/balt/ + ?

True words edition.

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

>나혼자 산다
why? i dislike that tv show though.

fucking cunt with your asians

Because he is but a spectator enjoying the show of horror and pain that unfolds on this planet. He takes enjoyment from it.

he finds it funny


>>나혼자 산다

I've Been Hungry All My Life

for cum? i can help you with that.

hey stop creating a hundred threads

Pain In My Heart Carry Burdens Full Of Struggle

I Don’t Think I Could Find A Way To Make It On This Earth

just i don't watch that meme south korean tv show but i like that girl she is honest and funny

Are you a regular visitor?

hm yes i see.
*bows down*

We Are The Israelites According To The Bible

She's hot.

>*bows down*
heh what a pleb

I'm as a king I would never bow

If there is no suffering there is no relief.

Source pls

she's quite old 33yo now

The shock value of my success put bolts in me
All this money, is God playing a joke on me?

Bow down to your rightful emperor

you have no respect for foreign cultures.
*doesn't bow down to you*


A king never bows

nice legs.

regular? just sometimes

he does, when he is conquered or meets his emperor.

Age is but a number, she pretty.

user ur a cute want to be my bf?

>age is but a number
not when it comes to healthy offspring.

how tall(short) are you

Okay. Well visitors are always welcome.



a-user, there's something off with your eyes...

mm ur so sexy pls be my oppa

Don't care about offspring yet, only that she make my dick feel funny.

No thanks.


but she is too old to me
my height is 1.77m but why? sorry i'm not a girl m8
thanks for welcoming muhammad

I'm Lithuanian.

Is this you

I wanna hug her and tackle her onto my couch and then tickle her and watch her smile. Then kiss her face and smiling lips with growing passion.

I've already answered that. Are you Muhammed?


stop brainwashing people with gook girls!

look at the posts of this korean


But gook girls are love. Almost as good as 2D.

Then go back to /SvT/.

Nah I go back to mena, have fun "lithuanian"

>Almost as good as 2D.
True, true.

The one on the right still looks like a middle school boy
It's kinda hot

Because Satan currently rules the earth you fucking dumbass. That's why we need the secound coming of jesus. Pick up a fucking book before you spew garbage.

Okay. :)

>you will never be a cute kpop girl
why god
why was i born white

haha girls in my class are taller than u

Fix your head

Swearing Is Sin.

Just look at that one with the cap
I want to be her


haha whats next


korea is white retatrds


>everyone uses tripcodes
>stop using tripcode
>be the cool guy now
heh fuckfaces ur so dumb honestly ur iq is the same as ur shoe size

Suffering isn't that bad when you really think about it.

white than slavs or balts, that's for sure.

agree fully

balts ARE slavs

>tfw wear size 135 clown sites wherever I go.

lmaoo ur small af


balts are balts


Balts are balts.


i'm yellow and i'm not looking for gf from baltic countries even i'm scared tall girls though but your girls looks pretty on google

I would ching chong her ding dong if you know what I mean

you all should be gassed
Hitler would approve

We let suffering into our world with original sin. God respects our free choices so he won't save us as a whole in this life, but will save from suffering in the afterlife only those who in this life follow him despite that suffering.

>ching chonging ding dongs

the balto-slavic language group perhaps?

fuck the krauts

Dreams disappear when the dreamer awakes.
Every last of them, without exception.

fuck the swadians

do you want gassed first?

This thread must be cleansed from the pests.

Maybe death is not what you want, but you will still gonna receive it.

Phone is dying.
Too lazy to spend 1 minute putting on my charger.


>Phone is dying.
I just gassed you phone

A woman's role is to serve her husband and master and to pleasure him in the bridal bed.

fuck off shill

kike spotted

fuck off shill
holocaust didnt happen

you are right, but you will still gonna be gassed you kike

smartest anime of the year

Anime is evil and degeneracy.

purge this general of anime