What do you think of my travelling plans?

What do you think of my travelling plans?



Returning to your homeland or what?

You ain't going through Hungary nigga.

You step on Czech soil,
I will only feel recoil.

are you going to enlist in ISIS



Why are you so freaking loser?

Why you no english?

vague route but the countries are set

What do you think of my travelling plans?

Why America men not cerebrate Easter?

japan has such ugly women no one wants to visit it

>said Russian
I acept.

our women are pretty unlike yours

That is a man.

Refugee/10 better have a good contact in Libya.

He's going back home for the holidays bros.

retard, you're supposed to go via italy

Maybe an Australian man

braisee dengriii :DDDD

thought I'd go on a bit of a romp this summer buds
