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Music #742
Is there an updated version?
I don't get it
Really brutal music
Best rapper ever is white
Comfy music like this?
What's the ultimate music redpill?
10/10 rap verses
Why does a gay rnb singer attract such a cringey fan base?
Is Stairway to heaven a reddit tier song?
PURE soundcloud thread
Post a picture
Roast your favorite album ITT
ITT: Albums where the worst track is so obvious it doesn't even need to be said
I'm starting to realize more and more that I'm gay, music to help me cope?
What do I listen to if I love this album? I haven't found anything else like it
ITT: we support, follow, share...
ITT: Albums we Don't Deserve
"The person I spoke with was Annie Clark. You might know her as St. Vincent. [...
Chart Thread
Confession Thread
Top albums this year
Haven't found a better ethereal sounding rnb album since pic related. Anyone else have this problem?
What do you think about this correlation between intelligence (as measured by SAT scores) and musical taste?
Pleb bands
Thoughts and oppinions on this album and or band???
*car starts*
Collage 5x5 4x4 3x3
Bands that only existed to spread the communist mind virus
Swans Meme Market General
Black people music
I met a girl and I like her but she has shit taste: so is it possible to make a normie like good music?
Over 40 years of Hip Hop
Is vaporwave actually worth getting into?
ITT: bands people secretly like
Which Beatle was/is the biggest hack?
This shit has consistently grown on me since I first heard it ten years ago. Is there an argument here for best ever?
Dream Pop General
People only talk about this guy because he killed Euronymous and allegedly burned some churches...
Post favourite album and personal philosophy
More artists like Grimes?
What type of music do greasy high school stoners listen to these days?
What is everyone's most listened to artist ?
God Tier Metal Albums
What are some albums I should listen to if I like Pet Sounds?
Who the most avant-rock group/artist you can think of?
ITT: autistic things (probably) only you do: Sup Forumssic edition
The album that showed a world other than pleb music
Bandcamp Alternatives
I'm very new here. What's this place's general opinion on FlyLo?
What is the best live album and why is 98.12.28?
Joanna thread
ITT: Talentless hacks
Greatest Jazz Guitarists
Another Soundcloud Thread
Bandcamp General
What's the worst Classical piece of all time?
Hip Hop is dead. Stick a fork in it
Why did this board jump ship from good music like NMH and AJJ...
How many U2 songs can you name off the top of your head?
Favorite album
How do you feel about the fact that corporations have realized the best way to market music isn't through style, form...
KPOP General
Convince me that hip hop is worth listening to
Why is this the greatest rock album?
Rank them
What genre has the cringiest name?
Pro. Metal
Be Trent Reznor
How can anyone believe that he isn't Best Beatle?
Meticulously crafted persona that Sup Forums mistakes for lying
ITT: Good albums that sound like shit when showing to a friend
Enter thread
Mfw people are saying they're surprised and shocked by this turn of events
Post a Sup Forumscore album you don't like at all
Is music the plebbiest artform? it requires the least amount of effort to consume
How will kpop fags ever recover?
Post albums with city lights aesthetic
Its that time for a Lauren thread dicks
''genres you like but Sup Forums never talks about''
Why did PC Music die off so fast?
List your favorite band
Is this the greatest album of all time?
Queen Cardi
Hope Sandoval is undoubtedly the sexiest female musician ever, period
Why is David Bowie getting even more popular after his death?
Music for this feel
Do you ACTUALLY belong on Sup Forums? v1.28
How does this make you feel?
Generals killed Sup Forums
ITT: redpilled musicians
Artists you once enjoyed then dropped and had to stop listening to once you found out that were libtards
What does mu think of Ed Sheeran? I think he is genuinely talented for a pop artist
Name ONE (1) band better than Oasis
Lol according to rym this shit is the best france has to offer
Best Iron Maiden Album
Post albums that make you want to make music
Why is hip-hop literally the only genre worth listening to? I just can't relate to, or enjoy anything else
Why does Sup Forums hate The Mars Volta?
