/fug/ - /fr/+/brit/+/deutsch/

need a 1980s french gf edition

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enough politics
let us discuss tonight's meal

i had a meal of buttery pasta, broccoli and carrots, and bacon and sausage all mixed together

was pretty nice

Navarin d'agneau printanier

Had a salade composée with chicken

isn't it rude to talk about your mother like that?

working class
working class deluding himself


Really line this general desu

I swear i ate something special !

wish i wuz british

you meant like?

I'm both (bit of luck can't hurt)

first german post itt


Yes typo

what about a 1990s english bf?

lucky you

mother or father english

>inb4 bonged

i like the german posts but it's better when there's less of you than there are brits and frogs

when krauts become a majority here they start lebensrauming and speaking in german and turning this place into /deutsch/ (happened a few times already)


post them

yeah that happens


i'm a rorke desu

French wife and German mistress or German wife and French mistress?

I pick German mistress. I'd have her dress up as a Nazi

French mistress

French women are just the mistress type of person I believe

>23 posts
>8 posters

the STATE of us lads
at least it's comfy i suppose

aryan wife for breeding, froggy lover for smelling her smelly arse and licking her toes

i want a brit wife and an oirish sex slave


think it means you're a son of a bitch mate waheyyy

Hey, appart from being a brit and a French I also have a bit of Alsatian blood...


All good choices

From what I've seen in the movies French women are better at being mistresses and German women are better at being cucks

yeah m8

how is this breaking anything?

omg you're the avatar!!

i am a breton so TECHNICALLY i have pure english ancestry

He will bring balance to le force

it breaks our hearts

Can I do this

Chicken, homemade potato fries and homemade mayonnaise. Delicious.

German wife and French mistress.



what war has your country fought that you reckon you were the bad guys or were kinda glad you lost?

personally I like how the yanks won their independence in their revolution, the founding fathers were good lads, I'm a bit of a yankboo when it comes to the early American Republic

feel free to reply good or bad thank yoou ^.^

learn your history lad
bretons moved from cornwall to brittany
which is why we share a culture with them, the irish and the sheepfuckers

can't think of anything desu

are you the radical centrist i've been warned about?

you can do anything if you believe in yourself

how do you lads keep your folders clean?
i've only been on the chon for nigh on 3 years now, but I already keep finding that i've accidentally saved the same image twice from different posts months apart, but couldnt see at the time because I have so many images with shite filenames

Not user, but always thought it was the other way round

WW2 comes to mind, it's good that Hitler was defeated, despite how Germany is now.
We should have won WW1 though.

The only war i can think if where we truly were the bad guys is the 30 years war, but we won it.

>are you the radical centrist i've been warned about?
>tfw above the profane bickering of both political sides

>We should have won WW1 though.
best timeline is the one where Britain, Germany and Russia are on the same side and fascism and communism never happen

Algeria war probs
We did some pretty bad stuff over there, although the Algerians didn't do great stuff either...

But communism already happened before ww1

it's a lot of work

Did it?
Wasn't it classic Marxism?

as an ideology, but had it taken over any country?

>where Britain, Germany and Russia are on the same side
One can only dream

fuck,i just realized that i've known you for years now, perser. that's really weird.

Paris you dumdum, and it was already really popular in the working class before the start of the war, while fascism developped from the bitterness of the losers/betrayed.

the 1st man in space was a communist


>you will never strangle your French mistress while you are sailing in your sailing boat out on the open sea because she threatens to tell your wife of the relationship and ruin your cozy family life

Just categorize them as best you can, make folders for anything you have a lot of images for
E.g. folder titled "animals" with sub folders "cat", "dog" if you have a lot of cats and/or dogs etc

One folder for frog and feels that has sub folders for images that include a combination of both, and angry/happy/sad folders etc for each of them

It's honestly such a mess I should probably start naming all the files

It's probably worth it though, searching for tags and getting all the images displayed seems like the dream
I might start tagging all my shit

the 1st dog as well

wtf I love communism now!

can't even tell which of them is the POW

I dont like this

Yeah, it is quite strange. You never really notice how long you've been here already.


probably the brit considering his neck wound

cba to tag literally every image in my folder
tried my best

originally I had them all named but it made me look like an utter gimp so I used a random name generator to rename them all a year ago

I was talking about the Italians, not the Germans.

wtf le pen what are you doing?!

i loved this film en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebellion_(2011_film)

criticizing what we did in new caledonia, 1980's
french title is "L'Ordre et la Morale"


Posting with meticulous system of file names is shit, I agree

Thought it really became a thing during WW1
Btw don't call me that, not nice

Resigning from the presidency of her political party because you cant cumulate that and Président de la République

>>you will never strangle your French mistress while you are sailing in your sailing boat out on the open sea because she threatens to tell your wife of the relationship and ruin your cozy family life
excuse me?

l'affaire d'ouvéa ?
>négocier avec des terrorists

>ce poster de merde

Sure, but the seed was already planted.

only ever fucked welsh girls

don't really know what I'm missing out when it comes to foreign women. bet it's nice though

>l'affaire d'ouvéa ?
yes, user
during the presidential election

Dunno. I'm even more of a centrist according to this chart but I voted for a party branded as """"""extremist"""""" in my country.

have you ever had a girl last named Morris?

Yeah that stuff doesn't just happen in an instant

>*insert easy to make sheep joke*

this is why this option exists
don't tell me you're posting with the vanilla site you absolute animal



nah, only a Davies and a Williams


Because America is weird
And the quiz is based on American politics.

Did you meet the parents?

Why is Italy poo ?

very nice
Sup Forums x settings are such a clusterfuck I never noticed that before

Saw some absolutely 10/10 German girls when I was getting coffee earlier. Jealous of you germanons

first one was a one night stand so no
second one is my gf of over a year so yes

NEED a british gf LADS

the so called "country" of italy

>german women

because of South Italians tbqh