A small island managed to conquer almost a third of the inhabited world

>a small island managed to conquer almost a third of the inhabited world
Really makes me ponder.

Good navy

Not really

Let's see here, they conquered: niggers, red niggers, poo niggers, asian niggers and abo niggers. That must have been really difficult. What a accomplishment.

>they conquered: niggers, red niggers, poo niggers, asian niggers and abo niggers
And now all those niggers are conquering you.

""""Inhabited"""" Apart from the asian colonies most of Africa had nothing but a bunch of tribes and Canada is an empty snowshithole

it was difficult and clearly was a huge accomplishment

made all the more impressive as it was in very recent history

>mfw swedes try to talk shit while being a part of a german empire

>>almost a third of the inhabited world
Only if you consider niggers, abos and arabs to be human

>t. got ANGLOed


>t. got Gallipoli'd


All right let's go through the list.

Fucking Abo's.

They had a somewhat advantage due to the terrain but small pox wiped them out.

Tribal's with no modern technology whatsoever.

Was half gone after the Maratha-Sikh war

Admittedly don't know much about this.

France's colonial empire was much better. imo

The most impressive feat was getting all of India under the bong boot. India had a huge population, hundreds of different states with distinctive cultures, some of which were very powerful and warlike like the Marathas. Still, the Eternal Anglo managed to unite the subcontinent.

The scramble for Africa was mostly easy for all Europeans, in most cases you just needed to bribe the right people and sometimes murder/exile the ruler and put his European-educated cousin in charge. The Brits learned how to empire in India; Africa was mostly a cakewalk after the Indian experience. Note how they secured Egyptian loyalty in WW1, how they defeated Zanzibar in half an hour, or how they carefully respected Northern Nigerian institutions while completely changing the South.

Americans should learn a few things from them instead of believing that everyone wants a liberal democracy and that all tyrants should be punished.

>Tribal's with no modern technology whatsoever
historical ignoramus detected

>Americans should learn a few things from them instead of believing that everyone wants a liberal democracy and that all tyrants should be punished
isn't this exactly they suck saudi benis?

>and now they are nothing anymore
really activates those almonds

>Tribal's with no modern technology whatsoever.
tell that to the italians

That's rich, coming from a roach

Ethiopians had modern Russian tech with them as well as 10 times the manpower in their own land. When they weren't supported by Russia, we won.

Very doubt even 10% of it was inhabitated

>France's colonial empire was much better. imo

They failed to populate the valuable areas (durr hurr let's just fur-trap and do nothing else), and got stuck with a bunch of nigger colonies in Africa. And now those Africans are moving to France.

Honestly, the French empire ended up screwing them more than helping them. If they had focused more on Quebec, Illinois, and Louisiana, North American history would have been very different.

>Americans should learn a few things from them instead of believing that everyone wants a liberal democracy and that all tyrants should be punished.

The USA has been explicitly anti-colonial since its inception.

We established the Monroe Doctrine, ensuring that Europeans don't dominate South America.

We kicked your dying Spanish Empire, took Cuba, released it, took the Philippines (which you owned for 300+ years), administered it from 10-20 years, released it.

We tied the Marshall Plan and other Cold War benefits to the release of colonies, which in particular affected the British w.r.t. the Suez Canal. We essentially spent the entire Cold War supporting the freedom of Western Europe while simultaneously retaining our ethical obligation to be anti-colonial, in the form of attaching strings to that aid.

We don't have to learn anything from the UK because we are not a colonial empire. They are the antithesis of our country's philosophical foundation. American history from the late 1700s has explicitly undermined them and all other faggot colonial empires.

and what a success that has been

Other countries are responsible for themselves. That's what self-determination is for, your success or your failure is your own. Ergo, I don't give a shit if other countries are failures.

Not that a convict nipping at the heels of his colonial master would understand

If other countries are responsible for themselves, then why did America
>establish the Monroe Doctrine, ensuring that Europeans don't dominate South America
>kicked thedying Spanish Empire, take Cuba and take the Philippines and administer it from 10-20 years
>tie the Marshall Plan and other Cold War benefits to the release of colonies
>spend the entire Cold War supporting the freedom of Western Europe while simultaneously retaining our ethical obligation to be anti-colonial, in the form of attaching strings to that aid

Because none of those countries were responsible for themselves at that time.

Can you not separate the historical Philippines from the current one? Freedom and poverty is better than slavery and success. Performance legitimacy is chink-tier, and so is ethnic nationalism. Civic nationalism is the only way to survive a globe that is inevitably becoming capitalist in nature. The moment the bust cycle of a capitalist economy occurs, performance legitimacy will see an overthrow of the regime.

You're literally contradicting yourself with every post
