Seriously. The fucking covfefe thing was all over the internet within an hour of Trump posting it. Chance making a typo wouldn't get that kind of attention ever.

depends on if he means people will actually like and follow what he says or care in general

the latter is a massive no
kill yourself my man your loyalty has left you blind to dope wordplay

>all over the internet
It's literally a new word that exists now and it's in most people's head forever. No one has that reach, Obongo didn't have that kind of reach and he has more than double the twitter followers (most are fake but still).

Why do so many musicians (or celebrities) have this savior/Christ complex? It's especially bad with rappers nowadays like Kendrick and Chance. Is it narcissism caused by fame or something?

These American negroes are sure getting uppity all of a sudden...
Can i get a quick rundown?

is this guy really trying to pull the fake Twitter follower thing in defense of Trump

Maybe because our culture makes them larger than life and incredibly wealthy for their low-effort "art"

I'm not defending Trump of anything you idiot. I'm stating facts.

They probably feel some obligation to make everything better for their communities.

American culture does this to people, I mean look at our fucking president you can't find a greater example of a celebrity with delusions of grandeur.