How come this album is suddenly really popular again?
How come this album is suddenly really popular again?
how many fucked up remasters of Fool's Gold does the world need
second wave of britpop/madchester coming soon
She bangs the drums was in some teen tv show
I fucking hope so it's quality music.
Which one?
Me too user.
Best britpop albums?
Some shit my sister watches Riverview or something
The Holy Bible
Nah bro its gotta be Different Class by Pulp.
Is that American, are the Stone Roses getting big over there?
I think that it's getting some well-deserved recognition again. It's always good to see that people are drawing back to this album.
refer to
And I mean, does Parklife count? Because I know that album to heart.
Parklife absolutely counts (I was both of the guys you referenced lol), it is an incredible album, but desu I gotta rate morning glory above it.
Yeah I was at a festival over the past weekend and I swear that it was playing practically everywhere. Good to see, hopefully we'll get some more music like it.
Ah lmao, I love Morning Glory as well, just a little less than Parklife.
Suede and Elastica s/ts were great too.
Suede made some absolute bangers but i can't listen to a full album. And Urban Hymns is another quality album if that counts.
It was also in Forza Horizon but I doubt that had a massive effect
gave Ian Brown a decent solo career. End of
Are you OK user?
What a bunch of fucking contrarians
Definitely maybe or what's the story, there are no other answers if you like song writing