Post 2 albums with similar covers and others say which one is better.
Post 2 albums with similar covers and others say which one is better
>censored album covers
Fuck off
Slayer obviously
I haven't listened to that slayer album, but I know it's better.
>i'm underage and like being a contrarian
I'm mostly sure that those covers are based on something
Either way I'm pretty sure those two are not directly related to each other
>I'm underage and like hipster metal
>prefering Slayer to Liturgy is bring contrarian now
okay friend
I only listen to Le Tough Man metal >:c
t. low test
t. neckbeard metalhead with long hair
quit faggoting around numales
I'm clean shaved with short hair but okay. Why are you getting so upset over people prefering one band to another?
>liking Slayer's shitty groove metal album
way to out yourself as only in it for the image
>implying Liturgy isn't tough
don't let Hunter's appearence deceive you my guy, Aesthethica has nothing to do with "it's so sad in the woods"core
If you dont pick feelies then youre retarded
fucking weezer, come on bro
the great debate
Jesus Christ no, you are empirically wrong
Autrchre, no debate needed you pleb
the greater debate
what? how old are you bro
aesthethica by a mile
Are you implying I'm underage because I think Feelies are better than Weezer? Because you must be retarded if you are
no what you said made little sense
what on the basis of empiricism supports your claim?
Its a fucking hyperbole you god damn autist. Do you literally have aspergers?
>needing le tough grr manly metal to affirm your masculinity
lol really?
autechre by a country mile
akuma no uta hands down
Not including blue because I'm hipster
good man
it's Benji
hold up
Fuck you. Blue > everything else
misfits. napalm death is shit.
no? what's your problem dude i'm just asking for a little on your end
what do these pictures mean
It's an ampex tape box that it's based on, though I'm fairly certain Shellac is pretty influenced by This Heat, with the weird rhythms and all.
But I'd have to shellac is the better of the two. Both albums aren't the bands at their best, but definitely good albums. I'm leaning towards shellac since that record has Watch Song and Ghosts which have some of the best riffs in rock music history.
It's a fucking hyperbole. I was exaggerating how much better Crazy Rhythms is than Blue Album by saying that it's observably objectively better. I dont see whats so difficult about this
Live in Leipzig by far
King Diamond
empiricism isn't based on objectivity? please don't further mar this discussion with your attitude...
now what makes one who prefers weezer autistic?
Nick Drake
>now what makes one who prefers weezer autistic
This was never implied. You have 0 reading comprehension and are most likely disabled. Kill yourself you retarded faggot.
Interested, very similar covers and music. I tried to like TPOAL but it's just a load of lolsorandom noises. At least BF incorporates them into the music.
Bathory, by far.
Wow, he really does have aspergers
Should've been depression cherry
excuse me, 'retarded', then. your vulgar language confused me to an extent. now give me some push back with that word substituted
i really don't know! doubtful though
This is some next level trolling
Minor Threat
what? i'm really, really just trying to get the initial poster to give me some push back, and i've received nothing yet. to call someone who dissents from them retarded and give zero reason as to why seems more like trolling to me
The Queen is Dead
Blue Album
Rolling Stones
Transilvanian Hunger
Minor Threat
The majority of it isn't "random noises" though and in most cases they are extremely short. I will never understand this criticism.
The superior field.
>"vulgar language"
>trying to have an actual discussion
I think you may be on the wrong website
i don't know what you mean. i did not err
Scum, Earth A.D.'s production is beyond shit.
Minor Threat
really tough but i'll say this heat
neutral bling hotel
english settlement
pigface (haven't heard steel pole bath tub)
tri repetae
akuma no uta
parable of arable land
live in leipzig
black metal
minor threat
Yea like the part where there 12 straight minutes of random field recordings, very creative...
Slayer album sucks, but I can't into modern black metal.
1000 Hurts
The Feelies is too soft for me, I guess Blue Album.
Bryter Layter, Boris has better albums.
Abigail, them guitars.
>King Diamond
That ugly, horrible, voice
Only a couple of tracks from The Feelies stand out to me. Otherwise, it's a very boring album.
Then you literally used the word empirically wrong. Not even in the sense that it was on over exaggeration. You just didn't know the definition of the word you were using.
I'm sorry you have such poor listening skills
>"based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic"
The exaggeration is that Feelies are evidently better just from simple observation, in the same way that saying "a fire hydrant is blue" is empirically wrong
That's not "similar covers", that's conscious series design.
doesn't mean they're not similar tho
Lucifer, of course
I think you ought to read this
The clash are shit, truly
Tri repetae is more being than that. Why is this one olive green?
Elvis. London Calling is overrated af
It's the official digital artwork for the vinyl reissue
the empiricist believes he has good claim to knowledge if empiricism supports his claim. yet the predicate 'is blue' is still contestable on such basis
The Clash
Elvis is way overrated
the only good song on that album "Lost in the Supermarket"
>Earth A.D.'s production is beyond shit.
That's what makes it so good, asshole