Death Grips are for autists and nu-males, prove me wrong
Death Grips are for autists and nu-males, prove me wrong
>HRRRRR DRRRRRR you're an autist and a nu-male if you like a band I don't like
i always get a laugh out of seeing pictures of their audience. it must kill ride that his music only appeals to white faggot hipsters
this is what i'm talking about
kek, nice quads also
I sense testosterone and VRIL when I hear them, even tho I'm not a fan.
Like they're reawakening and feeding an explosive and "irresponsible" reaction fueled by rage we have as men, long lost when we got tammed by our surroudings.
I guess nu-males would flock to it because deep down they crave this, but this doesn't change their merits on achieving this. Don't be a contrarian for the sake of it.
I can't
Death Grips is for nu males. First person I met who liked them was a hipster furry faggot and the second person was a weeb
The fact that you care more about the fanbase that enjoys the music than the music itself shows how you're a poser pleb who uses music more as a hipster fashion accessory to show how "intellectual" they are than actually enjoying the music yourself.
Get off Sup Forums faggot.
>all pics evidently multiracial and mostly proportional to the actual demography of the US
I don't get this, do you retards expect their audience to be comprised solely of blacks? The United States is still 70% white. This applies to artists besides DG as well.
Their music sucks as well fag. The fans just add to the shit show
And that's just wrong. I can't vouch for them as the most original band, but they are radically different from what else is big for a band with their degree of commercial success. It's an interesting blend of easily accessible """harsh noise""" and a genuine energy behind everything they do. I'd compare them to classic grunge rock; just with a more electronic, hip hop sampling influenced style. And honestly I don't think there are many other bands of the past 10 years that can testify to the batting average these guys have had.
You have to say IS SO LE REDDIT LOL LMAO too
What the fuck there are just normal things thrown in there it's not even subtle btw gp is one of death grips 2 great albums. The rest are ok I guess.
t. estrogenic faggot
I bet you 1000% ride doesn't give a fuck about what the audience looks like. All he cares about is the energy, which is usually absolutely nuts.
>prove me wrong
I like DG and I'm both autistic and a nu-male so I guess I can't
Death Grips are for lifeforms no longer interested in "humanity" or physical form. Death Grips are reserved for those in touch with both their primal and transcendental being.
Who the fuck is saying "i cant" posting your little faggot memes I'm here for the music why the FUCK are you INTRUDING
Sounds like that would actually be a very small percentage of the population.
I can't prove him wrong as that image encapsulates the average Death Grips fan
call yourself for a faggot for typing "autist"
How much death grips fans are there? I probably underestimate the size of the crowd when I think about it.
To get to what that user was implying, think of all the fans and a subgroup who lifts.
Well they're probably always gonna sell out a venue if they know how to book shows. I don't understand how lifting has anything to do with that new age bullshit was talking about.
That is every rap group who does shows outside of inner cities. Even NWA's audiences were mostly young white people. This country is only like 1/6 black so if you have any larger audience chances are they're going to be mostly white.
I think that your transcendental state often is your primal state. Think about a dog. It has no desire beyond its next meal. By some definitions a dog is closer to nirvana than most humans
don't lump in buttplugs and thigh highs with that faggot shit
yeah the whole only white ppl like death grips thing has got to be a meme, I mean most concerts are a majority white besides some RnB and soul shows, but even rap concerts these days are populated mostly by white frat bro type guys. The DG crowd was more diverse than the Danny Brown crowd, when I saw him.
I had sexts with youre mum
>lol your wrong cause youre girly haha!
Shut it. You let society control your actions based on what's between your legs, and willingly enforce this on others. I could go on, but millenials and the studio-ghibli pastel-colored ironically-unironically-depressed aesthetic are more redpilled than genderrole-cucks will ever be.
You don't have to defend me, I'm not a fag. Whatever shit you're talking about all sounds terrible.
I agree with op on this
I won some Ministry + Death Grips tickets. What am I in for?
>the system that has worked for all time in every single species that isn't microbial is wrong
What makes us human is that we don't have to follow natural instincts. We can make our own decisions.
who here seeing them in brisbane in a few days
It's shit like this that drives me away from Death Grips. Miles away.