Music for this feel

Music for this feel

Other urls found in this thread:

>diagnosing yourself as a sociopath based on wikipedia criteria
Best of luck with the remainder of high school OP


Metal Machine Music


I know its cringy and i dont self diagnose or in any way belivie i am a sociopath

go back to listening to 21 pilots

reminder that you don't just become a sociopath at age 16, if you "stop feeling emotionsssss man" it just means you're clinically depressed

if you were an actual sociopath you never had emotions in the first place

Lossa roaches in this thread

I like DSBM. The screaming is so over the top that it still hits me.

I hate this board

listen to some dark ambient
kammarheit is a good start

leave faggot

>tfw settled for a 3/10 gf because I'm lonely

Music for this feel?


>tfw settled for 3/10 hookup because lonely
>tfw met a 8.5/10 really cute sweet girl and somehow convinced her to date me
I'm much happier now(I can't stop smiling)

I will

>met a 8.5/10 really cute sweet girl and somehow convinced her to date me
That's very nice to hear user, best of luck with your new ladyfriend

There are other boards for your totally real stories OP. Here, let me help you out:

i wish someone would show her this post

>Tfw settled for a gay man 20 years older than me who I think really just wanted a son because i'm lonely

post best DSBM albums with the screaming you describe, please.

She's fucking someone else on the side and using you for money