Why is hip-hop literally the only genre worth listening to? I just can't relate to, or enjoy anything else.
Why is hip-hop literally the only genre worth listening to? I just can't relate to, or enjoy anything else
You're just boring. Don't worry about it.
Might be because is the greatest genre of all time
because your like niggers
You a darkie?
> i like listening to niggers mumbling over a simple track
whatever floats your boat, dude
It's honestly the best groove based genre since dub music since it isn't as restrictive as the more dance oriented ones like funk/house/techno/etc. nor does it have musical restrictions that rock music has to put on itself to deliver similar grooves.
>these are the people that we're attempting to discuss music with
Kill you're fuc*hiccups*king self tbhfam
No I'm white lmao
maybe you're just a boring person
Were you raised by or at any stage been in contact with a darkie?
This isn't stopping or helping anything, just stop taking their bait and there's no reason for them to continue.
Man, I like hip-hop just fine, but it's hardly the top of musical experience unless you've got ADHD.
Stop being such a fucking racist. I can enjoy black music without being black. Maybe I just relate to it more. Maybe I just find rock music boring.
Because you don't actually like music.
It appears OP has contracted negroitis.
Literally this. People who only like hip-hop don't actually like music
>I just can't relate to, or enjoy anything else.
probably because you don't even like music, since rap has barely any music at all.
You're a pleb, plenty of you completely normal. Thank god i'm not like you
I can't get the appeal. Music that is too vocally focused is already not my thing, and the vocal style of rap is really grating to me. The only thing I like that came out of hip-hop was trip-hop because they take the one interesting part, the beats, and use it to make different music.
What about trap, now it's all the rage to have dope beats and filler lyrics that sound somewhat "melodic".
Trap is some of the worst horseshit I've ever listened to, it has no memorable beats, melodies, anything. It's gonna age like shit and be completely forgotten once the fad is gone.
Kind of your fault. If you only like hip hop, you don't really like music.
>Maybe I just find rock music boring.
So you think that hip hop and rock are the only genres there are? Why is it that when someone says that hip hop is their favorite genre, they almost always don't know anything about music?
Trap is simplistic as fuck. It's still years away from becoming something complete, and then start becoming something decently good.
Same here. I'm too manly or high test to listen to some faggot strumming a guitar while singing in the gayest voice possible, I need the most trill beats when I'm cucking white bois
I'm not that guy, but I like modern garbage rap, i.e. trap, way more than the garbage rap of the 2000's when I was a teenager/college aged person.
The music just sounds better melodically. Everything's kinda darker, too, with interesting synths,not just chintzy samples.
Just keep listening to non-hiphop until something clicks. Or listen to more left field hip-hop until your taste expands.
Or maybe listen some music with some spoken word elements, like Sleaford Mods - Divide and Exit or that one Bowie song called African Night Flight.
>Same here
shhh white boi, your wife's son will wake up
Maybe you're a darkie trapped in a white guys body. Maybe you should consult Tumblr and get them to validate your need to be a special fucking snowflake
Now go spend a year in the hood for the "authentic" hip-hop experience. See how much you can "relate" to the people there.
>countering Sup Forums fags with arguments
you new?
Oh, weird. I've been seeing that picture of this guy for years, but this is the first time I've seen it with the text that he obviously posted with it. Never knew.
It's not like some sorta edit to horribly make a point for someone's shitty politics, whose only argument is that people who don't agree with me must be ugly. Good thing his name is blocked out.
Hip hop is so boring and uninventive
>things black people think
Don't bother, no one on this board is brave enough to even approach black people in real life
>brave enough
What are you saying? Why would we be afraid of black people, user? Are they violent or something?
>scared of things that are dangerous
Maybe it's Maybelline