>opposed to nationalism, populism and authoritarianism
>progressive and fiercely pro-European
What are you waiting for, France? I would kill to have a leader like Macron.
>opposed to nationalism, populism and authoritarianism
>progressive and fiercely pro-European
What are you waiting for, France? I would kill to have a leader like Macron.
kys antifa scum
He'll say whatever they pay him to say.
He's a male Hillary Clinton
fuck off russia with a badge
Micron is the son of Clinton and Soros and the brother of Trudeau.
He is also a dwarf of 1m72 or 5'8''.
Antifa are commies; Macron is a pro-market liberal.
He's more like French Trudeau
Fuck you i'm myself 1,71
I'll vote Macron just to make you butthurt
He is the personification of neoliberal capitalism. His career is being an investment banker ffs.
> the choice is between the bankers' right hand and a party financed directly by the Kremlin
I feel for you, France.
>Nigger on the back
Well he won during the first round and will crush le pen again in the 2nd round.
lmao @ french faggots r going to be deployed in the middle east by the end of the years when pissrael gets rekt.
I hope lots of frogs die
Don't be mad bro, all french girls will vote Macron because of his 3 days beard style
Mélenchon was best candidate but we all knew he wasn't going to win so Macron was the best realistic option. Most likely to defeat Le Pen, too, which is good because FN are fucking scum.
Inb4 virgin memelords from Sup Forums
fuck off, stop trying to meme your boring lefties here
Yes, and besides antifa will not vote for Macron. They just will abstain from voting
I don't think "antifa" is actually very many people, user.
Im not mad (((((bro))))))
Im jolly as jolly can get
>not saving your civilization and voting FN
Hamon was pretty much a perfect candidate. No creepy cult of personality or insane foreign policy like Mélenchon. Shame, he got fucked because of Hollande.
>tfw chinese are racist toward french
We like you my chinese friends
Hopefully he'll win against Marine le Penis
>Germ wants more third world immigration into France
Ah yes, seems right
>he doesn't want society to collapse from which we can rebuild
Guess where they'll go once France doesn't take them anymore.
Otherwise speaking about immigration, I think immigration will be more from eastern Europe (like in Germany) for France if Macron is elected. He wants to lower wages through immigration from Romania, Poland, Ukraine etc thanks to Schengen area.
>Schengen area
This is how you recognise a Le Pen voter
Oh boy, get ready for Grand Theft Auto :france edition
No, thanks, we'll stay in Poland, they are our bratooshki and love us so much.
>Nationalism as a bad thing
why tho?
He said something about patriots taking France back from nationalists.
I think the far-right should be called ultra-nationalists, nationalism itself isn't bad in moderation and is actually necessary in order to have diversity.
>pissrael getting rekt
By whom? Especially with Trumps full support, who is going to wreck Israel and why would France send troops over there?
I suppose Germany because you keep letting them in
Don't feed Marcel with (You)s.
loose lips kill camels
Im not going to tell, it's a surprise!
But isn't Melenchon a dirty commie? And I'm not saying commie as in "Barrack HUSSEIN Obama is a dirty commie and is not muh president"
Trudeau is French
Exactly. That's why i would prefer a French president who allows them to go/stay there.
dont worry about it,fag
you jsut worry about shituania's problems
Like I said in that other post, I think it's just because the term is loosely defined.
I remember that one of his proposals was that France should join the ALBA (Latin American diplomatic bloc lead by Cuba and Venezuela).
Not sure if that's correct because it sounds so ridiculous.
Here's an idea: have some solidarity with your neighbors and make a pact to stop importing Rasheeds.
I'm surprised by how little I know about Lithuanian politics after the election. This is what happens when you exclusively read world news.
Also, don't be so mean Marcel.
Why the fuck would he want to lower wages? He wants to lower taxes.
Sure, some measure of civic (inclusive) nationalism is necessary in order to defend Western values against its enemies (far-right, political Islamism etc.).
For employers, It's easier for them when wages are low.
The far right are the only people preserving western ideals atm
If it only was so easy..
>What are you waiting for, France?
Another Joan of Arc who will lead them against foreign scum
Of course it's an American flag.
Far-right ideals go against Western values and the current far right groups are actively trying to tear Europe apart into little irrelevant shitholes.
No, they want to destroy open society. Far-right is the most dangerous enemy of Europe right now.
Mélenchon wants to put a hard cap on incomes at some level and confiscate any money that people earn in excess of that. He is a rabid extremist.
Im afraid this time it'll be Jamal Of Paris who will lead the glorious gangsta war
why ?
