
Feminine ladyboy strawpoll edition


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third willy war- to fap or not to fap

absolute failure of a new

Anyone here have actual structural changes to their face past puberty or what is generally considered the end of it? At 19 my jaw and chin have gotten significantly larger since 17 or so.

business idea: trick young boys into thinking that they're girls stuck in the wrong body so that they grow up to be prime shemale boipucci

who keeps letting yanks make the threads

I just want to fuck off into the woods and live the comfy off the grid life

Pretty based when the mayor of your city makes a public statement telling citizens and tourists to ignore parking fines from private car parks haha


Based sadiq

Exeter lad is a bit behind on his local news

I don't undestand why would it be wrong

dire state of this new

why can't private companies charge you for using their land?

Do old people have sex?

>do old people have sex?


your mum does, i know for sure

how so, may i ask?

(((their))) land

when the fuck did all the JF get here

entertain me brits
right about now

since when was england gommunist prussia?

Private companies have no authority to issue 'fines' per-se

Stop sucking dicks you degenerate


Even 80+ year olds? Doubt it.

>comfy off the grid life

you'd be missing the internet within an hour

That is a boy?!

so they'd be fine to just call it something different?

't 'g 's

hope that the virgin virgin is having the shit ripped out of him right about now

>buy new cereal
>big crunchy clusters and fruit at the top of the bag
>bottom is just crumbled cereal dust

sort it out germany

it's technically an invoice, not a fine

''' ''' ' '' ''' ' ' ''s


2:06 PM

The Digital Economy Bill is going to become law soon



Even 80+ year olds. Depends on their health though.
>Doubt it.
trust me i've done it

im 19 and have never had sex

what are your opinions on this

don't care

it's a good bill, it's just there's the one autistic christian wank part about age verification on porn sites

not that bad iah


Plenty of time till to lose it don't worry lad

utter runt

Went camping in Lyme Regis with a lass I've been fancing for almost two years last week. Turns out she has a mole just above her twat which didn't bother me when I was giving her the ole finger up the twat but the moment I began to lick it I just couldn't stop staring at it. There were two fucking hairs growing from it why doesn't she just save it

We'll get to the specifics then

A fine, as issued by the government, is a penalty and therefore has no connection to the actual cost (or 'damages') of what you've done ($50 for littering, etc.)

A company can issue a 'payment of damages' under the 'contract' (flimsy as it is) that you've entered into by using their services.

The key difference here is that the damages the amount charged by the latter cannot exceed the expected loss as a result of your action. Therefore, you can argue that a demand for $100 because you went past an hour's parking is far an excess of the damages resulting from your breach of contract. If you feel this is the case, then there will be a local tribunal/etc with which you can lodge a complaint.

The difference is quite substantial.


91 and just lost my virginity to a Puerto Rican lad
what are your opinions on this?


what about these private company mugs?

this is not entertaining.

That includes Sup Forums

Enjoy logging in with your real life identity (trusting your credit card details to new-moot).

But I don't want to go to work

Noticed these new threads are being made earlier and earlier recently. Everyone just calm yourselves down. 310 is the bump limit, there is NO NEED for a new thread before then. If I was janitor you better believe there'd be some changes 'round here.

Got to do a repost now because your embarrassingly premature thread posting left me behind AGAIN.

No private company that I know of has the authority to issue a fine. They'll try their best to appear like some legal entity, council or somesuch.

Know your rights!

You'll love this lad

Used to love doing this as a kid. We'd just roll down "Big 'ill" sideways for half an hour and get up all dazed and slightly bruised, but exhilarated.

Then mum would batter us for coming home all covered in shit.

he can't keep up with the thread anymore, haha

don't care, fuck off teenager

recently read on the 'ddit a totally true AMA about a 73 year old who still fucked his wife (who was 87)
interesting read
the utter STATE of britain
at least I can still pirate and watch facesitting porn on this disgusting shithole

>replying to a five hour old post in the wrong thread

absolute fucking spastic

need a hairy twat on my face

don't care

need a hairy matt on my face

they pressed. you blinked. it's over.

it's been over for awhile now.

It's so freeing to watch your body change and love it more as it does
•It's okay to step away from fixating on fitness to do other things.
•There's nothing wrong with losing your "motivation" to work out.
* It's beautiful to allow yourself to gain weight and truly understand that you're just as beautiful and wonderful, and probably even happier and feeling more fulfilled in your life overall
That's what I've experienced in the last 12 months. I credit my efforts in therapy, REALLY (finally) taking the step to face my eating disorder recovery head on, including my friends & family in needed discussions and support, and most of all freedom and flexibility with my eating and work out regimen. Let g o •&• let yourself l i v e

need a harry matt on my faith

we'll be fine and it won't be properly enforced

I haven't fapped in 3 days. Hmmm

Can you link said AMA

this aussie doesn't half talk a lot of shit


Are you on tapping a granny or something? :/

That's wishful thinking

there's way too many fat people around

source: this

good point get out of here fatty


aaaaaaa I've touched a fanny but never seen one irl


To dream
The impossible dream
To fight
The unbeatable foe
To bear
With unbearable sorrow
To run
Where the brave dare not go

To right
The unrightable wrong
To love
Pure and chaste from afar
To try
When your arms are too weary
To reach
The unreachable star

This is my quest
To follow that star,
No matter how hopeless
No matter how far
To fight for the right
Without question or cause
To be willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause

And I know
If I'll only be true
To this glorious quest
That my heart
Will lie peaceful and calm
When I'm laid to my rest

careful with the rudeness, MATE. You BETTER CARE
don't want to get reported to the police now, do you?

its not uncommon for normie girls to be so self-conscious that they won't do it with the lights on

My name is Matt. Not going near your face. No offence.

>tfw never touched a fanny or put my benis in one.

really would prefer people like that didn't post here, it makes me very uncomfortable

thought it would be obvious
fingered a girl once but it was underneath her pants so I never saw it

Never had any sexual experience since

haven't had sex in 6 years

Unfortunately a lot of the time it just seems like too much trouble

Don't even get started on warranties

stop calling underpants pants

alri matt

I thought it was the aussie's situation, but I wasn't sure
Not sure if I'd prefer that or no contact desu

45% of Sup Forums would have sex with a tranny if nobody would ever find out


unironically believe some posters here would invest in a RealDoll or some other advanced fleshlight robot
*touches your fanny*

Bit racist.

I want to try it yeah
