Dumb SJW feminists libtards will be new president of korea

>dumb SJW feminists libtards will be new president of korea
>he is even norks sympathizer
wtf I hate this country

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Moon Jae In is based

but he is korean(^o^)

>but he is korean(^o^)
2deep4me, nip.

How do you think this will affect the current NK situation. Trump is calling the entire US Senate to the White House over it and the last time that happened, Bush invaded Iraq.

>but he is korean(^o^)
what did he mean by this?

He looks like a Korean Colbert

>norks sympathizer

He wants to adopt their refugees, or surrender to Supreme Leader?

We've been always adopting their refugees and It's required by law. He's like "lets be friends" kind of sympathizer

>Trump is calling the entire US Senate to the White House over it and the last time that happened, Bush invaded Iraq

So? He can do nothing.

He couldn't fix the obamacare,
He couldn't build the wall,
He couldn't ban muslims.
Literally, He can do thing.

What did trump do during 100 days? Golfing in Mar-a-lago?

>He can do thing
*He can do nothing

What does politics have to do with it? It's looking likelier and likelier that he will attack NK.

>What does politics have to do with it?
War is very politics.

At least he's better than hong jung pyo for sure

>better than hong jung pyo
[Citation Needed]

There is much support for action on NK

Look at Syria

This is either b8 or pure ignorance, I'm sure your media is as pozzed as ours and just tries to highlight his failures.

He succeeded in getting the most conservative judge in three decades into the supreme court and they're still negotiating Obamacare and the Wall currently, he just needs time.

Who cares anyway. How did my initial question turn into Trump bullshit. He didn't answer my question at all.

Wouldn't that make him a good candidate then? Souks would be fire and flames if the tensions keep getting worse. Besides, you really want Park's party to stay in power for even more corruption?

>How do you think this will affect the current NK situation.
Well, He(moon) will support supreme Kim
Just like ostpolitik. But you must know, We did it twice, and both are failed. And He wants...thrice.

What do you personally feel about the possibility of attacking NK. If what you say is true it can strongly affect our alliance.

There would be no South Korea the minute they attack the North.

Because that never worked out very well, we already had 2 NK-friendly presidents like Roh, during that period of time we ended up spending tons of aid money to NK with zero benefits. hell, they even made nuclear weapon with it.

>What do you personally feel about the possibility of attacking NK.

Kim and Trump both are faggots (including our new SJW lords)

What do Koreans think of Canada?

>Killary will start WW3!
Americans are such fat ugly hypocrites.

west : china haven
middle : seal clubbing and basically nothing
east : new york 2.0 (with additional liberal taste)
quebec : le french

Uh, no. There will be major damage but they won't be annihilated.

But do you want it? It needs to happen eventually and I t support it. I hope you guys agree but I know that when you are in the crossfire you rather keep putting it off.

Yes, that's ironic isn't it? However I don't like either and rather not go to war but if anybody deserves it, it's NK and I fully support it.

Do American regions next

Literal millions would die because Trump is looking to boost his poll numbers.

Don't act as if she would have been the fix to all of this. We had no choice really. Political backers will do anything to shill corrupt politicians if that helps mollify you.

Can't Trump just listen to China? He already has their backing on the situation. Let China babysit the Norks, they'll be in check then.

Millions will die if he goes from crying wolf to actually attacking, and he has been left alone barking all this time while building up his nuclear arsenal. What about the millions of North Korean citizens under his tyranny?

>Can't Trump just listen to China? He already has their backing on the situation. Let China babysit the Norks, they'll be in check then.
That's what we've been doing for a long time and it led to this point.

This. Unlike Iraq, NK actually fucking does have WMDs and their leader is crazy.

I've always been in support of taking out Kim.

>be american
>elect hillary
>start ww3

>be american
>elect trump
>start ww3

lads...are americans becoming the new germans?

west : legitimate mexican clay and some weed at north
middle : nothing worth to notice
south : the most american region (in the worst sense)
great lakes : we lost industry rage and snowmen
east and atlantic : capitalism and all the tricks including federal government

>start ww3

Neither China nor Russia gives a shit about NK.


>Millions will die if he goes from crying wolf to actually attacking
I've been through this song and dance before. It's pretty clear you just want this to go through so it's not another instance of Trump ending up with egg on his face. Spare me your faux concern.

Are you fuckin kidding me? I'm so tired of the political climate.

Have you been reading the news lately? China is fed up with Kim.

wtf I love SK now

They have shifted immensely but they still don't want an attack and want to continue the same """""""""song and dance"""""""""". Russia I expected would be the one to play ball since Putin really did seem bff with Trump but after Syria, I think Putin is going to go to bat for NK. Make no mistake, neither China nor Russia want the US to overtake that territory and win influence over it like SK.

But I thought Koreans are c*nservative


>everyone who spoke spoke perfect English with an American accent

>am i mb's avatar?

Why are Koreans so good at English and Japanese so shit?

>SK press chosun.com
>Rossian submarine collecting information of US army was chased by SK patrol aircraft for 78 hours

They aren't. And just as I suspected, that singer is American.

Russian planes have been flying around Japan I heard?

there is a proverb in korea

"Barking dogs never bite"

Who are you guys voting for lads?

Murrica should dump all their niggers on South Korea.

Korean sluts would get blacked overnight and they'd be bred out of existence. Koreans LOVE niggers now, and have for the past 5-10 years. They're all the rage.