What does heaven sound like?
/gg/ Guitar & Bass General
3x3/4x4/5x5/collage thread
Remember Franz Ferdinand?
No one is writing angiush in music better than Jamie Stewart
Neofolk thread
What's worse to you guys, hipsters or posers? For me, they both suck...
Classic rock radio bias against Springsteen?
Post the album that got you interested in music
Sup Forums makes a song one post at a time
Whats the best music to work out to?
I've decided after nine months of this joke of a presidential administration...
Name a better pop album
The best bass guitar
ITT: 5/10 albums
/nmhg/ - Neutral Milk Hotel General
What are some good power trios? The lack of a standalone rhythm/lead guitarist never made that much sense to me
What music does he listen to?
ITT: you post a painting (or any piece of art really) and others recc you an album that sounds like the painting
ITT: times where Piero just didn't get it
Kpop general
This man's name
Opinions on stoner rock/metal?
What did he mean by this?
Music cringe thread, post your worst
Who is your favorite ex musician turned pornstar? For me it's yhivi!
90% of guitar students quit in the first year
The guitar solo on ''Time''
Wicked metal guitarz Edition
This is Boyd Rice. Say something nice about him!
What do you guys think of the new the fall album?
Anyone else feel like the world could really use slim shady right about now. Someone to call Tyler the creator a faggot...
Is this accurate?
How old were you when you realized that The Magical Mystery Tour was the best Beatles album?
Kpop general
What genres were invented in the 21st century?
What is some music both you and your parents enjoy?
Post an album cover, other anons rate it
Soundcloud thread
Describe Sup Forums in 4 words
When will you finally stop to resist and accept vaporwave as /ourgenre/
ITT: Talentless Hacks
Is Grimes too patrician for Sup Forums? Is her insanely gorgeous music too much for this board?
Anything else like this? It's immense
Kpop general
ITT: rank the songs in an album
Over 14
Killed himself on my birthday
What are some albums to listen to while drunk?
Collage 5x5 4x4 3x3
Had the looks and the talent
Post your
Is Rock Dead?
Is Kendrick Lamar an actual genius?
Do we like Death Grips ironically, or unironically?
Kpop general
No one is writing angiush in music better than Jamie Stewart
Can we get an Aphex Twin hate thread going?
Anyone else think Ryan Adams made himself look like a cuck on twitter?
Share yer stuff
Kpop general
What music scene do you think is next Sup Forums ?
Where do I go from here?
/prod/ Production General
How will Sup Forums react when Mangum finally releases LP3?
Name one good musician who's taller than 6 foot
Tfw you hear music in your head but can't create it because you can't play any instruments
I miss him so much Sup Forums
Tell me about your band Sup Forums
ITT: Popular Albums you can't stand
Holy shit. Can we talk about how good this is?
Best Metallica Album
What is punk?
/p4k/ - Nightly Pitchfork Countdown Hypetrain Thread
Yeah I listen to nirvana, they are my favorite punk rock band!
I forgot how patrician this song was
My girlfriend died a few months ago. Recommend me some music to indulge in both the pain and happiness. Please
Vocalist doesn't play any instruments
Kpop general
What are you listening to right now?
Opinions on this album?
What specific group of people have the absolute worst taste in music?
What artist are you waiting on to release new music Sup Forums?
Ok i swallowed the bite. what's the purpose of this cunt?
Chart thread
Emo thread
Alright Sup Forums, what are your big two?
How is it that every member of The Beach Boys sounds the exact same?
Name a better cover
/daily/ - "rest in palth" edition
Name a better mainstream pop song released this decade
Albums with drumming as good as A Love Supreme
Album has multiple untitled tracks
You guys don't actually like Temporary Secretary, do you? I've seen a few posts about it recently...
Thoughts on this Hayley Williams era?
Albums Everyone Should Listen To
Music (albums) to listen to while in New York City?
