


they aren't western

WTF I hate the old world now

>has a president that keeps pushing for gay rights over people's wages
>gets more degenerate as time goes on
>not breeding

you're a westerner sanchez

We are spic.


A tunisian user once said that non muslims cannot marry muslims, these countries aren't full secular, they are light theocracies


compared to the rest of the muslim countries? yeah.
>Abortion is legal
>Literally a democracy
>Porn is legal

I mean gays get a light 2 year sentence but what else do you want?

>not commie


Every country has its own culture

Americans always trying to sup up things in groups, conservatives or leftists, blacks or whites.
Human mind has more than two sides ya know


Cant be western and spic?
I choose spic.


aiiii meu deus

I would like to make a claim that Jordan and Kuwait are also secular islamic.

If Brazil is western then so is the rest of latin america
They are all iberian rape babies

>Abortion is legal
Banning abortion is an christian cultural meme, muslims are much more religious and they couldn't care less

t. moor rape baby

Fix'd for (You)


Cala-te macaco

I thought it was one of these threads...

I'll post anyways fuck it



negro europeu, serviçal lava-pratos, corno-macaco
faxineiro da Europa

>Not the neo-incan empire larping as commies for russian and chink gibs

Estava a pensar em mais insultos, mas acho que só seres brasileiro é insulto suficiente

> Belarus
> Western

It's a fucking mini Russia and Putin's backyard you retard


>own culture

Yeah, no.


>top fucking kek


OP thinks because they good at soccer that they are Western

need to be good at something when youre poor as fuck


You do realise that Somalia is a part of the islamic region?

Religion =/= Culture
Of Course Religion can be an important part of culture but it is not everything. The biggest Islamic country (Indonesia), for example, is not even an Arab country but a SEA country.

-Turkey has gone full Islam these years to the point of purging the military to end their tradition of maintaining the secular rule of law there.

-Syria cannot be secular if it's in a civil war generated specifically created by the religious divisions in the country (the rulling elite is Shia, the majority of population Sunni).

-Belarus is as Western as North Korea. Same with Ukraine. There exists a clear russian cultural sphere around Russia that includes half of the central Asia countries and to the west Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova to an extent.

-Your word for commie seems to be 'dictatorship with an excuse to fool the population'.

-If there's a spic culture, you should mix Argentine and the rest of 'Western' South American countries in it.

-There's not enough native population in Greenland to consider it a proper culture nowadays, considering 99'99% of the population are danish.

-Only certain parts of South Africa can be considered 'Western'.

isso e engraçado porque eu sei que voce esta brincando mais eu li um monte de brasileiro pensando que Portugal e um pais com gente pobre e fudida, um pais muito inferior ao Brasil cuando a realidade nao poderia ser mais diferente.

O que voces ensinam na escola? pq eu acho que e um preconceito que a maioria dos brasileiros tem.

Nice meme

>-Only certain parts of South Africa can be considered 'Western'.

That really makes no sense though

Fuck off

Then why the fuck is Sub-Sahran even a thing then. They have no relations with each other and South Africa is 10% white and even then those whites are not a monolith with many having very notable and obvious cultural shifts compared to "western European" values.

Yes, you are right. Sudafrica is not western.

Georgia should be purple. Also balkanshits are not western, we are but a poor imitation.

Transylvania is not Orthodox, it is Catholic/Protestant


Oman is more secular

But Bolivia is amerindian too.

>Secular Islamic

not quite

That is an old map

>Georgia, Armenia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Albania, Bosnia, Macedonia, Greece, Thailand, Taiwan, Cyprus


You're returned, kill your self

>their own culture
They are basically asian americans.