Best Iron Maiden Album

What album do you think is the best? Tell people about it and stuff

Seventh Son, Somewhere in Time and Killers are the most consistent in my opinion, but all their first 7 albums are great and much better than everything else.

Their shortest one

You really can't go wrong with any of the first seven records, but Piece Of Mind is probably my favorite.

The debut

Number of the Beast - their first album with Bruce Dickinson. They still had some leftover "punk" rawness from the first two albums but it was a little more refined. The songs are catchy and this is the album that defined their sound without going too power metal dungeons and dragons like some of their other albums.


Paul > Bruce

I like the one with Eddy on the cover

Somewhere in Time.

I think they were at their peak as far as songwriting goes here.

The sound on Killers and Number of the Beast are great, though.

Tough call. I love the 1st four albums. Saw every tour from Number of the Beast up to Brave New World many times and a few there after. (Saw Powerslave 4 just worked out that way). But I would say Piece of Mind. Top to bottom great songs and fantastically mixed. And it was by far the best tour of those I've seen.

>Paul > Bruce

memester contrarian.

It's not really contrarian though, Paul is a great vocalist and liking him better is perfectly understandable. If he said Blaze is better he'd deserve to have his shit slapped though.

I actually really like Brave New World. Criminally underrated.


Powerslave is their best no doubt


unironically X Factor desu, Criminally underrated because of "MUH BRCUE, NO BRUCE WAH WAH WAH"

I'm aware Bruce is generally a much better vocalist, but just claiming X Factor sucks and entirely has no other merits a tall because Bruce left is bullshit. The X Factor matches Blazes vocals anyway.

It's weird because the X-factor kind of is both terrible and fantastic at the same time

Killers>Somewhere>Powerslave>s/t>Piece>Number>BNW>AMoLaD>Seventh Son>FotD>Book of Souls>No Prayer>Dance>Frontier>X Factor>Virtual XI

How i'd personally rank the Maiden albums although on second thought i'd switch Self Titled and Somewhere In Time.

Powerslave, Somewhere in Time and Seventh Son are my favourites I think.

Iron Maiden and Killers are great too, but they're different from the Bruce/Blaze albums. They're more of a Mad Max-style 1980 punk metal style. They're great albums in their own right.

I didn't care much for AMOLAD the first time around, but I've been listening to it again recently and it's really grown on me. I thought The Book of Souls was good as well.

I think my least favourite Maiden album is probably Brave New World. I always found it to be a bit weird. Ghost of the Navigator is a brilliant song, clearly the best on the album and up there with some of their late 80s tracks. But the rest of the album felt like they were trying to appeal to the Slipknot/Korn generation. Bruce still had a bit more strength in his voice which he may not have now, but yeah - didn't really care for the album.

Also, why do so many Maiden tracks now have the song slowing down at the end and Bruce singing a single, slow line to end the song?

Somewhere in Time
Seventh Son
Piece of Mind

in that order

How's it terrible?

It's a great album, easily the best from their last 20 years

Really, dance of death last?? It has some good moments like Dance of Death, Face in the Sand and Paschendale, more than NPFTD at least.

Although, I'm quite happy to see somebody put X factor quite high, it's really underrated, and Piece of mind quite a bit lower than usual, it's really overrated.


I still like it it's got great songs on their, Dance Of Death, Paschendale and Journeyman and in retrospect it's ahead of no prayer for the dying tb h.

>their first 7 albums are great and much better than everything else.
fuckin a, i like killers alot but its impossible to pick a best of those first 7. i like bruce alot more than dianno

also this, it really is a good album. dance of death is pretty fucking good too



why is the order suddenly messed up after 7th son

anyhow 1st maiden is the best from start to finish
& the rest of the 80s arguably have better tunes but each one has some filler

>Piece of Mind THAT low
shit taste

Varg's favorite metal album of all time is Somewhere in Time, just in case you ever wanted proof he's not totally sane.

good choice desu

>just in case you ever wanted proof he's not totally sane.
how dare you varg is based

bad taste've convinced me, the rest of the 80s albums have arguably worse tunes,,,

I'm probably in the minority, but A Matter of Life and Death is my favorite. I love how epic the songs were (for lack of a better word)

For what it's worth, I agree with this.

Number of the Beast
Iron Maiden
Piece of Mind
Who gives a fuck after those?

It's a tie between Killers and Number of The Beast for me!

Bad opinion, You're missing out on allot of good material.

I checked out the other stuff, but it was all kind of samey. The just kept releasing the same album over and over. Bruce's voice gets annoying to me after a while. Strained caterwauling at the very edge of his range.

itt: minimalist album covers

how dare you