Greatest Jazz album of all time
Just picked up my vinyl after being separated for five years...
Post your AOTYs so far
I dont get it
Meticulously crafted persona that Sup Forums mistakes for lying
How obscure is your taste Sup Forums?
It's over lads
Itt: artist's worst album that for some reason all their stans love
ITT: Albums that garnered critical acclaim yet still feel underrated
What's a good record player for someone wanting to spend under £100?
Japanese Music
Rank them, Sup Forums
*deletes the goofy coda in Optimistic*
Is there a better pop album than this?
"okay guys, this is the last song for tonight, i want you all to get crazy"
How come this album is suddenly really popular again?
We came here to jam
Why do people who shit on rap as a whole focus on content instead of the rhyme techniques...
What's the worst review in the history of
Power Metal
Put you're library on shuffle and post the first 10 songs without skipping
What is the "IT AIN'T ME" of each respective war?
V a p o r w a v e g e n e r a l
Itt: attractive photos of female musicians
Is stabbing band member 23 times in the back back justified?
Is there anything this woman can't do?
Do you senpais know of other albums like this? Funeral by Arcade Fire
Post what's on your music player right now
Music for this feel
Bandcamp Thread
ITT: Bands that have literally never made a bad album
What do you think of Tool?
/jpg/ jpop general
Deletes the black lady song
What happened to all the good singer-songwriters who just shared whats going on their mind like pic related?
ITT: Sup Forums writes yet another song one note at a time
What is the musical equivalent of staring directly into the sun?
Dubs and trips decide the best albums of all time
Why is rap '''music''' so shilled here?
Can anyone recommend some rap albums for people who don't like rap?
This is dance rock, something you would play at a party with your normie friends
Itt: 2017s best so far
"I hate Bjork"
Song is shorter than 2 minutes
ITT: God Tier Rock Operas only
Soundcloud thread!
Post 2 albums with similar covers and others say which one is better
Ambushing the Storm tour
ITT: confession thread
ITT post 90s/2000s radio rock that was unironically good
This would have been the greatest super group of all time
So I paid this guy $600 to design a cover for my new math rock album...
Music players are Sup Forums related, what're the best music players for android...
ITT: Share your music. Give feedback to others
ITT: Bands you hope do a reunion tour some day
What do we think of her?
What music do pornstars listen to?
Is it the best album of the 70s?
Bowie Thread
Brian Wilson is a pedophile
Is music dead?
Where have all the good electronic new releases gone? 3x3 / 4x4 / 5x5
What is the most controversial opinion by the melon guy? Pic related
Yeah, it's not bad. I prefer CtoTF still it beats a lot of other 2016 albums
ITT: covers better than the original
Post what the average listener of an artist looks like
Link Between Heavy Metal And Autism
ITT: Sup Forums votes on the worst bands of all time
MDMA at a Death Grips concert
Which Germany produced the better music Sup Forums?
Lavren vread
Paul mccartney's solo career:
Kpop general
Overly Hated Albums
What a cunt
What the fuck is his problem?
ITT: post an album you like and others tell you why It's bad
Did someone rip the Panorama Festival performance?
As usual with Bowie, Blackstar (RCA, 2016), produced again by Tony Visconti...
I love hip hop and rap music
Opinions on classical music?
"weeb-on-Sup Forums"-core
Just found out Endtroducing was all samples and no originals
GOAT discography
Top 5 favorite rappers
Look guys he's playing fast
Has any band in history ever dropped off this hard?
Album is critically acclaimed
Cant rap
Trips and I'll listen to Lust for Life again and post a track by track analysis
/metal/ general
/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General
ITT: post an band/artist's best album
ITT - rank tracks of albums, ratings optional
Rym & sonemic general
Favorite Album and The Worst Thing You've Ever Done
/p4k/ - Nightly Pitchfork Countdown Hypetrain Thread
ITT: Hip Hop made exclusively for White People
Controversial Opinions
What music do muslims listen to?
