
Are Cara

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>before old thread even hits 310
The cleaning staff will be notified of this little early indiscretion I can assure you


>Are Cara

she was only pretty because of her makeup and hair, now she can be seen for the lizard creature she really is

>not enjoying this badly-done-fedora-posting gimmick tbqh

>I still post fedoras when the rest of /brit/ has moved on to novelty hatposting

Bit of a virgin if you think that girls don't love to be choked, have their hair pulled, held down etc.

>I try to force new gimmicks by pretending other people are doing it as well

What the fuck is that chain thing he's got over his knuckles?

Only vapid whores like that. Most women (pure) would hate that

>Bit of a virgin if you think that girls don't love to be choked, have their hair pulled, held down etc.


>Bit of a virgin if you think that girls don't love to be choked, have their hair pulled, held down etc.

NEED to pound an fanny tbqh ngl

>Only vapid whores like that. Most women (pure) would hate that

Talked with a shy little qt a while ago, VERY vanilla in pretty much every respect but she said she liked having her hands held down above her head

did you know the pigment in your lips is the same as the pigment on you willy's head haha

howling when I think about some JF coming into /brit/ and just being baffled by the absolute state of it

*kisses my willy to check*

waiting to do my hat post, gonna be a big one t b h not like these gimmick hopping morons

>gimmick hopping morons

Models are meant to be striking, not pretty. She'd be pretty if she had the black card. She isn't. Nostril monster

>howling when I think about some JF coming into /brit/ and just being baffled by the absolute state of it

Well, I'm the one who puts that lipstick on there, so yes.

>waiting to do my hat post, gonna be a big one t b h not like these gimmick hopping morons

can't wait

>waiting to do my hat post, gonna be a big one t b h not like these gimmick hopping morons

creasing at the thought of insecure bongs feeling the need to insult us noble Yanks on here

nah it's a special one
wasted (You)'s


business idea: anti-whorish tendencies

This. A lot of male models are actually quite strange looking, you'd double take if you saw some of them in real life. Like they were one gene away from being an extremely ugly mong

>my fedora collection is numbered up to 61 instead of stopping at 33

there are girls that can pull off baldness or closely shaven hair

cara isn't one of them

I number my images at random as I save them.

I weigh 80kg at 6ft. Is that skinny?

>you will never live in based schengen zone
>you will never be able to fuck off to Lisbon for the weekend for the price of a nice pair of pants

Will never sell m8. People love whores, whores keep the world running and forever wanting more

best gf I ever had was all missionary sex

And neither is this bint

>I'm not collecting enough 'doras to push a thread to the image bump limit single-handedly

Best gf I ever had was the one who never was

>80kg at 6ft
>Is that skinny?

>i have a 'dora folder

and neither is this monstrosity

>>you will never live in based schengen zone
>>you will never be able to fuck off to Lisbon for the weekend for the price of a nice pair of pants

you're not thinking outside the box, the box of whores especially

as supply of whorish tendencies rises the demand will plateau leaving anti-whorish tendencies in a under supplied cachet thus causing the price to spiral out of control

>I don't have an organised 'dora folder to streamline the 'doraposting process

fat cunt tier

nay can that harlot

>Best gf I ever had was the one who never was

ah yes

whoever greentexts this post is a bender

Found the skinny limp wristed mong

>he doesn't recognise and appreciate the superior afropunk aesthetic

*stares at you until you break eye contact*

I can smell the HIV from here.

it looks shite
blacks are just ugly and all have this obnoxious expression on their face

If she was white no one would blame someone for thinking she lost more than a few rounds boxing. Sorry but, I don't see colour. I see masculine bone structure and precious little femininity.

Thank you for supporting the Australian music industry :)

The best time to post on /brit/ is when the post count has reached > 50 but < 275

Fite me on this and you shall lose

>tfw brit citizen
>tfw brexit
>tfw learn im an irish citizen

must suck being african lmao

i want to live here

I tell you what lads these fruit shakers from Mozzers are absolutely peng

had no idea, deletred

/ex-yu/ = patrician taste

/brit/ = runt taste

>whoever greentexts this post is a bender

your dad is a fruit shaker from Mozzers

I am the Janny


Why does labour still think it can win by appealing to foreigners when we already know from last time there's not enough of them and they're not spread far enough apart to take constituencies?

>why no, I most certainly do NOT enjoy sliding my cock inside a tight little boipucci

Impersonating a Sup Forums administrator, moderator, or janitor is strictly forbidden.

wrong 'un

they probably have low voter turnout too

why does this cunt look like a failing insurance agent whose life is in pieces?

fag and a coffee for breakfast

hate women who wear shoes like that
im short enough as it is i dont need to compete with women the same height as me getting a free 2-3 inches when they go out


what's his name?

I had a slow energy releasing breakfast bar

a big poo is coming and I'm scared because I know it'll hurt
but I have to go through it
hold me lads

nah it's great, love a pair of heels on a bird

most girls are absolute runts around 5'3-5'6 so even in heels they're not as tall as me (5'9)

>tfw 6ft on the dot when I wake up
>Tfw shrink during the day
>Tfw old age will make me a manlet

cannibalism bad

whose name mate?

you what?

If we cap migration targets we will crash and burn economically.

I've had one poking through since last night but it just didn't want to come out, dread to imagine the fucking state of it after it's been sitting in my arse cavity all night and this morning, it's probably all crusty and hard and backed up with fresh shit. Need to bite the bullet and fire it out soon.

there is no such thing as a bad piece of art

taste is subjective

literally spent about 3 hours on that picture and nobodys even looking at it

Haha woops!

just did an ungodly amount of mastication

*passes you a note with "they're calling you gay" written on it*

new indian place near me does a great lamb saag but end up shitting lava the next day whenever I have it

>Amir gets less (yous) than his imposter on /r9k/
>Goes back to spamming fedoras here
Janitor we have a mess that needs cleaned up...

migrants on the whole take more out than they contribute

Why is ever church-goer you ever meet lame as fuck?

Doesn't exactly do the Church any favours

bet youre one of those runts who go "ahhhhh... hmmm...... yessss....... i can really see what the artist was going with this.... deeeepp..." at the sight of a piece of shit in a mcdonalds cup or something equally dumb and lazy

somebody say something about a picture? hmm, I guess not

never minds

Fuck off Josie you little sketchy nobody wants to look at your OC

I saved it dw x

should've made it the op