/rym&sonemic/ general: death of the bananaduck edition
/rym&sonemic/ general: death of the bananaduck edition
Other urls found in this thread:
What's wrong with detrimentalanesthesia
he thinks gender roles are toxic
likes music i dont
you tell me you deranged self viraling cunt
starved for attention irl seeks it online
false flag
t. detrannymentalillness
She's too based for the embryos in these threads.
Banana duck will NEVER die.
kinda baffling that anyone posts in these useless threads anymore
>tfw the trap isn't replying to your messages
Ellie is a literal goddess.
detrimentalanesthesia, RYM is not a social networking site. you care way too much about how people see you. your facade is completely noticeable. you're not more intelligent, distinguished, well-read, artsy, or patrician than anyone else. you're not self-aware, even though you think you are because you have the ability to forcibly make fun of yourself. if anything, the self-deprecation shows how little self-awareness you have. attention-hungry and pathetic. i advise deactivating your account permanently but i know you'd never do that because you're addicted to the cycle of endorphins that get released again and again upon seeing that someone commented on your page, someone added you, someone favorited a pointless list of yours. you're not better than anyone because of the music you 'like.'
detrimentalanesthesia is literally the most popular user in these threads and one of the most on rym, yet these butthurt 4channers say they aren't jealous of her, lol! Face it, she has more influence than any of you ever will.
This, she's the new AntiWarhol.
don't make me dab on a tranny
>you're not more intelligent, distinguished, well-read, artsy, or patrician than anyone else.
She is in the top percentile of users of the site, certainly.
adding random teenage memers that interact with all your lists doesnt mean youre good or popular or in the 'top percentile'
Ellie Is Dat Ploymath Woman, And Boi, She Bout To Do It! (BTFO Some Alt-Right Nu-Males, That Is!)
>everyone that doesn't like me is a babby alt-right cissy boy transphobe
keep being delusional
>everyone that doesn't like her is a babby alt-right cissy boy transphobe
Pretty accurate actually.
the only people i've spoken to that dislike her are communists
Lmao, that conversation is amazing
Forcing psued teenagers obsessed with gender to face reality (because I felt like doing so).
this is suspicious
no ratings no lists no wishlist
yet a single comment from detrimentalanesthesia
more like the new crystalbird
im the new thecrystalbird
Sent from my iPhone.
fake a hell fakeshoes, im just riceshoes im not the next no one Got it?saying shit like that is bound to get you bounded up and peed on by yours truly
Tfw you think 14 is too young to decide your own gender but you're 20+ years old and still trying to build an image on a music rating website
>two wrongs make a right
>damage control
>your first grader logic
>damage control
You don't seem to know what damage control it. Your argument is built on a fallacy.
wow, this is the worst thread on this terrible website. unironic congratulations
based bitch poster
this but ironically
I love these threads. Music is my life, and I love rating it.
Making silly faces on my 18th birthday (because I felt like doing so).
This. I use RYM daily and love it an all, but these threads are always hot trash. I admit the banana duck is kind of amusing though.
/daily/ BTFO's these threads easily. At least they discuss music.
they discuss normcore though
>unlike myself, who cares about only the nichest music :P
Put a bullet in your head.
I'm so excited for Sonemic, it looks for fresh and clean. I never realized how ugly rym looked until I saw the beta.
you must be really an embryo to defend the shit they love to discuss
Who says i'm defending the music they suck? You guys are both faggots.
and you're the biggest fag of them all for being here
kill yourself nazi
I'm sorry, did you just use the F-word? We don't welcome such pejoratives over here, so please, refrain from offensive language next time, okay?
these threads are hilarious because there are always underage teenagers unironically getting upset about the words faggot and tranny being said. it's really easy to tell they haven't been here for even a few years.
it's fucking Sup Forums. you know, the same site that's always on the news for being related to hate crimes and murders and whatnot.
this isn't the rym forums.
not about you btw i just remember recently there were people genuinely telling others not to say tranny and faggot because it was rude and offensive and brutish
you summoned me?
This is your last chance, sir! I am the moderator of these threads, and if you use a derogatory term one more time, I will have no other choice but to ban you!
ive been on here since 2002 just to let you know ;)
yeah in 2009-2011 Sup Forums was tied in with a few murders
people would post pictures of people they had killed then it would be spoken about on the news
literally just google "Sup Forums murder case" and you'll find a few different cases
it's what led to the popularity of Sup Forums during that time along with bomb threats and anonymous during occupy wallstreet
Simply Epic. I admire your edge and tip to it, my fellow longtime channer.
so cool you identify yourself with that we're all really proud of you because it takes a lot of balls
You must be 18 years old or older to use this site.
What's really good witcha, you already know, it's ya boy Ramiro
Had a few things I wanted to say before I hit the gym this evening. First of all, I just got out of the shower with my bitch Maria. She's 90 pounds, 5'3 and the has the body and face of a goddess. You know how I pulled her? By being the alpha male. Something you nerds don't know shit about. All you know about is world music and avant-teen shit, while I'm out there in the club popping bottles and cheating on my bitch every night with the finest dimes in Jersey.
Did I fuck my bitch in the shower just a minute ago? Yea, it was clutch, and that bitch would never cheat on a greek god looking specimen like myself, I give it to her so good. Don't believe me? Ask your girlfriend. Know what I'm saying? Face, pussy.
I am the most attractive man any of you will ever have the privilege of being amongst. I bench 240 pounds now and do 2,500 sit-ups a day. My abs are hard as a rock and my dick is the size of a cucumber. When I walk down the street I can smell your girlfriend's pussy getting wet. She wants to fucks with a real boss, not a chump change coward like yourself. Just playin, you ain't even got a girl. All you got is this thread. You play that shit, imma be playing with my girls tits in the club.
On the grind.
- Ramiro the champ
>tfw a real patrician and also yoked out
lifting is great, you should start instead of being a judgmental little gaylord
is this Sal's ego?
>tfw you remember when you were under 18
I clicked "see the photos" and nothing happened?
did you see the photos
are you going to kill yourself sal?
All these 4channers shit talking and making legitimate death threats to transgender people all because detrimentalanesthesia became a rym celebrity in less than 1 year while these embryos been droning antiwarhol and fake rating classical music their whole lives trying to get a mere follower. Sad!
they're not a rym celebrity they're a teenager with a contrived image based on music who self virals that's known of by like 30 people on a niche part of the internet
This, but unironically.
lol look at all these KEKS posting with my name. little do they know they actually doing MY JOB FOR ME!!
haha keep up the good works bitch boys
this may be the worst thread yet
every thread is the worst thread
This whole post but unironically.
`1`````` Dubs
imma Get dubs
Get dubs every day
Work is Flawed because it doesnt account for ppl like me,i know how to game the System that has been set into place for hundreds upon thousands of Years (Which were also made up by the rampant polictians who inforce there brand of Politcal correctness The paradigm in which all the Normals follow because the wool has been pulled over their eyes into beliving peddled down lies and fear the Punishment but if everyone had looked in the mirror for once and everyone in the entire world smoked weed there would be no government and humanity would devolve back into a Coca-cola zero world I have impersonated many a admins on these online forums to make my way up the social ladder and boy has it been hard work but the view from up here makes it worth it
i got the most clout on rym
i have teh most Gout
good pick bro
who even are you
is this legit bros?
not him (second guy you replied to) but ham has been here for over 5 years
the real question is
who are you
sure thing ham
the picture is okmalissa on instagram, not whoever this user is