>Far-right is the most dangerous enemy of Europe right now.
I don't go to Sup Forums. It's an entry board with the same audience as Sup Forums.
This is based as fuck.
Either you lower wages or your companies fuck off to Indonesia. Industry needs to stay competitive in global capitalism. So you must compete against Cambodian children who make clothes 24/7 for a bowl of rice. And Macron, as an investment banker, is one of the perpetrators.
Nope, that dubious honor always belonged to lefties.
>trying to tear Europe apart
Good. I want to be apart from slavs, southern Euros and other primitives.
why are irrelevant shithole dwellers like shituanians think they have anything to say about french politics?
no one reads what youre typing, go steal a car now you dirty russian rape baby.
Well, after Islamic extremists.
And the two are closely related - ISIS is a threat to Europe not just because of the terror attacks, but also because it's radicalizing people and giving fodder for the far right.
No, that is stupid and greedy as fuck.
Yes, I want Swedes to be alone with Jamals too.
/lefty-pol/ is basically Sup Forums with a Marxist tinge.
You'd probably like them more than I do.
>what am I reading.jpg
why are irrelevant shithole dwellers like poles think they have anything to say about french politics?
no one reads what youre typing, go steal a car now you dirty russian rape baby.
>wealth distribution is greedier than allowing individuals to have extravagant wealth while others starve
Proxy flag detected. You're a retarded American aren't you?
The surge in far-right's popularity is due to the terror attacks and the immigrant crisis which are caused more or less by religious extremists.
European unification is what brings the Jamals, Slavovichs and Muhammeds to Sweden.
and why is that bad? What are your political views?
>opposed to nationalism, populism and authoritarianism
Yet hes pro EU and openly a globalist.
Le Pen or France is doomed.
They'll keep coming even if you leave the EU.
>Antifa are hooligans
Fixed that for you.
They can only come because of the open borders of the EU. If we smash the abomination that is the EU, they can no longer get here.
Yeah it is. Your just making the middle class that can't leave the country poorer
Center. I think welfare and regulations are necessary, but culturally I think small countries should put more emphasis on local traditions and such.
No shit. You cannot possibly decide to lower wages, people will never accept it, and making your country poorer is bad for business in the long run. The goal is to increase purchasing power so people can consume more.
You can however lower company taxes to incent people to create companies or attract foreign companies.
You can also ask people to work more (France legal work duration is 35 hours, though I know nobody working 35 hours except in SNCF or the administration).
So then what is your issue with the "far right", I don't get it.
you think shit
because you live in a shithole like shituania
>They can only come because of the open borders of the EU
Jesus fucking Christ, do you seriously believe this?
they were coming long before EU
no one forced open immigration politics on you
'Murrican stupidity never ceases to astonish me.
What's stopping you from protecting your borders? Hungary does it, even Austria and half of ex-Yugos. What's stopping you is not the EU, it's your local suicidally liberal politicians.
Far-righters want to straight up cut ties with other countries.
That sounds a lot more like something that would be done in Sweden than in America, so this reply is pretty ironic.
no, it is swedish women who are waiting for migrants at the borders
>they were coming long before EU
No, they weren't.
>no one forced open immigration politics on you
"We only asked you to open the door, we take no responsibility for what wandered in"
How do you reckon that they get here, dumbshit? Do you think they swim here from Africa? Without open borders in Europe, there is no possible way for them to get here.
Hungary and other shit countries "protect their borders" by threatening to do their duty and not let unregistered people through their lands. We can't do that, because they don't want to get through our lands, they want to get to our lands. Once they are here, we are bound by treaty to process their asylum requests and to care for them if their requests are valid.
>we are bound by treaty to process their asylum requests and to care for them if their requests are valid
>his country is too dumb to "process" the request according to the needs of its inhabitants
Let me tell you one thing, if we actually had to start asylum proofing, there would be somewhere between 10 and 0 asylum seekers actually accepted and the rest would be living handout free wherever they could but would most likely fuck off back to Shitskintania, no matter how many "ABLOO ABLOO HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS" objections that proofing would get.
Business idea: don't accept any asylum seekers
You keep begging for nato against russia faggot
Yeah they also are putin's little whores (just like far left who wants to exit eu
>The absolute butthurt of Sup Forumstards ITT
I don't know much about Macron, but on paper he is MUCH more qualified than Trudeau
>that one dumb Croatian who spouts the_abortion/poltard memes
>He is also a dwarf of 1m72 or 5'8''
So... paling in comparison to Hollande and Sarkozy then