Does anyone know if this is real?

does anyone know if this is real?

Other urls found in this thread:–France_Maritime_Boundary_Case

Yes it is

It is, to this day they are still salty about it

They also have a coin, but it's pretty rare right now.

what is even on those fucking tiny islands to cause such immense butthurt?

Oil and gas

corn syrup and sex

It is.



Good position militarily and as a general base.

i said it half a year ago, and i repeat

>meme money
>meme islands
>meme war

That's so sad.

still doing the CBC

you look very.. white

He is 100% amerindian, mind you.

yes, I got one

>implying those hands aren't that of congolese pigment

Some tribes of AMERINDIAN argentines have light skin, but once you look at them you can see that we are 100 PERCENT AmerINDIAN.

The more you know.


I like it, pretty awesome note. I hope you guys get the malvinas from evil pirates 2bh

>Georgias del sur, sandwich del sur

umm they are even claiming those islands too?


They've got the best flag.

lul the penguin and seal

I'm surprised they don't call them Galtieris del sur and Peron del sur.


Is there a more autistic current land claim than this one?
I can honestly understand the Taiwan, and the Kashmir land claims, but this is just retarded.

it’s not necessarily the islands UK and argentina are interested in.
Every island above sea level at high tide that can sustain itself gets a 200-mile exclusive economic zone around it..
Whoever owns the island can do anything in that 200-mile radius. That includes sea floor.

There’s a lot of potential.

yes, Saint Pierre and Miquelon–France_Maritime_Boundary_Case

>Part of North America is still ruled by Europe

Also Greenland and a bunch of islands in the Caribbean

that's not going to happen, we had a chance to keep it ours by not declaring the war and solve it in a diplomatic way but galtieri was a fucking drunken fat bitch and missed the opportunity by declaring that stupid war.

Antarctic land claims, even though they're currently against the treaty and thus not even being defended.

it's fake.
the real $50 ARS has based Domingo Faustino Sarmiento on it.

It's not against the treaty at all.

The treaty is neutral towards claims made previous to the signing of the treaty, otherwise it wouldn't have been created in the first place.