ITT: 60s-70s artists who put out quality material in the 80s
/Collage Thread: 4x4 1 year artist edition/
Songwriting General
Upgrade my studio
What's good about noise rock?
ITT: worst years in music
Babies first "hardcore" punk band
Lil peep general
Obscure Music Thread
What music does the person who should've been the 45th President of the United States listen to?
Debbie Harry will never be your gf
This. Is. So. Farking. Epic
What should I sing for my American idol audition?
3x3/4x4/5x5/collage thread
What music matchs perfectly with this?
Recently listened to this, and quite liked it. Should I check out their other albums if I want more of it?
Has a record as good as this been released since 2009? I can't think of any
I have synesthesia AMA
Album covers with visual puns
What does Sup Forums think of one of the best hip-hop duos in the game right now?
Is this actually a good album or did it just get posted so often because people liked the cover art?
Will Grimes be the most influential artist of this decade 5-10 years from now?
Chelsea Wolfe - Hiss Spun LEAK
One of these threads
What's the angriest and most hateful album that exists?
ITT: hot female artists
New Soundcloud thread
At the record store
Looking down-core
Tfw born and raised in the UK but am Turk
Who's your favourite guitarist?
Post some stuff and I'll make a song of it
Why Does Sup Forums Hate Queen?
Women don't like shoega-
Do any punk bands exist that actually have good vocalists?
Bandcamp Thread
Do you ACTUALLY belong on Sup Forums?
Wtf I love Frank Ocean now
What are the best songs under 2 minutes?
/ae/ general - rare sean edition
Is Royals the Wuthering Heights of the 10s?
Post your 2017 AOTYs. no pleb shit allowed
Is he gay?
This is so fucking boring and pretentious. What exactly is good about this?
ITT: Most overrated albums of all time
It's another black rapper has 99% white audience
Listens to The Strokes once
Post the artist equivalent of every Sup Forums board
Mr. Brightside by The Killers has not dropped out of the top 100 charts since it's release in 2004
Essential "I'm not like most girls"-core albums?
What do you think it would be like if everyone on Sup Forums was suddenly magically transported into a bar?
Now that the dust has settled how does Sup Forums feel about this album and Tyler in general?
What's the worst music trend at the moment?
What are some other albums that marked the end of a band's creative period?
Collage thread
What do libertarians listen to?
I want a bad boy to do me on a friday
ITT:Post the most beautiful album that you ever heard
Self promoting
East Coast
Meticulously crafted persona
It's not really this bad, is it?
Hip-hop lyrics
Top 5 Artists You Most Hate
ITT: Artists who were/are the best of their genre. I'll start with an easy one: Jangle Pop
Meet girl
ITT: Bands ruined by kiddie fandom
I'm not black, I'm O.J
North Korea is PISSED and they actually have working weapons now and I live in LA...
Guitar music is talentless soulless shit
Kids react to your favorite band on youtube
ITT: god tier musicians that are rarely talked about here
Why doesn't Sup Forums like Tori? She has a cancerous fan base...
How accurate is this list? What changes would you make?
Albums from your teenager years that still hold up
Kpop general
Voters who say they'll back Donald Trump are more likely to be fans of Garth Brooks, Van Halen and Slayer...
Is he gay?
Inb4 "neither" or "X is better than both of them"
This man was attracted to boys between the ages of 10 and 15
Whats your honest opinion on weezer?
What do ugly girls listen to?
What to listen to while driving around big city in night?
Why is this guy the only relevant new rock singer right now...
Would you?
It's a numale musicians and a female singer/figurehead band episode
Why doesn't Sup Forums recognize her as their one true goddess...
Pop Rock
Charli XCX - Boys
What does jordan peterson listen to?
It's out officially today
What /mu thinks about eddie vedder/pearl jam?
What does Sup Forums think of the residents?
Itt: we kidzbopify death grips lyrics
How does Morrissey view his song "National Front Disco" now?
