
No politics, pagpag posting, Bisaya banter, slumposting, and regionalism allowed.

Other urls found in this thread:


Duterte would beat Widodo in a fight

tagalog prayd maderpakker!!!
Erap we love u

Sexy girls
Erotic roleplay

I would beat you in a cock fight

Can someone who isn't peenoise please make a new thread?

Statist is evil

Like I said, those slum in Tondo aren't there anymore.

Bisaya prayd maderpakker!!!
Marcos we love u



why does she have a hat with a dick?

but that's manila

That's Mactan

Wow cebu is a Shithole

I sense ur fear


Since when was Tondo called Mactan? tagalogsquatterfag


It's fine. As long as not anime related shit.

This is Baseco, Tondo

First thing i think about slum is manila tbqh

depends on the condition



Since its really mactan

First thing I think about slum, child hookers is Cebu and visayas tbhwy

Trick question, Cebu has no slums(unlike Manila KEK)

what's your condition?

Right answer regardlessBisaya = slum dwellers

/asean/ is fucking doomed since its inception.

This image is way too fucking old

Why do you people keep reusing it for the sake of trolling?

It seems like we are going to endure anti Tagalog and butthurt bisaya slum tirade for the rest of the week since ASEAN summit will be held in manila this weekend

Shills need their money

Puta it's just bunch of novaliches shitheads trolling with one another

Hello! I am bisaya lulz! xD

A reflection of real life.

tangina tulog na lang kayo mga bobo, hanggang nova lang pala kayo e mga tarantado

Bobo suntukan tayo lulz

A sad truth unfortunately.


jakol ka na lang ulul

,,/,, (^__^) ,,\,,

Bogo haha ban naka giatay hahaha


Halaman likod sofa malas yan


>reverse google search
>links to thai website

novaliches aka relocation site ng mga squatter sa tondo

Should we summon baguiofag?


Mga bisaya mga bakla!

Talisay aka relocation site ng mga squatter sa visayas


Non-shitposting bread (the OP pic is not anime for once):

Not really.

bahay nyo mga relocation ng mga basura na tulad nyo mga bobo

tumigil nga kayo tangina mo

more, any leak from Philippine?

Mactan pugad ng mga bisayang adik at squatter s

pancit malabon is just a palabok

What the heck?

Lulz didn't know thier difference is causing some fumes


how about stop living in slums and do the nation a service for once

You are the leader of peenoises, you should be responsible for your subhuman subordinates.

This thread is filled with shitposting and naked girls pics, that's why I made a new thread to make up for it.

What's there to discuss about? Are you going to tell to kill himself again?

We wanted to discuss anything /asean/ related, not just about pagpags and racism.

I'm sorry that we're not bunch of pussies that cries about racist remarks.



rizal cucks btfo

we should replace gayass rizal with aguinaldo or bonifacio

Isn't this a cayetano related project
No wonder

The actual one with bonifacio is even worse lol
Aguinlado has shrines already in cavite

Cayetano were opposing this cause DMCI wont give them some bribe money until 2015 to Pia then she slowly fades from the issue.

Only when its anti duts keks


Rizal is american sponsored hero anyway why would someone care. Real heroes are Aguinaldo, Bonifacio, mabini, luna, del pilar.

It seems the bribe has been paid

I mean they're suppose to profit from this

Rizal is more of a Aguinaldo sponsored
He hates bonifacio

Pls not another bullshit decision about this

You already know its not true

This saint just about Rizal anyway its proper zoning and corruption

wtf happened to the old thread?
This is what it shows.
Why is there an Andorra flag there?

It got divided by zero.

What thread are you talking about?

The previous asean thread which had monkeys with Philippines flags fighting in the first picture.

so much for nationalism growing in this country
Its like a big f.u to it

Rechecked the thread and yeah I'm not the only one with such problem.

>Rizal is american sponsored hero
>actually believing this myth
Absolutely not. It's true the Americans elevated him, but he was already the "most-loved" hero even before the American period. Aguinaldo and Bonifacio both praised him. You should stop reading too much Constantino, much of what he says are bullshit or thrown out of proportion to fit his Communist-sympathizing beliefs.

How? Shouldn't the usual people be vocally opposing this?

Also, pretty sure construction was already going on even when it was supposed to be on hold. I remember seeing elevators move and the crane moving at some point.

