Thoughts ?

Thoughts ?

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what the fuck is this

this is some tumblr tier artwork

New nine inches nail album

This Isn't The Place is the best song Tront has done in a while


New nine inches nail album

I also like the distorsion he did on background world

9/10. Best material Trent has put out. He is at the top of his game

Mediocre except the first song. That's a good one.

Kek. Less Than is normie bet. Rest is pleb filter

Congratulations on being instantly filtered

>advanced self awareness
>add violence
>simulation on

can trent get any cringier

How is this cringey.

Less than is way to clean and predictable. Haven't listened to the rest bc that song turned me off to the EP so much.

Do listen to the rest. It's entirely different and unique. Less Than does not represent the EP at all


It's worth your attention

Honestly this release and and their last EP got me interested in NIN and I'm really enjoying exploring their discography. Year Zero is my favorite release that I've listened to, good shit.

Hi Anthony!

Terrible album loved by delusional fanbase. Even the critiques are grading it on a curve. 6/10 was too high for this uneventful album.

Normie or not, that song has a cool melody and a strong beat, unlike that piss poor last track.
The difference between me and you: I post what I like and I don't pretend to like something for cool points that worth shit anyway.

the last 4 tracks are the best shit i've heard this year and the best reznor's been in awhile

8/10 ep.

I really liked how they used compression to kill the background world off.

write up about it here:

>likes grimes
>wants to be taken seriously
How retarded can you possibly be

>hates grimes
>wants to be taken seriously
How retarded can you possibly be? Also see my trip.

So this is the power of Grimes

>Amplify chaos button is on
>Advanced self awareness is not


>self awareness off
>simulation off

bet he can't tell if he's dreaming anymore

simulation on, I mean, fuckssake

hope you guys all seen the video with the full machine

This is pretty good and the last NIN ep before this was pretty good too but nothing spectacular. If Trent would stop singing highschool poetry notebook level lyrics he wouldn't have to cover them up in this much fuzz. the fuzz is however a creative and effective solution

the odd number tracks are very good and the even number tracks are shit. not the actual events was much better.

>I don't know what art is
>everything is tumblr
shut the fuck up retard

no man, not the actual events was better. there's a quality control issue on add violence. these EP's are quite good, none the less. there's going to be a third and final one. he might kill himself.

can't believe you said that add violence is better than downward spiral, pretty hate machine, with teeth, the need to be saved.

>pleb filter
shut up retard

he can't seem to wake up. he should fuck evanescance and make a kid that can wake them both up inside.

>the odd number tracks are very good and the even number tracks are shit.
What are you saying retard

>everything that isn't jews eating horderves is too edgy for me and not good social commentary, now give me a god damned coca-cola
are you looking for a shekle or something? funny jokes though.


the odd number tracks are better than the even number tracks

The same boring shit like the last two records.

it's big boy music. what do you listen to?

oh he absolutely can, it's like you never listened to The Fragile. But he's still /ourguy/.

you have big boy taste you can't be here