KPOP General
Best song on each Radiohead album
Kate Bush turns 59 today
ITT: Unpopular opinions
Ground breaking electronic music comes out every week
How much do you hate this guy?
Is there a more divisive album than The Suburbs?
ITT: we support, follow, share...
ITT: We rank every genre of existence in just one list
How do I avoid writing cringy lyrics?
What do pretty girls listen to?
Wtf, how was this made in 1966?
Is this not the best entry level field recorder out there?
Tfw 22 and going on my first date today
Lo-fi house is awful
Are they gonna be okay?
One of these
ITT: Albums whose art is so bad it guarantees you will never ever listen to it
Hip-hop was the last bastion of masculinity in music
Weekly Collage Thread: 3x3/4x4/5x5
Why isn't all classical like this? it would be so much more interesting and better
Chart Thread
Objectively the best album of the 70's. What even comes close?
ITT: Black artists who make music for white people
What happened?
ITT: artists and bands whose first album was their best
/prod/ Production General
Are Dead Kennedys actually any good? I used to like them before I got into punk music and now I'm just not feeling them
Thoughts on Marina Diamandis?
Bandcamp thread
Anthony Fantano
How did we go from this
Not a big fan of music. Only listen to normie shit. But why do I always see this pic everytime I browse this board
Soundcloud thread
"electronic music isn't real music, user. real music needs 'real instruments.'"
What you think my nigga Gibby listens to?
Tfw have visual synesthesia
ITT: Sup Forums certified pleb filters
ITT: Talentless hacks
What is the best kept secret in the music industry?
ITT: good albums with godawful covers
Sorry for being a newfag but what's up with the Breathless?
How much do y'all think has Hayley Williams' christian roots influenced her work and on-stage performance, Sup Forums?
Post what you are currently reading. people guess your taste in music
Kpop general
She's a big girl
*deletes everything except Garden Shed, Boredom and 911/Mr. Lonely*
Taylor Swift is a better guitarist than Jimi Hendrix
When did you realize this is the best Godspeed LP?
/phg/ - Post-Hardcore General
Give me your shittiest concert experiences, Sup Forums
I hate Bjork's voice so fucking much. Actually, I just hate Bjork
Find a flaw
Can we go back to the time where hiphop was not considered as music on mu
Why is David Grohl so based?
Mac demarco opinions?
This album is incredible
I hate Billy Corgan's voice so fucking much
Would you?
What's the best shoegaze albums for someone who's only listened to loveless
I got the job. I got the fucking job
Does Sup Forums like RHCP?
ITT: Post your favorite artist or band for each letter of the alphabet
Why does everyone on this board have such a similar taste...
Remember when Sup Forums had good taste in women?
/rym&sonemic/ general: death of the bananaduck edition
ITT: Post the edgiest album cover you can find
"Hey user, wanna listen to some narcocorridos with us?"
Why are Americans so fucking shit at making music? There are exceptions...
Fuck. Off
What went wrong?
What are some other cute sounding albums besides early Belle and Sebastian?
Album has more than 4 songs
Show off my taste on Sup Forums
Are these lyrics any good or just cringe
What does the guy on the left listen to? And the one on the right?
Anybody else impressed at how fast Despacito is becoming the most popular song of all time...
Queen Lavren thread!
Which band has the best screamer?
ITT: Post some of your own pleb moments
Has an indie darling ever fallen from grace so abruptly?
So why do music critics have it in for metal and prog? I don't get it
One of these
Kpop general
ITT: bad albums with amazing cover art
The greatest album of all time
What does he listen to?
Can you guys rec me some intense ass jazz?
How do I get into jazz?
Albums you love but you absolutely hate the cover art
Draw Album Covers
If at ANY point in your life, you have thought that Bohemian Rhapsody was the greatest song of all time...
Do we love her?
