>Used to have sleepovers with friends when 11-14 >Had a group of 4 friends that would all experiment together >Would tug each other's cocks and suck dicks >One time I dared one to lick my ass >Fingered and licked me while another guy sucked my dick >Came in his mouth
I still jerk off to those memories sometimes...
Anyone else have any good experiences?
Pic semi related, it's me.
Carter White
Jordan Robinson
I always enjoyed being molested(just groped) on the subways to and from school
Carson Gomez
Had sex with guys multiple times.
Luke Lopez
Went to an adult movie store that had glory holes in the back. Went inside a stall that had some guy on the other side jerking off. Jerk along side with him.
Carter Peterson
When I was in what is called ground school (first 4 years in Germany), I had a best friend that I used to play "ass games" with, which literally meant that we fucked each other in the ass. Later on there was a girl involed as well, though, so it was more of an exploration thing than actually being gay.
We just wanted to get our dicks wet and didn't really understand how it worked yet.
Looking back, it's a fact that I had anal sex with 3 of my male classmates at age 7-10.
Luis Hill
>be me >need to count money to see where I'm at on the day (at work) >pants I'm wearing are sagging a bit because my belt had broken >reach to get wallet >pants sag more >hand and now arm lost in the void of my ass pocket >!!! >I got it
>flamboyantly kick leg up and turn to look back in an attempt to use upper leg lower was to push wallet to my hand and grab wallet.
Must have looked like one of those loli pictures of a little girl in a bikini on the beach that you always see on here.... except I'm a grown was man. I'm a valet of a strip club on a busy street I'm sure many people driving by saw. I went home and scrubbed the gay off of myself in the shower for hours trying to find a way to tell my father that he can still be proud of me.
John Hughes
again This is between that story and my first gf
>gave myself prostate massages while fapping on the toilet >gave myself malt beer (european equivalent of root beer in the us) enemas and also shower head enemas while fapping >tried to fist myself with nivea cream as lube
Gavin Thomas
Tell us more.
Jose Barnes
When I was around nine years old my friend and I touched each other's dicks during a sleepover. Almost got caught and decided to never do it again. I still talk to him occasionally, but we have never discussed it since.