>see American flag
>50% chance poster is non-White
See American flag
>see German flag
>100% chance poster is a faggot
>see Sweden Flag
>75% chance poster is a Mohammed
True for wvery western flag. I mean in fucking Finland there is nigger and turk posting
>that flag
>this post
>see American flag
>50% chance poster is a raging Sup Forumstard
>mfw you can l i t e r a l l y flip a coin to see if a murrishart flag is non-white
There's a gypsy behind your flag too
>see new zealand flag
>50% chance the poster is chinese
>50% chance the poster is maori
>on Sup Forums
>see American flag
>100% chance post will get shot
>see Australian flag
>50% chance the poster multiple spiders coordinating together to shitpost
kissu kissu :3333
>see burger flag
>make some throw away disparaging remark about his country
>they can't type an angry response because they're bleeding out on the floor
>see Finnish flag
>90% chance that poster is inbred greasy fat neckbeard autist with fetal alcohol sybdrome
>see German flag
>50% chance poster is greek
Don't you get jumpy there Khalid.
You'd better tread lightly.