Post made up genres and anons recommend similar bands
Now that is has been out for all of 5 minutes, what do we think lads
MIA thread
Post essential christian-core
Is it possible to like midwest emo without being a faggot?
What does
Sum up your music taste in just one picture
Kanye appreciation thread
Why does it seem like no modern albums attempts to really capture the zeitgeist anymore...
Is Superchunk they only band they've ever signed that isn't overrated shit?
How could other female artists even compare to Grimes...
Is Joy Division patrician core?
ITT: alternate covers
What are your thoughts on this album?
Best album of all time
Pick one
Why do so many people on this board like nigger music?
ITT: Albums everyone on Sup Forums once loved but is now too embarrassed to admit it
Put on some rap
We are up next, against /n/, anyone watching out there?
Adam Ant
5x5 last week
Holy shit, this is so much better than Filosofem...
Post/rate/rec etc
Post your favourite female artists
Sd card is damaged and corrupting files
ITT: Scariest Albums Ever
Thoughts ?
Literally the only non-meme YouTube critic who used to analyze complex avant-garde pieces from the greatest minds in...
Does Sup Forums like this album?
Who's better?
Post genres that you immediately discard into trash
These two albums are grunge in it's purest, most raw form, and essentially what started the Seattle grunge scene...
ITT: Amazing rock albums with black musicians
How has your music taste progressed over the years?
Albums battle
Well Sup Forums?
Is EDM the trashiest music?
Arcabe Fire Eberythine Nao
This album is better than flower boy
This shit has no right to be as good as it is...
Bugs... easy on the carrots
Post Rock is just Prog Rock without much of the talent
Ground breaking electronic music comes out every week
Post your Player
Post some everysongsoundsthesame-core
What is the best '80s album?
I'm seeing a lot of shit out of the corners of my eyes, seeing things move in the dark...
Uhh, didn't this guy rape his wife? Why are we letting that slide?
Favourite rage song?
Guitar general /gg/
Why are metal and rock fans such elitist assholes?
Michael Gira will die in your lifetime
Why don't you like country music? Especially Americans
Last.FM Your Top Played Artists
Wtf I hate western civilization now
What was the first song you learned to play on a guitar?
ITT: albums women will never understand
/daily/ - cat edition
Ground breaking electronic music comes out every week
Will we ever see anyone like Zappa again?
What are the worst live performances ever?
You Should Know You're His Favourite Worst Nightmare!
Couple hundred years to future. Will he be considered as Beethoven of the 20th century?
Is that song good or meme?
What is the best alt-rock album of all time and why is it pinkerton?
Hayley thread
Prove me wrong
Tfw all metal bands except metallica sound exactly the same
Kpop general Chart thread
Is there a shadier, more powerful character in music?
Is he the most genius lyricist of this generation?
Just making this thread out of curiosity
Music for fast paced murder (aka fps games like killing floor)
ITT: Post an image and other will recommend you a album based on it
What else does grime offer
Why this album made ian curtis snap?
How do I into Black Flag?
Front man doesn't play an instrument
Go to omegle
What's the name of this haircut?
Bands that can never reach their peak again
Why does no one talk about radiohead on Sup Forums anymore?
Post your sign and your favourite album
Marina and the Diamonds?
ITT: we support, follow, share, and rate
New Fall album. This demands a thread
What do you think about this guy? what are your favourite projects he's been involved in...
What does your favorite album smell like?
The last song you listened to is playing at FULL VOLUME at a party you're at which is full of regular people...
Describe your music taste in 4 words or less
Dance music
What is your most played song ever?
There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who think Siamese Dream is superior to Mellon Collie
What's the profile of people who like 'extreme' and experimental music?
My cat ruined my dinner by eating out of my soup while I grabbed my glass of Milk
Soundcloud Thread
Name a more talented female musician
Be Trent Reznor
Weezer fucking sucks
ITT: Albums with openers that made you immediately think "Oh this is gonna be 10/10, innit?"
