How is poland shit if a poland fag made Witcher?

How can you shit on Poland when they made the Witcher series. Explain this to me.

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when a video game is better written than the books it is inspired from, you know there's a problem

and it's not like the games were perfect as well

Pooland just is shit. It is a fact of life. Pooles accomplished nothing but stealing german cities, and making them worse.

>playing videogames
Are you 12?

>but stealing german cities
Your capital is an old Slavonic fort.

wtf I love Poland now!


>and it's not like the games were perfect as well

This. CDP couldn't optimize a game's performance well if Nvidia paid them to.

Lucky for them, they were paid very well not to.

Well, I was thinking about gameplay issues, but yeah there's that too.

boring game

they weren't willing to sacrifice their design to fit mass demand

so what makes the witcher isn't anything particularly outstanding

the story is pretty sappy, good ole heartstrings tug
the setting and the backstory already a part of an establish myth

what we have therefore is some room for mechanical continuity without sacrificing itself to make way for radicality
what mass effect or dragon age or d3 couldn't do because of catering to meet demand either corporate or customer

so that the entire vision of a game is left to the developers and thus monolithic in its progress
given the room to be creative okay games can still be made

they also made HATRED

I have no idea why poland is so bullied on this board. My family is serbian and we've been to Poland numerous times. Never saw anything indecent but a few drunk people.

1 > 3 > 2

games are for retards

2 > 3 > 1

what a taste

Witcher is unironically all around best AAA title in history of video games. This is how you do it, Ubisoft, watch and fucking learn you stupid nig nogs.


>playing witcher in english

Russian version of witcher a best :^>

pls buy apples

>New Shadow Warrior and its sequel
>Call of Juarez Series
>Anomaly Series
>The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
>This War of Mine

subhuman slavs make shit games

do you have good apple cider I can import through the alcohol monopoly?

why deutsch posters are always rude and arrogant?

Thats literally, literally the only good think ever to come out of Poland
And yes, Copernicus was German

European,especially German Weeaboos bully Poland because they are so jealous of Poland being loved by japs.
It's fun to see jealous weebs get upset.

Everyone on this website is. Stop making us a special snowflake.

Why no one knows we also made Call of Juarez, Dying Light, Dead Island, Painkiller, Hatred and a shitton of other 6/10 shit?

Why are japanese games shit?

that's because your language skills aren't good enough to read the humour between the lines.

Because you're a race of autists. You see here in Europe we like to have adult protagonists that resemble actual people and story that makes sense meanwhile Japan makes games about pink haired 14yo twink half demon half angel wielding a 3 meters tall sword on amission to kill God who is actually a mutated rabbit from another dimension.

See the difference?



>video games

>Preorder action RPG
>get detective-conan-monologue simulator with 2013-ish graphics

You wrote the history of video games

hey, I liked Bulletstorm
it was way too short and reeked of consoles, but I liked it

A history of videogames the best list

1. Japan/America
2. United Kingdom
3. Everyone else

>United Kingdom


Yes. Nice quads too.

I can't name any british vidya aside from GTA. What did you make? Cuckold Sim? Chav Fighter?

Rockstar I guess?

I know some good French games (Rayman), but I don't recall any Britbong games

I think they have rare and rocksteady as well

>Chav Fighter?

Some highlights...

Burnout series
Donkey Kong series
Grid/Dirt/Colin McRae series
Football Manager series
Diddy Kong Racing
Wipeout series
Banjo-Kazooie series
Planet Coaster/Roller Coaster Tycoon series
Total War series
Batman Arkham series
Bitmap Brothers games
Killer Instinct 1 & 2
Sniper Elite series
Tomb Raider series
Worms series
Forza Horizon series
>no LittleBigPlanet
Operation Flashpoint
Driver series

And many many more.

It still counts as an American studio because UK belongs to USA.

eww a bunch of obscure old shit I only play Skyrim and Call of Duty

Dentist Simulator. It's a British horror game.

Let's not forget DMC: Devil May Cry and Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed. Britain helping out those struggling Japs with two solid games.

by your logic Witcher is Russian

Molyneux, typical British name

So shit games and worms

No, it's German

Let's take a look at the massive and varied list of videogames developed in Poland shale we...


The best European nations for games are, in no particular order UK, France, Sweden and Finland. I'll throw Germany in there too. These countries make varied games with a whole range of genres.


>mfw english geralt speaks in batman growly whisper instead of deep, dignified baritone

Said a country that for gaming industry gave only cheap simulators and shitty TES ripoffs

>Game Developers Conference officials have surveyed over 800 European games industry professionals who have attended a past GDC event.
>The data gathered from that survey has been compiled into the fourth annual GDC Europe State of the Industry report, and it offers both an interesting snapshot of the European game industry as it stands now and some perspective on how it has changed over the past year.
>The United Kingdom is now seen to Europe’s #1 game dev hot spot
>To get a sense of where the hubs of Europe’s game development scene are, every year we survey European game industry professionals about where in Europe they think the best games are being made. This year, the United Kingdom was the most popular answer with 24.7 percent of the vote, followed by Sweden with 22.4 percent and Finland with 17 percent.

hmmm, looks like developers aren't that impressed with constant simulator games.

Worms are overrated.
Pic. related is 10x better than worms

>Chav Fighter
I'd play the fuck outta that

That's a British made game too I believe, and I remember playing it years ago was alright.

Yes it is and I'm sad that this game did not get a sequel.

There's already a British game with more or less that, it's called Manhunt. Basically chavs killing chavs.

When will we get another stalker game, someone in eastern Europe should be able to do it, the landscapes and shit can be copied from real life easily, 0 creativity needed.

How can you shit on Bulgaria when they made the Tropico series,Tzar,Imperium Romanum,Rising Kingdoms,Celtic Wars and Knights of Honor.

Explain this to me.

Tzar was ok, Tropico was good, but the others ring no bells.

>but the others ring no bells
You are missing out.You should play them.

I didn't know Tropico is Bulgarian.
It's the game that will bring you 40+ bitches.

Love the Tropico series. Hopefully the next iteration changes the theme to Eastern Europe since it would be more familiar territory for the developers.

Play Knights of Honor(with a few friends if you can).

It is Celtic Kings btw and not Celtic Wars.

I think they could make a pretty funny democracy focused game about politics here.

Witchr 3 is my all time fav game

We have only okeish simulator games: arma, euro truck, factorio, mafia, space engineneers etc.

You also have Armies of Exigo


you nigger

It is definitely not as arcade like as GTA or SR.

>Finnish games
Aside from Max Payne, literally what?

Cydr Miłosławski is good

Don't buy Lubelski, there are plenty of it in the markets but it's awful.

Angry Birds

Work ethic and good source to pull from. But most of all; separated from American industry norms.

Tzar was alright
Lubelski > Mirosławski > piss > bottled diarrhea > Somersby
truly amazing


I love your games user

Translate Bunny Black 3 pls

Okay, I did like liero

he is a Greek

japan loves poland? why?

>he thinks that's an actual japanese poster

lurk more

oh, ok

got excited there for a second

>got excited because of someone said on a fucking internet imageboard

poles are biggest cucks on the planet no wonder you got patritioned 3 times

no you

>posts under polack flag
>speaks polack
Stop larping as someone else, cuck

I don't speak polish nigger I'm German I'm just on a trip here.

BTW your women are easy.

Your trip lasts for over 2 fucking years by now, autist lmao

They also did Painkiller and that's crap. Anyway, I don't shit on Poland, not that it matters.