Music for this feel
Alexander Wright
Colton Jones
I hate this board
Austin Rogers
listen to some dark ambient
kammarheit is a good start
Henry Foster
leave faggot
Jaxson Brown
>tfw settled for a 3/10 gf because I'm lonely
Music for this feel?
Christopher Garcia
>tfw settled for 3/10 hookup because lonely
>tfw met a 8.5/10 really cute sweet girl and somehow convinced her to date me
I'm much happier now(I can't stop smiling)
Blake Taylor
I will
Michael Johnson
>met a 8.5/10 really cute sweet girl and somehow convinced her to date me
That's very nice to hear user, best of luck with your new ladyfriend
Lucas Ramirez
There are other boards for your totally real stories OP. Here, let me help you out:
Charles Adams
i wish someone would show her this post