Name a better non-beatles 60's psych album
ITT: God-tier albums with shit cover art
50 years old
It's cool that you're into that kind of music user
I bet you post to /chart/ Threads
Songs that made you say "holy shit" upon first listen
What is his fucking problem?
Share Thread
ITT: Times Christgau was right
What albums has/mu/ been listening to recently
Death Grips are for autists and nu-males, prove me wrong
Who's your 'favourite' artist?
Best concert you've seen
In your library, do you have this as one album, or do you separate it into Niggas on the Moon and Jenny Death?
Post a pic of your player and talk shit
What does Sup Forums think of my new tattoo?
Just imagine if "Cartoons & Cereal" was the ending track to this album instead of "Compton"...
Top 50 thread
Queen Lauren thread!
ITT: albums people only pretend to like
When did you realize that "get some taste" was just faggot code for "like what I like"?
Post songs with killer bass-lines
Name a better vocalist than Bruce Dickinson
Bandcamp Thread
So what kind of music do you listen to?
Julia cumming needs to happen; she is the most interesting female musician to come out of the 2010s
Modern music is garbage:
Are the kinks the best band of the 60s?
Which fanbase is most delusional as to quality of their idol's music?
What's the best radiohead album? pic unrelated
Post your favorite album, book, movie, and videogame of all-time and r8 other's picks
When did you grow out of your contrarian phase and realise this was at least an 8/10
There are "people" on this board right now who have never had depression and think that they can understand music
ITT: Overrated albums
What are some good synthpop bands?
How many times until it clicked?
I can’t seem to get a direct answer from google would appreciate if someone can answer for me
Yo, this album is fucking trash, man
Does Sup Forums still care about Grimes? What is your favorite album of her and why?
I'm about to turn 30 wtf do I listen to now
Waifu claim thread
So I'm 20 and have no hobbies/talents/skills and finally outgrew vidya games...
What is the most perfect New Wave song?
Go to Pornhub
Poorly describe an artist and people guess who you are talking about:
ITT: Artists who have redeemed themselves
Post snippets using
*deletes Wake Me Up When September Ends*
Is anybody excited for this to drop?
Post shit you only listen too
King of rock and roll
ITT: we support, follow, share, and give constructive criticism
Soundcloud thread
ITT: post-punk bands better than Joy Division
ITT: Video games with great soundtracks
First week sales
How do I approach a girl that likes The Beatles?
Welp.. I guess that goes to show that Nipsey Hussle is not the kind of guy you want to mess with on an airplane
How many Sup Forumsssential albums do you think you've listened to?
Post albums where the first 4 songs are brilliant and then it turns to complete shit
Why do people love this album
Why doesn't Sup Forums like house and techno?
Why does Sup Forums hate dadrock so much?
Artist with a flawless discography
Is this the best Bowie album?
1. Name a gayer genre of music than punk
What does god sound like?
Is Team 10 the Wu-Tang Clan of our generation?
Is there a word for that feel when you hear a melody that's too similar to another one?
What have you been listening to?
/rym&sonemic/ general: death of the bananaduck edition
Which one should I get, Sup Forums?
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Godspeed releasing a new album in September?
He doesn't use soulseek
What's her end game?
Is this the greatest album of the 2010's or just the greatest of 2017?
Recent Purchases
/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General
Metallica or Megadeth?
How can white people even compete?
US: Jawbreaker, Richard Hell & The Voidoids, The Gun Club, Quicksand, Hüsker Dü, Fugazi, Days N Daze, Touché Amoré...
New to this board. Does Sup Forums like Anthony Fantano?
Whats your musical guilty pleasure
be chillin with some new friends, smoking weed in their apartment
Writes off The Lovers and TITP in like two sentences
Let me educate ya'
3x3 4x4 5x5
/shugazi/ - revival edition - Shoegaze / Dream Pop / Noise Pop / Blackgaze / etc
Do you think if Sup Forums had existed in the late 70s/early 80s they'd be having the same arguments about whether...
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New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...