Mac demarco opinions?
Mac demarco opinions?
the h3h3 of music
I have shitty taste, so II'm a big fan of it. Kinda inspired me to make more music and get into blues and jazz guitar.
This Old Dog is his most mature, and best, output.
Bland guitar music that exists to be easily accessible. No discernible style except light touches from dead genres. Easy to digest, but ultimately hollow.
I listened to his new album intensely for like three days before I never wanted to listen to it again.
Man makes chill music, but it's not spectacular. The people who think incredibly highly of him also listen to AM on a Crosley they got at Urban Outfitters.
that is an unnecessary amount of capos
lol. 2 is by far his best and most mature.
hes just goofing around lol
fun music for normalfags.