disobeying an important rule of orthodox Judiasm. Something that does not exist for those born Jewish.

I'm going to save this so I can copy paste this next time the question is asked. haha

So, will Jewish people accept me if i convert, even through I'm a turk?


>A person who wasn't born a Jew and dedicated themselves to become Jewish will get a lot of respect from religious people.
Even Arabian muslims?

In Israel there is a dislike to the Turkish government since the marmara but we never had a problem with the Turkish people, Turkey used to be a very pouplar vacation destination.

They would probably get even more respect if they became Jewish and are from a demograph where most of them, at a minimum don't "like" us.