If duterte can command the bullshit Marcos burial, Kadamay housing to happen he can easily just order them to take this down

No statement from him yet.
Who knows his cronnies must be involved in this.

Actually Americans did sponsor Rizal as our national hero from the time they colonize this country and even after we were freed from the clutches of the Imperial Japanese. Rizal was one of the earliest Filipinos who recognized the great potential of Americans, Rizal was also used as being a model of someone who would rather push for reforms than being independent so Philippines can be acquired as a state, though they failed.

It's not a myth nor a Renato Constantino thing, if you read historical books then you will understand why we are so entangled with the Americans and we tend to associate our country with Rizal. Not that I'm saying Rizal wasn't a decent hero but if Americans never interfered back then, Bonifacio would most likely be the national hero of the Philippines because the country relates more to Bonifacio than to Rizal.

Fun fact: Pasay was supposed to be the capital of the Philippines after Philippine-American war and it was renamed to Rizal City by the Americans.

Nope he was already popular
Aguinaldo has a say on which one will be considered at that time.
Aguinalod hated bonifacio and thought he was dumb
The Americans only gave us the idea that we should have national things like flowers and animals, heroes since we wuz our own country now.

And no again it was QC that was suppose to be the capital.
Actually Iloilo became the capital for those who are still under Spain.

Btw we have no official national hero so all the things you are crying about is invalid anyway regardless.

Except Aguinaldo was irrelevant during the 1st republic and he continued to be irrelevant until the end of the Japanese Empire.
William Taft makes decisions in the Philippines as the governor of the colony, there were Filipino represented in the government but they were mostly inadequate to rule after the war until much later.
We only get to choose our national hero, flora and fauna etc. during the creation of Tydings McDuffee law as a pre-requisite of being a nation, which was the creation of the Commonwealth of the Philippines.

And again you're wrong because there was no such thing as QC after the end of 1st Republic. Quezon City that we know today is compromised mostly of Montalban and a bit of Caloocan, Novaliches and San Juan del Monte.

Read a book.


Whoa, and now that thread is back to normal. Wtf happened seriously.

Filipino politics.

I bumped the thread and it's back to normal

It is our duty to keep all 4 threads alive

That's why QC was made in the first place.
We already choose ours even before that
And even back then it wasn't a big deal nor significant.
Its just a pre requisite, formality not even symbolic.
We only made them important after we did get our independence officially.

Do you really think Aguinaldo will vouch for a person he disagrees with and allegedly killed to be hero.

And again wat your crying about is invaidl since we don't have a single official national hero

Do we really need that many?

Are you that insane ladyboy or the girl (female)?

I'm a guy.

The Americans were our colonial masters and had the final say on everything, why would they care about what Aguinaldo thought when they have already chose Manuel Quezon as a puppet leader to rule over the Philippines?

The reality is nobody gave a shit about Aguinaldo until 1960s for being the first president of the republic and he was already dying of old age. People already had their speculations back then that Aguinaldo assassinated Bonifacio so it's not a modern thing you know. Rizal was popular because he was heard of and popularized nationwide with the help of Americans, never ever forget that the revolution wouldn't have started if it wasn't for Bonifacio.

Yes they were But Rizal day was already declared on 1898 by Aguinaldo and Rizal already dead and was popular enough before the Americans came here. I bet people know him more than bonifacio which when you think about it was an underground guerrilla.
No one really gave a fuck about Bonifacio since he has no position
While Rizal had celeb status, and Bonifacios revolution started with rizal

According to the National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP) Heraldry Section Chief Teodoro Atienza, there has never been any law passed to recognize a national hero in the country.

And there have never been laws passed to recognize many of our national symbols either.
Most of the popular symbols—the national animal (carabao), fruit (mango), leaf (anahaw) and fish (bangus)—have no legislative basis.

That building is an eyesore, no one would mind if its something like the Louvre pyramid

DMCI paid those judges well

Imagine putting commieblocks near the National Mall and other DC monuments

Aguinaldo never opened about the choosing of our national hero when he sat as the president, he just declared December 30 as Rizal Day and that was it. The selection of the national hero was opened during the American era not Aguinaldo's regime.


He was actually.

Rizal was already popular enough before it and not bonifacio

Again we still have no official national hero

Rizal is already our national hero by default. Ask anybody who's our national hero and most of the time you'll get Rizal as an answer.

Yes only because he was ever so popular.
Even before the Americans came
And we get to mandatory study his works

But its still not offical