Huh Kyung-young

yeah, a bit while ago.
these days don't hear that, though.

and I heard some news somewhere china is also observing US army.
but it seems like china is not problem according to news of these days

Fuck no keep those apes away we need to preserve our pure bloodline

1953� Armistice agreement ends 36 months of brutal combat between two Koreas

1968� Pyongyang deploys 31-man commando team in unsuccessful attempt to blow up presidential residence in Seoul

1968� North Korean patrol boats seize U.S.S. Pueblo, capturing 83 on board

1969� North Koreans hijack South Korean airliner; 12 passengers still in captivity

1971� North Korean patrol craft seizes crew of South Korean fishing boat

1973� Armed clash between North and South Korean units in DMZ; two South Korean soldiers are killed

1974� North Korean agent fails to assassinate President Park Chung Hee, First Lady killed in the confusion

1974� U.S.-South Korean team discovers underground tunnel near DMZ; North Koreans attempt to blow it up, killing two

1976� North Korean guards wielding axes attack U.N. Command Guards in Joint Security Area, killing two

1983� KBS television special helps reunite 15,000 people scattered across South Korea by the war

1983� Assassination attempt on South Korean President Chun Doo Hwan during Burma visit, 17 killed

1984� Soviet civiliandefects across Military Demarcation Line separating two Koreas, leading to first gunfire exchange in Panmunjon truce zone since 1953 Armistice

1987� North Korean agents blow up KAL plane carrying 115 people

1991� The Two Koreas sign historic Basic Agreement, which includes non-aggression pact and allows for exchange programs

1994� Kim Il Sung dies just weeks before planned summit with South Korean President Kim Young Sam

1996� North Korean submarine carrying 26 infiltrators is discovered on east coast of South Korea; 53-day manhunt results in one captured, one escapee, 24 dead

1998� President Kim Dae Jung announces Sunshine Policy, marking a more flexible approach toward the North

1998� South Korean tycoon Chung Ju Yung crosses DMZ into North Korea with gift of 500 cows

1998� North Korea test-launches missile over Japan, claiming it's a satellite

>but it seems like china is not problem according to news of these days
Trump agreed to stop calling them a currency manipulator. Who knows what else, but China shifted a great deal after the meeting.

the matter we should most take into account might be rather terro than missile.
NK started to broadcast with secret codes(formatted numbers) at 7/2016 for the first time in 16 years.
like "page 11 number 43, page 39 number 61 ...."

By the codes, they communicate with NK spys.
Recently the broadcasts are very frequent.
Even in the US, it is not in safe. no one knows what is going to happen, except NK and its spys.




I heard that the Japanese government has to look out for NK spies among refugees on the possibility of war outbreak. Shitty situation.

>That's what we've been doing for a long time and it led to this point.

But what is "this point"? Korea testing it's 6th nuke? They already have nukes. Nothing new is happening. The US just wants to kill a bunch of Koreans.


You don't know shit. I won't even respond legitimately.

Every country has a monetary policy. I don't know what people think currency manipulation means.

You have no rebuttal mate. North Korea has nukes. They are already a nuclear power. They have been for years. There has been no provocation, either. The US is just anxious for more "regime change" and sees war as a now-or-never option.

Putin literally never seemed "bff" with Trump. RT called him a fascist during the campaign and there has not been a single positive development between US and Russia, not even the slightest, most irrelevant thing, since the election, and instead there has been even further degradation from its nadir at the end of Obama's term including NATO expansion.

Honestly east asia could use a hefty dose of liberalism. Hopefully he stops thaad and legalizes weed and gay marriage.

I'm no economist but China is a well known exploiter.

You don't know SHIT.

>North Korea has nukes. They are already a nuclear power.
It is in its infancy. They can't send it anywhere, in due time they can send them to the US.

>There has been no provocation, either
Holy FUCK.
This only cuts off at 2000 because it is from an article in 2000.

You clearly have no knowledge of NKs antics.

bff was exaggerating but Trump seemed really pro-Russia up until Syria, however I do remember on election night that everyone on RT was trashing the outcome.

>Korea testing it's 6th nuke? They already have nukes. Nothing new is happening

for the nuke certainly reaching to US and making it exploded, it needs more heat-resistant in the missile.
more test, more ability

>I'm no economist but China is a well known exploiter.

This doesn't mean anything mate, and neither does Trumps decision not to use the Scary Word for monetary policy. Because it doesn't matter.

>It is in its infancy. They can't send it anywhere, in due time they can send them to the US
The purpose of the nuclear program is explicitly a deterrent, and was restarted after Bush put them on the Axis of Evil and invaded Iraq. The fact is that North Korea is not maniacal. They have a very obviously rational and defensible nuclear policy that consistent with decades of international political philosophy: It's a deterrent against pre-emptive invasion and a protection of national sovereignty. Here's evidence of this: One of the other countries that complied with nuclear disarmament along with North Korea was Libya. The US foreign policy has failed. The North Korea nuclear policy is a sane defense against a murderous invasion that the US would otherwise treat as inevitable.

The only reason USA would fear a strike is if they had existing strategy that involved the US-lead invasion and destruction of North Korea, which they do.

Holy shit an actual NK spy

How in the FUCK are you trying to paint the US as the aggressor? Literally how. Justify Kim's actions and threats while US always gave into demands and gave them aid.

Your mom's turd is better than hong

No, in fact I read what the CIA, our lovely propaganda branch, bothers to write about them. The NK government was cooperating with Clinton Era disbarment and reversed it in direct response to the invasion of the Iraq, and the US-lead destruction of Libya has convinced them they were correct. They're strategy is easily understood and obvious. They are perusing a nuclear deterrent, and the US is trying to prevent such a deterrent from existing, because it wants to bomb them.

The US gives into no demands and gives them no aid. It puts them under sanctions during famines, and NK only "makes threats" in the context of promising retaliation againt first strikes.

This is some impressive revisionist history. It sounds like it's something straight from the regime.

The US is obviously the aggressor. Even CNN was failing to come up with a good euphemism for why attacking them after a test was actually a retaliation.