When I close my eyes I can see the color of a song behind my eye lids
I have synesthesia AMA
what do you see when listening to noise
do you ever get made fun of because of your hair
What does blue taste like? I've eaten a couple thing that to me just taste like blue. What does blue taste like to you?
Blacks , not enough high frequencies in noise to register a color. Although I haven't really listened to much so I might be wrong
I only have it with sound
Is the colour you feel ever influenced by things such as album covers or hearing what other people feel or not
I'd guess not
Nah but some artists do seem to get their album covers right
Others are way off
Is Loveless really pink?
Ah yellow tastes like lemon polish.
Blue is so sweet it's nauseating to me.
Purple is a little sour but like blue.
Red tastes like blood and cinnamon.
wtf this guy has thousands of views now
is he becoming an meme?
Everyone does that you idiot.
Look up what synesthesia is before you go on with your snowflake persona.