What is everyone's most listened to artist ?
What is everyone's most listened to artist ?
I'm positive mine is either Paul McCartney or The Beatles.
Ghostface Killah
>the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Seventeen
>using last.fm
Seriously, why?
I've been using it for 7 years and I'm a bit of a statistics autist
The fact that
music in the car? vinyl? youtube/other websites for concerts and live performances??
I don't understand your post
I think he's listing things that don't scrobble to last fm
I personally listen to music from my phone in the car. I believe vinyl is overrated. Live performances are either one time watches or are good enough for me to download.
Pic is my most listened to artist, I really think they need to bring back lasttimer so I can see just how many hours I have of GYBE
>I think he's listing things that don't scrobble to last fm
It scrobbles from your phone, which is how I play music in the car. 99.99% of my music listening is scrobbled so idk what he was getting at
Yes I said the same thing, of all things to criticize about last.fm that's not where I'd go.
i was the same, literally never listened to stuff on youtube cause i wanted everything to be counted
so glad i got over that
It has nothing to do with farming scrobbles, why the fuck would I listen to music on youtube ?
i dont want to have to go through downloading then deleting something to see if i like it, ill just skip that step and listen to it first
is that the fucking ultimate showdown guys
Could be worse desu