Mac demarco opinions?

Mac demarco opinions?

the h3h3 of music

I have shitty taste, so II'm a big fan of it. Kinda inspired me to make more music and get into blues and jazz guitar.

This Old Dog is his most mature, and best, output.

Bland guitar music that exists to be easily accessible. No discernible style except light touches from dead genres. Easy to digest, but ultimately hollow.

I listened to his new album intensely for like three days before I never wanted to listen to it again.

Man makes chill music, but it's not spectacular. The people who think incredibly highly of him also listen to AM on a Crosley they got at Urban Outfitters.

that is an unnecessary amount of capos

lol. 2 is by far his best and most mature.

hes just goofing around lol

fun music for normalfags.


That is not true no such thing as "unnecessary amount of capos"

explain this

its shit

great connection

Yea I doubt he'll ever top 2

Jimmy Buffet for millennials

He's such a goofball

Connan Mockasin is responsible for his entire career.

nah mac is shit but not that shit

Ariel Pink for teenage stoners


He's not bad but not great, his style gets boring and repetitive fast but he has a few good tracks. Annoying fanbase though.

I think his music is really great, and he'll go down as the best indie icon of the 2010s









who's this wacky fella?

Pleb: Mac DeMarco
Patrician: Kurt Vile

They don't sound anything alike

>patrician: Kurt vile
Stop this meme, we all know he's just as bad as mac

Video link please

Gonna be sad when he dies this year.

hes alright but his fanbase is literal bottom of the barrel trash

He's like late 30s and has been doing what he does for a 10+, he's not a memer and genuinely has good songwriting skills. Heartland Rock flavored stuff that isn't heavy on the DUDE WEED or MUH INDIE. Just songs without pretension.

Reminder that he filmed porn in front of kids

both make me not want to interact with a person who's a fan of them

I remember this

Didn't he record on his iphone some guy jerking off at a party, and the writer of the article was a 17 year old or something

I know the common opinion of Mac is he's just another bland indie guitar act. But imo he's the best in his class. It's indie pop chill whatever, sure... but it's gold in the sea of bland hipster clones. I think we'll look back at the 10's era, and this scene, and we'll look at Salad Days and 2 like era defining gems. Plus for me, he's like an icon of my youth, probably kinda like what dylan was to a lot of boomers (not a perfect comparison but you get the idea).

I like his music, it's simple, catchy, has a pretty nice sound and good for easy listening

Don't know any of his shit, but I have to say that anyone who uses kyser capos is seriously plebeian.

Pleb: Mac DeMarco
Patrician: Chris Cohen


Wut about Makeout Videotape

Yeah, that's correct. He got called out on a Reddit AMA and admitted it

i find him kind of handsome but i hate his personality

you give h3h3 a lot more credit than he's worth, and I'm being lenient with my credit to Mac

I don't know a single Kurt vile fan

He's just such a goofball he doesn't care lol!!