Voters who say they'll back Donald Trump are more likely to be fans of Garth Brooks, Van Halen and Slayer...

>Voters who say they'll back Donald Trump are more likely to be fans of Garth Brooks, Van Halen and Slayer, while Hillary Clinton voters listen to Beyonce, Radiohead and Red Hot Chili Peppers

>Clinton voters are two times more likely to prefer jazz and three times more likely to prefer folk music. Trump supporters, meanwhile, are more than twice as likely to prefer country and metal. Diving deeper into subgenres, Clinton backers lean toward trance and ambient electronic, while Trump enthusiasts go for Christian country and rockabilly.

>When it comes to new music, Clinton voters are harder to impress, who mostly reported feeling indifferent when listening to music they've never heard before is indifference. For Trump voters, the top emotion when listening to music is happy. This is reinforced by the lower average scores Clinton voters give to new music, 6.2 out of 10 points, compared to Trump fans, who award new music an average of 7.3 points.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Trump supporters have shittier taste but are more open to new music


Trump voter here. I'm not a fan of most new music, but there are some exceptions. My favorite genres, in no particular order, are as follows:
>black metal
>screamo (real screamo, not Hot Topic shit)
>shoegaze/dream pop
>dark ambient

Source? what about for people who despise both?

t. nu-male

This I voted Gary Johnson and I listen to Depeche Mode and eurobeat exclusively

>black metal
>screamo (real screamo, not Hot Topic shit)

I see, this is also a cringe thread

* the actual study:


Screamo is cool, mate.

Screamo sounds like shit, but the rest is actually pretty decent.

What do you listen to?

I voted GJ and I listen to a little bit of everything.

Favorite Genre's being Psychedelic Pop and Psychedelic Rock

Broke: Top 40
Woke: Sup Forumscore

>implying Sup Forumscore and top 40 are different

country and metal aren't nu-male music, so this makes sense


That might go over well here, but shoegaze is utter fucking shit.


all i listen to is the smiths

I mostly listen to Sup Forumscore. Guess my political opinions

>here's how Bernie can still win

both candidates suck anyway so it seems accurate that their tastes would too

So Trump voters are dumb metalheads and christfags who would've thought.

r/metal is filled with leftie scum

so is all of leddit

Trump voter here my favorite genres are hip-hop and metal.

Disgusting, why are American elites so mediocre?

edge tier

Better than the techno shit you eurofags suck each other's dicks to.

>For Trump voters, the top emotion when listening to music is happy.
Really takes the dog for a walk.


Go to hell, you piece of crap, even Hobsbawn thinks you're a hack. Your critique of music is total bullshit.

decent taste

This study is 50% bullshit. I listen to Slayer AND Radiohead and voted for Hillary because Trump was (and is) going to be an unmitigated political disaster.

I bet it was engineered by a bunch of casual normies who don't know shit.

Christfags voting for Trump and Beyonce sheeple voting for Hillary are expected, though.